Super Self-Sufficient
Hello all just landed by way of Back Yard Chicken forum. Just wanted to intoduce myself and say hello. My husband and I with our 3 children currently reside in Southern Ca. We live on two acres and I live a double life. 
Most of my friends have thought I was a little weird, up until now that is. I sew, cook, can, garden, have chickens and love to bake my own bread. Some day my dream is to live way out in the country somewhere with the ability to raise my own animals etc... Countryside is my favorite Magazine in the world. I hope to learn a ton from all of you.
Anyways, thanks ahead of time. Gina
Most of my friends have thought I was a little weird, up until now that is. I sew, cook, can, garden, have chickens and love to bake my own bread. Some day my dream is to live way out in the country somewhere with the ability to raise my own animals etc... Countryside is my favorite Magazine in the world. I hope to learn a ton from all of you.
Anyways, thanks ahead of time. Gina