
wYs Ranch

Enjoys Recycling
Nov 12, 2010
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My screen name is Sillychicken at BYC, but I'm using my farm name here and on BYH. It means "Watch Your Step Ranch"! Mostly stems from having pooh around, but it can be taken other ways too. ;)

MY DH and I have been slowly trying to remove ourselves from relying on stores for our food. Partly cause we don't like whats in it, and because it costs so much! And we like to be .... prepared. If one of us losts our jobs, it would be one less thing to worry about.

Currently we can all our veggies from the garden, and we can venison (I do all the hunting, DH isn't as dedicated to it as I am) We started this spring with chickens that are dual purpose. The eggs are great and the 8 hens (2 roos), already produced about 30 chicks for me this summer. The roos and undesired hens will go to canning camp! Canning doesn't require ele to store so we're moving away from the freezer as much as we can. (Did I mention that my DH does all the canning!) This weekend we're going to get enough rabbits/supplies for a small rabbitry. The rabbits will be in the chicken runs. There are some good posts in the rabbit section on here which have been helpful!

We've got meat and veggies covered..... now on to dairy!
I originally wanted Yaks, but they may be cost prohibitive at this time. So I'm looking for options of either goats or maybe a jersey cow or mini (again cost prohibitive) for milk, butter and cheese making.

I am also looking into a living fence to put up around my 10 acres. I am going to use Osage Orange since it's abundant in my area. Not only is it well suited for fencing, but the wood is great for making posts, and other projects, like handles etc. Not sure about burning qualities. I'm not as concerned to use it for keeping my livestock in as undesireables out (will be a few years before it would be "secure" anyway).

The only other things I can think of we need is natural remedies and power/heating needs.. we're still on the grid for this one! oh and a barn! LOL!

I'd like to also grow crops, but not sure how to go about that yet.

I'd love to put up a windmill. Our land layout seems to channel the wind blowing in from the open fields. We've been talking about putting in a solar panel to at least run our well. But I'd love to be making money off the power co for once!!

We also have a 2 acre pond that we're considering putting some bluegill in to try to establish a small population of fish.

Other than owning 4 Cane Corso mastiffs, and being an artist, thats me in a nut shell.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 10, 2010
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North Central Wisconsin
Welcome! Im new here too!

Ive read about Osage Orange, but Im not sure if it would grow where I live.

What do you put in with your canned venison? Onions? Garlic? Nothing?

wYs Ranch

Enjoys Recycling
Nov 12, 2010
Reaction score
Jen-pi said:
Welcome! Im new here too!

Ive read about Osage Orange, but Im not sure if it would grow where I live.

What do you put in with your canned venison? Onions? Garlic? Nothing?

What state are you in? OO's grows well in michigan!

For the venison,

We only put a dash of salt in the burger and leave it plain so we can put what we want in it.

The cubed venison usually gets montrial steak seasoning.
Will probably do some with onions in this years venison.

We also can small amounts of pork and chicken from the store since we're starting out and wanted some variety. DH smoked a pork loin, cut it into strips and canned them - WOW was that good, the juice made the best gravy!

Tamlynn, yes our property is nice and secluded. We've got 10.9 acres including the pond. When I got the land 24 years ago it was pretty messed up (some of it still is) there was a motorcross track on it and only scrub trees around the pond you can see in the photo. I planted a few hundred pines (only to have a drought the same year and no real water supply) so I lost quite a few of them. But the survivors have since grown to over 25' tall. I have a great view out any window and cannot see any neighbors except in winter!


Old Sew'n'Sew

All Strings Considered
May 6, 2010
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North Central WV
Other than owning 4 Cane Corso mastiffs, and being an artist, thats me in a nut shell
Have you got pictures of these dogs I'd love to see them, just curious. They are big are'nt they. :frow


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Welcome! Sounds like you are doing really well. What kind of art do you like to do?
I don't have land, but I was thinking about using bamboo for a living fence when I get it. It grows fast, plus the poles are great for vertical gardening, and can be used in building and making fences too. Bamboo sprouts are food too.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
:welcome Sounds like you'll fit right in!

Jen-pi, don't know where you're from, but I know OO will grow in many areas. I see them frequently around here, and it's not a native tree. At this time of year, they're fairly easy to spot. They have huge, green fruit that looks kind of like a brain. In fact, I often call them the green brain tree.

DL, if you're going to use bamboo for a living hedge, make sure you have a way to keep it contained! I've heard "horror" stories about the problems people have had w/it because, given the chance, it will spread like wildfire!