Hello from southeast Texas...pics added


Power Conserver
Feb 6, 2013
Reaction score
Southeast Texas
hello everyone...I just joined and thought I'd introduce myself.

I don't remember precisely what I was searching for when this website popped up, but it probably had something to do with DIY, Homemade Something or Other, Homesteading, or Self-Sufficiency. Close enough? :)

I live on 3.75 acres in the city, in a hundred year old farmhouse which was built by my great-grandfather. After living many years in a large metropolitan city (in a zero lot line house), I returned to my hometown a few years ago to take care of my elderly parents. My 91 year old mother still lives independently next door to me. I've been married less than four years, having met and married my husband after I moved here. His desire to "live off the land" is rubbing off on me. I guess my homesteading genes are being awakened!

We have a mature pecan grove and wonderful sandy loam soil for gardening. We already had pecans, figs, pears, dewberries and blackberries, but my husband planted a large garden and is gradually adding a small orchard. So far we have planted about 30 of the planned 70 or so trees, including mulberries, pomegranates, satsumas, oranges, lemon, loquat, dragonfruit, more figs, avocado, pumelo, grapes, and much more than I can think of right now.

Our pecans produced very well the last couple of years, and after finding a multitude of uses for our own purposes (including nut milk and pecan oil), I actually made a few sales, too.

We planted two banana plants, and this year we had our first crop...7 stalks of bananas...that is a LOT of bananas. Eat, freeze, dehydrate, freeze, make banana bread, eat some more, give away some, make more banana bread, eat more, give more away, freeze, dehydrate, eat more...are we done yet? :rolleyes:

I built raised herb beds that include basil, thyme, lemon balm, several varieties of mint, bay, oregano, sage, marjoram, parsley, chives, rosemary, lambs ear, catmint, cilantro. I discovered lots of wild edibles, and have been studying what is already here on the property that is edible. Some things I know are edible, but I haven't tried yet.

We don't have any farm animals yet, but intend to add chickens in the near future.

Canning and preserving became a necessity, so I had to learn. I also discovered that I enjoyed it and I'm good at it!

We are eating better--less processed food, fast food or eating out; and more fresh fruit and vegetables, and meals cooked from scratch.

Being a stay-at-home wife is new to me...having worked my entire adult life (and that is a long, long time!). I've discovered I enjoy this life, and we are working hard to be thrifty so I can stay at home. I like finding ways of doing things myself, either making something new, or repurposing something old, instead of running to the store to buy something. There aren't enough hours in the day to do everything I want to do.

Thanks for having such a nice forum. I've been looking around and it looks like a nice bunch of folks hang around here and contribute lots of good info!


Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
:welcome, Jill. Sounds like you've made a good start. I'm curious, given your screen name, do you like to canoe?


Power Conserver
Feb 6, 2013
Reaction score
Southeast Texas
Thanks everyone! And yes, my screen name is because of my hobby. I like to canoe and have been on rivers all over the Southeast, mostly Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, and Arkansas, but a few other places, too. That's even how I met my husband. Even better, he surprised me with a marriage proposal on a group trip with friends by standing on the river bank with a giant sign Will You Marry Me? so I would see it as I paddled by. Of course, I said YES! We were in Missouri, on the Current River, and they have no waiting period, so we got married the NEXT DAY!



Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
:welcome This is a very friendly crowd and we will be glad to help you any way we can. I have learned so much on SS. I now have a grain mill and I mill whole wheat flour and then make bread from it. it is soooo good! I would have never thought of it had I not found SS. You are blessed to have such a fine orchard already in place, and plans to add to it are wonderful!

I don't have any pecan trees, but went to a vacant lot down the street and picked up tons of the native pecans this (last) year. I make my great-grandmother's roasted pecans that are so yummy, I will share the recipe with you.
1. Iron skillet
2. One stick real butter
3. Quart bag of pecan halves
4. Low-medium heat
5. Stir pecans constantly over low heat until they are browned. Take a couple out, cool and taste test.
6. Pour into bowl and salt while hot. The butter melted to the pecans will make the salt stick.
7. Let cool and then try not to eat them all!

If you are going to get chickens, join BYC and study the predator and coop section. That's what I did and then I built a very strong coop and run. Even though I live in town, we still get raccoons and possums and other varmits. And I have a Great Pyrenees that was given to me because she kills chickens. Because of BYC, I have had no losses.

If you have not joined the easy garden, link at bottom of page, join that forum too! Lots of good garden info and friends there!

So glad to have you here!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Great! Another person that loves to go canoeing! :ya My friends and I love to go kaynoeing. (They have kayaks, I have a canoe, so kaynoeing it is. :D) Main places I go are around here. But, every time I go past a nice looking river when I'm on a trip, I'm looking at it wondering how it would be for canoeing.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
:welcome !!! Sounds like you're pretty SS already :) That's cool!!!


Power Conserver
Feb 6, 2013
Reaction score
Southeast Texas
Denim Deb said:
Great! Another person that loves to go canoeing! :ya My friends and I love to go kaynoeing. (They have kayaks, I have a canoe, so kaynoeing it is. :D) Main places I go are around here. But, every time I go past a nice looking river when I'm on a trip, I'm looking at it wondering how it would be for canoeing.
I have friends who kayak, too, so I won't hold that against you! haha! I almost give myself whiplash trying to see down to the water whenever I drive over a bridge. I've been known to make u-turns to go see if there is a way to get down there to put a boat in!

We like the silent sports! Canoes (and kayaks) don't make any noise...and they don't require gasoline or a motor. They aren't destructive to the environment and don't pollute. "Real" boaters don't need motors! I stole that line from a bumper sticker I saw. Actually, we mostly enjoy the quiet, the solitude, and seeing birds and wildlife.
