Help me out with this CHANTERELLE recipe please

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
This is all the recipe says:

Chanterelle and Roasted Hazelnut Cream

1. chop mushrooms and hazelnuts to desired size (good to do some precooking on the hazelnuts)

2. Mix heavy cream, and grated paremsean cheese (or guda), and garlic in a saucepan on medium heat..adding a small amount of chicken stock, but not much.

3. when the cream is thick, add mushrooms and hazelnuts, minced scallions, and some yellow corn and black pepper.

4. one of our favorites. can be used as a topping for a meat dish, with pasta, or just eaten with crackers or bread and a nice wine, freezes nicely as well.

it is great to premake the mixture...and then take it foraging with youthen add the mushrooms after you pick at camp! instant gratification!

Sounds great hua? However, how much of each ingredient? I just foraged about 1 1/2 pounds of backyard chanterelles and I have all the other ingredients in the fridge or pantry.

Thanks in advance, I want to make this tomorrow night.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Lucky you, with so many chantarelles!

This recipe sounds really flexible - I would start with how many people you will be feeding, and how big a part of the meal this recipe will be, and then estimate how much cream you would need (remember that it will be cooked down somewhat, but that there will be extra cheese to stretch it.) And then just add the other ingredients as you have them, and as it tastes to you - I'd probably start with at least a cup of toasted hazelnuts (with the skins rubbed off as much as possible, purely for esthetics). More or less garlic and scallions, according to taste (more for me :lol:). If I had fewer mushrooms than you do I would most likely want more corn; with so many luscious Pfifferlinge (German for chantarelles) I would want that the dominating theme.

Make sure to tell us how it turns out. I will certainly make note of the recipe - though I'll need to work around the cheese bit, or make something different for DH.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
I had a long post typed, and it went *poof!*, and now I need to write again :(

Little to do with BBH's OP, but this is what I made for dinner (for DH and me):

I had some chantarelles (from our local market, not from my backyard :(). I had also recently read both BBH's recipe, plus another for chantarelles with gnocchi. I had neither desire nor time to make gnocchi, and no whipping cream in the house. So this is what I did:

I made some Spaetzle, enough for two servings. I have posted a recipe already somewhere, but will do so again, if anyone asks. Or, look online.

I cleaned the chantarelles. I chopped about half a cup of onions, and 3 cloves of garlic. I cracked about half a cup of hazelnuts. I harvested the last of the fresh marjoram from the garden; kept a tablespoon or so for dinner, and the rest went in the dehydrator. BBh's recipe called for corn, but, without cream, I wasn't thrilled with that idea. So I left out the corn, and used some roasted peppers that I had, diced.

I heated some olive oil, and tossed the hazelnuts in the pan for a few minutes. Removed the nuts, and sauteed the onions till translucent. Added the chantarelles, and then the garlic. When they were halfway cooked I added the roasted peppers, about half a cup of homemade chicken broth, and lots of ground pepper. Also several tablespoons of butter (lacking cream). I chopped the hazelnuts, and added them to the pan. Seasoned with the chopped marjoram, a bit more pepper (and others might want some salt). Then I stirred in the cooked Spaetzle. Had I had fresh parsley that might have been attractive sprinkled on top. I had some tomatoes from the garden to serve alongside.

And that was dinner. A take off on, but not really like, BBh's recipe.