Hello to all from VA

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Been on Backyard Chicken and found reference to this forum -- great place for me and your good ideas. Have a small farm in Franklin, VA, that's about 50 miles SW of VA Beach and just above the NC line.

I have always wanted to be a "farmer" like my grandparents in WV, who were just regular old homesteaders as it turns out! They didn't "farm" as in raise crops or livestock to sell but, have a few acres where they were self sufficient by gardening, hunting, chickens, a pig, occasional cow to milk, canned, dried, cellared their own and animal feeds for the year. No electric, running water, wood heat & cook stove etc. Yep, lived in that proverbial "hollar". When going to visit from VA (my dad was in Navy, so we were in Norfolk) we always went by the coal mines and my passion was horses -- those little coal mine ponies were heaven to me !

So, I blame all that on the reason I still have 29 miniature horses (ok, retirees but they kept my farm paid up when young, breeding & showing, so I am making sure they are cared for forever). Now on my 3rd "farm" and this one is only 15 acres but more than I need most days. The horses ain't the only one retired! I do still work PT. Make goat milk soap for use & sales at bazaars, markets, etc. But, the hope that I can one day "Just stay home" is always on my mind.

To that end I am working hard to make the farm as totally self-sufficient as it can be. So, chickens feed and with eggs sold to offset what feed I buy. They free range and coop closed at night for protection. (Darned opossum & fox).....milk goats provide waaay more than enough for own milk, yogurt, cheese, etc. for me, chickens, dog, cats, piglets (arriving soon!) My farm is primarily pastures -- no chemicals -- rotate stock through them.

Raised some things for animal feeds this yr as a tryout...expanding that next yr to provide more of their winter forage & grains. Working with things that can be hand harvested, easily stored, used. Also hope to add some cutting flower beds next Spring for general sales Have soaps in some beauty shops & they will also welcome flower sales -- plus some of the farmer-markets.

That's life here ......I'm reading about many of yours and enjoying them all!!
Likeminded people -- and it amazes me how some people don't know where their food comes from, how to grow, how to save and what the chemicals are doing to the population! I plant extra each year as I'd rather feed a few bugs than eat the GMOs, chemical sprays, hormone meat, and unknown additives in the foods today. Must work, I have no health issues, no meds.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
Reaction score
just saw your post from back on sept. 2nd. welcome!! lots of really nice and knowledgeable folks willing to share their ideas. I'm retired too and like you can't imagine how people have become so disconnected from their own food sources. i have dairy goats, meat goats, hair sheep, chickens, ducks and rabbits and a garden. i just sent a steer to freezer camp last week too. all of which gives me a varied and healthy diet. i have had horses from the time i was 12 until just this last summer and truly miss their presence. I've thought about getting a mini just to have around and or maybe with a cart. not like i need to have another mouth to feed and knowing there is a difference between wants and needs i haven't made up my mind yet. again welcome and i'll look forward to reading your adventures.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Same here. Don't know how I missed it. :welcome


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
I thought I had posted a welcome to you; I remember reading your original post and saying "Wow, 29 mini horses!"

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