hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Yesterday I was rushed all day and it wasn't all that productive. I told BH I would help her get chores done even though most of the horses were out overnight because she had to get her horse to the vet yesterday afternoon. I thought I'd just help her so we could get done faster. What actually happened is she did all the feeding chores and left the barn chores to me. 3 hours and 45 minutes later I was finished. I had to get the insurance applications scanned and emailed and get back home by 3:30 to meet a gal about boarding. I was rather rushed. I sent her an email asking if we could push it back, if not it was ok, and when I didn't hear from her I rushed to get home by 3:30. Then she no showed on me completely. I emailed her thinking maybe she got confused by my messages and she texted and arranged an appointment for this morning. Then she texted me just a bit ago and said she found a place with an apartment on site so she was taking that. That is what she inquired about originally, so I know that is really what she wanted but I'm a little frustrated and disappointed to have gone through all of that to have her not show up. I still have another appointment this week so hopefully that will pan out. I think I'll repost the ads again just to be on the safe side and try to drum up a little more interest.
I didn't feel like cooking last night so the bf stopped and picked up texmex on the way home. Is so good even if it is so bad for me.
Gotta get chores done this morning Then I'm going to soak in the tub since my back is hurting. I'm going to spend a little time taking care of me this morning and then Hopefully the bf and I will get some things done this afternoon. We're going to his parents house for dinner and to play pool since they just got their table redone.
I hope we can get lots done this weekend because I have a lot of things I need to make progress on if I'm going to have a full barn again.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
My guys could live quite happily the rest of their lives on nothing but mexican food! Their favorite is carnitas, unfortunately for me :p Recently, I tried canning them in the 'starter' stage. MUCH easier on me! Open a jar, dump it in a dutch oven, add a few things and let it go! It does get a bit shreddie that way, and they prefer cubed, but too bad!
Hope ya get lots done this weekend!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
That's why I have frozen homemade meals. I'm trying my hardest not to each much processed food anymore. I rarely eat out. Between the IBS and the Meniere's, it can mean that I'm in for a fun time the next day.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I hear you Deb. I wish I were better about it. Almost to the point that I wish I had a health reason that kept me from doing things like that! We are out a few more times over the weekend, which I want thrilled about. It always tastes good because I didn't fix it! Lol
The gal with the 3 horses with her friend looks like a sure bet to board here. She's coming today to bring stuff. And the silly good news is that she wants her feeding days to be Thursday through Sunday. Gee let me think about that! Lol I'll still have to feed Kahlua a second time and scrub her legs but at least it won't be twice a day.
So today I MUST work on the self care boarding agreement and get that working well so I can get it sent to her.
Starting out cloudy then getting sunny today and into the 50s. Tomorrow is almost 60 and then the rain comes and it gets cold again. It looks like it bounces right back though so that is good. I need warm weather to keep me energized and motivated!
We did get quite a bit done this weekend, especially the bf. He got the Christmas lights down and we moved those boxes into the shed. We both organized the hay barn and he fixed the door where the piece was ripped off. The doors won't go up any higher so I'm going to have to mention that to the landlord because they are dragging really bad after the sites this year. Its really difficult for me to get them open. He moved the atv and his bike to the shed and put new lock hasps on the shed. If the previous tenant comes to get more junk out of the shed then he'll have to come get us. We need the space and can't keep waiting. It's been 8 months since we moved in for crying out loud! You've over stayed your welcome and taken advantage of the landlords generosity.
I guess I'd better get busy because I need to do some cleaning in addition to working up that agreement. AS well be here at 2 to start moving some stuff around.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Thanks FEM! I got the agreement revised, a friend is going to come read it later today. I might run down to the other farm tomorrow and have another friend check it over too. It's 7 pages long and after a while my eyes cross!
Second load of laundry is in the dryer and the bed is remade. I really should work in the kitchen since it is a wreck and I would like to cook dinner tonight.
I should also pick up the living room and dining room a bit. I guess get there...


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
It did turn out well Deb! I was pleased!
I slept a little late this morning. What's up with these great days post daylight savings? They are not helping me to get out of bed!
Need to get barn chores done and then I have a meeting with a lady about boarding and then the guy from the farm where Kahlua came from is going to bring her tack trunk over. Not sure what I'm going to get some this afternoon but I guess I'll figure something out. I should go to the grocery store and figure out more meals for the week, and I think we need some things at bjs but I don't really feel like going shopping.
I guess I'd better get moving...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I agree about the daylight savings time, lol. I love, love, love the longer evenings, but dang (!) my sleep cycle is screwed UP!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I heard this quote once, attributes to a native American, but who really knows, is still funny "only the white man would think that if you cut a foot of the bottom of a blanket and see it on the top of the blanket you'll have a longer blanket"
That about sums it up for me. I think it's stupid.
Anyway... I have good news! A lady just stopped by this morning to talk about boarding. She has 2 mares and is going to take my last 2 stalls. YAY! I have a full barn! She is self care, but it Will help us keep things covered. We've talked to the bfs cousin who is a tax lawyer and she is going to help us get the most out of our taxes this year so hopefully we can begin to move forward with things. I just pray we don't owe any money.
OMG! I just took a drink of water and felt something on the side of my mouth, set my glass down to discover there was a stink bug RIGHT next to my mouth! Ugh!
Now I have to get on with writing my agreements and rules on the double!