Hello from the Rocky Mountain West!!!


Sustainable Newbie
Oct 4, 2021
Reaction score
Hello there, I am a wife & mother of 2 great young boys. My husband and I are sort of "preppers" and are currently just working on sustainability for probably many of the same reasons the rest of you are. We have the added difficulty of that I am severely disabled but that also means that I am one of the most vulnerable populations when SHTF!! Anyways, I look forward to learning a lot here and applying some of it to my own daily life.

Current skills & interests include: self-sustainable food security (i.e. farming, gardening, butchering, canning, foraging, hunting and fishing!)
Fiber Arts & Textiles- one of my very few useful skills as a disabled person. I currently sew & crochet. Will be trying my hand at knitting and leather work in the future. I would even try spinning, weaving and embroidery if I had the time & space.
OFF GRID ELECTRICAL- this is a big one(!!) Solar power, wind power, hydroelectric, any other thing under the sun... me & Matt wanna learn it all! Nothing is off limits in the even of EMP Attacks!!
Aaand Ethical Stockpiling- I throw the term "ethical"in there bcuz while I want myself, my family, and even some of my neighbors to be safe & healthy in the event of an emergency, I do NOT believe it is okay to HOARD necessary resources like a jackass 🙄 (Citations: see the US toilet paper crisis of 2020- dont be that guy😂)

Thanks for having me!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Hi @NikkiSavage137 ! I'm happy you found us. I am disabled too, although recently have been enjoying being more functional and able.

I agree that people with disabilities have to prep more carefully than the general public. Its work!


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 16, 2021
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula
Hello there, I am a wife & mother of 2 great young boys. My husband and I are sort of "preppers" and are currently just working on sustainability for probably many of the same reasons the rest of you are. We have the added difficulty of that I am severely disabled but that also means that I am one of the most vulnerable populations when SHTF!! Anyways, I look forward to learning a lot here and applying some of it to my own daily life.

Current skills & interests include: self-sustainable food security (i.e. farming, gardening, butchering, canning, foraging, hunting and fishing!)
Fiber Arts & Textiles- one of my very few useful skills as a disabled person. I currently sew & crochet. Will be trying my hand at knitting and leather work in the future. I would even try spinning, weaving and embroidery if I had the time & space.
OFF GRID ELECTRICAL- this is a big one(!!) Solar power, wind power, hydroelectric, any other thing under the sun... me & Matt wanna learn it all! Nothing is off limits in the even of EMP Attacks!!
Aaand Ethical Stockpiling- I throw the term "ethical"in there bcuz while I want myself, my family, and even some of my neighbors to be safe & healthy in the event of an emergency, I do NOT believe it is okay to HOARD necessary resources like a jackass 🙄 (Citations: see the US toilet paper crisis of 2020- dont be that guy😂)

Thanks for having me!
Howdy and welcome!

What kind of livestock do you have, and how old are your boys?

I have 5 boys, ages 13 to 23.

I used to have a bunch of livestock, but over the years keep paring down and now only have chickens.