hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Yesterday in the office was a nice day because almost no one was there. It wasn't nice because I couldn't really get my stuff done because I still don't have my own computer and I was downstairs helping at the front desk ask morning. That was easy since there was almost no one there, but it was still annoying.
When I left the IT guy was almost done with the work he had to do for the day. I just hope this fixes our issues.
Raced home, got the dogs out then back in and cleaned up the mess that one of them left on the floor, thankfully on the tile floor. I was irritated but what can you do? I just wanted it cleaned up before the bf got home since that really sets him off and I didn't want it to smell like dog poop.
He got home just as I finished and we raced back across town to get to the pasture walk. It turned out to be really informative. We spent less time talking about growing grass and more time talking about hay which was ok too. I learned a lot and the bf was really interested which made me happy. I also arranged to have the gal from the extension office here this morning to check my pasture and make a recommendation for rehabbing it. I was worried about getting a plan together in time for the fall but now I'm hopeful it will come together.
I have to pick up feed this afternoon and deliver a net for a hay feeder. Other than that I'm going to try to get the vacuuming done again and maybe work storm again.
I do need to figure out dinner some where along the way....


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Interesting that we both have Fox. Fox, Deer and Bear are mine- it seems contradictory, but it works.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
Reaction score
i thought it was neat that hqueen13 and i both have crow as helpers. mine is crow and red tailed hawk. always love to see either of them and listen


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I love all my totems for the things that each one gives me, they are all really special in different ways.
It's been a busy weekend, we've gotten a fair amount done but have also lazed around a fair bit too. Currently in sitting here while the bf is working on sealing the Crack around the door so that the cold air doesn't come in this winter.
I have to be careful when I make suggestions to the bf because if it's possible, he will often go right to it and get deeply involved in whatever it is. So if I'm not ready to do it NOW then I should probably keep my mouth shut until later.
We've had a really slow lazy start to our day and now it's almost 6 and I'm not sure if we are actually going to get to the chicken I planned to cook. We haven't done so great eating this weekend.
That all started with a really rough afternoon on Friday, but I got done what had to be done, but I don't think I'll be picking up feed like that again. I drove all over creation trying to figure out what the lady was doing that ordered it for me and she wasn't answering her phone. I didn't get home until after 5:30. I also figured out that if I order the feed online I can get it for the same price including shipping without the hassle of driving. So much easier!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
So we ended up not coming again and went down the road to the nice restaurant. When we eat smart we don't spend much. We shared a salad and pizza and so our bill was under 28 without top, so that wasn't bad at all. Back to cooking this week!
We got all of one side of the bedroom foamed. The gap where the floor had sagged was huge, so we put spray foam in it and will add trim along the two sides of the room where it is an issue. I am really hoping that with the foam there and around the door, plus the new windows we will be much warmer this winter!
Today in my travels I need to stop at depot to get one more can of foam. I might try to do it myself today of I have enough ambition. We'll see how far that goes!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Silly post from yesterday never posted. At least it didn't delete it.
I got all my errands run. I ended up with two slight rejections from two different places on two different issues and it really knocked me down. I shouldn't take either situation personally, but I guess I was feeling fragile and I did. I was useless for the afternoon and got nothing done.
I picked up the plants that the gal on freecycle was giving away and I'm a little overwhelmed. The whole back of my explorer was full! I'm not sure where I am going to plant all of it, most of them are day lilies and they like full sun. I have shrubs along the south side of the house. I might sick them in between the shrubs, even though that really isn't ideal. I really would rather get rid of the shrubs, but oh well. They are fairly big and stay mostly green all winter. I'll probably scatter some among the black Eyed Susans that I split this year too. They should do ok on the west side of the house too. Now I just have to get them into the ground, which is going to require getting the weeds or and we've had no rain for a while. It is supposed to rain later this week I think, I don't know if it's better to try to get them in and let them get rained on or wait and hope the ground is softer after the rain.
The bf was sweet to me and came home and took really good care of me to help me feel better. He's so good to me. We had dinner and then he made milkshakes and we started watching the captain America movie. We had to stop because it was getting too late, I hate stopping in the middle! I guess we'll finish it tonight.
I have a load of laundry in and I need to get the sheets folded from yesterday. Once the power gets expensive at 10 I'm going to go feed the horse and work him. Then I'll come back in and get more cleaning done and maybe try to get that spray foam finished in the bedroom.
Yesterday the bf said he noticed a difference around the door, so that is a really good thing! I'm glad it's already making a difference even wroth the weather as mild as it is right now. We've probably spent less than $20 on the spray foam, and hopefully the trim won't be over $30 to finish. Keeping heat in for less than $50 is a good deal!
I need to get a loaf of bread started this morning too... I'd better get moving I guess...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The best time to plant them would be during the rain if it's not too heavy. That way, the ground would be softer, and they get a good watering.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Maybe I can get some into the ground Friday after the rain on Thursday. I'll be in the office and I don't really think I want to plant in 65 degree rain lol
Yesterday I got the house vacuumed and a load of laundry done. I managed to get the foam all done by myself, which made me happy. The bf was tickled and amused that I got it done. I hate having to rely on him for stuff. He has so little free time I'd rather get it done myself so he can do other things.
Talked to my mom for a while yesterday. I love her but sometimes I just don't feel much like talking. Ice been up and down lately and that's why I guess.
I worked storm and had a great day. He was so good, he gave me more trouble leaving the barn yard than anywhere else. I stayed by backing him around the round pen, he was so good so we went to the long lines. He was almost sluggish on the lines! He was working really hard and doing a great job. I decided to work at liberty for a little while and again he was so calm. So after that we headed out of the round pen and went for a walk towards the arena. He maintained himself and so we walked back and forth for several trips, until finally we were in the arena by ourselves. We walked around for a while exploring the jumps and moving all over.
He struggled more going back to the barn than he did leaving at all. He spooked walking closer to the barn than we had walking or and then he finally boxed the trick parked in the lot and jumped, but didn't go anywhere. I was really pleased worth how hard he tried. I'm bummed I don't have as much time today as I thought I had so I'm not sure I'm going to get to work him again today. It might have to wait until Friday morning. I guess we'll see.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
They have pasture walks here and I've really wanted to go, but always forget! We need to go/research how to build up the land we just cleared - right now it looks like a dirty beach! :p

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