hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Thanks, FEM, I'm looking forward to it!!
Just completed 5 days and 50 hours plus a 3 hour commute round trip each day working the horse expo. I'm SO EXHAUSTED. That also included helping to take care of the animals still, which meant getting up at 4:30 in the morning on Saturday morning to drive to my 2 friend's houses who were out of town to feed their animals before going back home to pick up my friend and head to the show. It took me until about 11:00 to actually wake up that day! Friday night I was so exhausted trying to get home (thankfully TM was in the car with me that night too!) that I forgot to turn my lights on getting back on the highway from getting gas, AND I drove the wrong way for almost 30 minutes, which meant driving BACK down the highway past everything we already passed and continuing on our way. I was so exhausted and upset I almost wanted to cry.
But I made it, and have $500.00 to put towards debt to show for it. That is going to enable me to bring my payments down to about $160.00 total monthly, which is a big help!
I worked the registration desk, which is something I hadn't done, but did for the brief day that I worked the show down here. BA, the gal that oversees the registration desk every year was impressed with me, and said so to the show coordinator, so it is highly likely that I'll have that job again next year at both shows. I would love to think it comes with a raise, but I really doubt that. It was fun, fast paced (most of the time, especially early in the show) and I got to meet lots of the vendors much more personally, which led to some great contacts. I picked up resources for getting some fencing to cost compare with Ramm fence, and found a source for an organic feed company that makes their own feeds and is based about an hour away and delivers to my area, and we also got hooked up with almost every chocolatier in the building and got lots of samples. That part was awesome, but I am sure I gained some weight along the way... BA taught me that bribing people with chocolate and candy is always helpful and that negotiations can always be worked out, and that I probably still say too much along the way. She was extremely kind in guiding me through helping people that had challenges, and offered support when the question outside of the scope of what I understood. I made suggestions for how to keep us better organized next year and only complained mildly about the lack of logical organization that we were working with.
We only had one REALLY bad presenter to deal with that was extremely rude to no less than 5 staff members that I was aware of, and otherwise almost everybody was happy, even after a challenging issue was resolved. I was able to help get 2 different people additional booth space which made them very happy (and the organizer...) and helped do favors for a couple other vendors that worked out nicely. It was exhausting, but a good show. I also reconnected with a friend, and made a new friend that both live in the area, so next year I should be able to stay at someone's house at least a few days to make the trip less stressful and keep more money in my pocket not paying for gas.
This week I have to catch up. The BF thankfully did laundry yesterday, so at least I have clothes to start the week, but I need to catch back up on all the other cleaning.
I made a connection with some folks that sell boots and they gave me a nice discount on 2 pair of ariat boots that have laces and zippers so I can lace them up tight enough, but also get in and out of them quickly. I have to buy 2 pair of boots to have them fit my odd shaped feet correctly, and they helped me out. They also are making their own line of boots that they are about to sell, and since they are the boot makers they are willing to sell them to me at 50% off which means paying regular price AND getting boots that fit my feet. They can also use the odd boot as a display, so I don't have to worry about throwing out a perfectly good shoe. I need to call them in a week or so because they were still waiting on the boots to get out of customs. I told the gal that I would be a customer for life if they can help me out, and I fully expect to be able to do so. I'm grateful that they are willing to work with me as not many places are.
It was a good week, but a challenging one. I'm glad its over for another year, if it came more often I don't know that I could handle it.
On Saturday the BF worked at his new part time job moving furniture for a company that rents furniture for weddings and such. He enjoyed it and the company has quite a bit of opportunity opening up, so I am looking forward to getting to know these folks better.
That's about all that has happened around here. Lots of driving and working and driving and working....


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
:thOh my goodness! I don't know how you kept that schedule up for 5 days! But, despite the exhaustion it does seem that you made some great connections. Glad you found a boot company that will work with you. Hope you can get some rest - you deserve it!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
If I had thought about it earlier, DM and LF went to the Expo. They could have stopped by and said hi for me. I'm hoping I can make one of them next year-as long as it doesn't get snowed out. By then I should have someone that can feed for me for a long weekend.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I'll probably be there again next year, Deb. I'd LOVE to meet you after all these years!!
I'm so glad I made it through, and I was really surprised that I didn't need as much recovery time as I expected.
This week was beautiful and I didn't get as much done as I wanted to. I got a few things caught up, including the billing for last month (yay, still current and not behind!) and the vacuuming caught up.
This weekend we kicked butt though. Saturday morning the BF and I got up and took care of the horses and scraped out the hay feeder of the half a bale they wasted AGAIN (gettin real sick of dumping $30.00 worth of hay every week or so!!!) and then put a new bale out. We moved the feeder and got all the gunk out from under it so hopefully that helps. I guess when we moved it last time a bunch of "dirt" (i.e. mostly manure and some dirt) got packed under it so I think that might have been why they quit eating. Finished in the barn and then the BF and I hung out for a little while before he had to go to the second job.
After he left, I headed upstairs and started clearing out the file cabinet of the old files. A little 2 drawer cabinet isn't enough to hold almost 3 years worth of files! So I purged out the folders, left 2016 stuff in it, and then filled the file box I bought a couple months ago at office depot. Guess I'll have to get another one of those next year! By the time the BF got home in the afternoon I had that finished, and was still working on cleaning up. He started working in the guest bedroom and so we kept at it for a while. I forgot to get the fish out for dinner, so we ended up ordering pizza, which I wasn't happy about, but at that point there weren't many other options. We headed to bed early since daylight savings time was switching over in the middle of the night.
Sunday morning dawned very gray, which I wasn't pleased about on top of the loss of an hour. We were later getting up than I wanted to be, but it wasn't too bad. I ran down to my friend's place to take care of her horses, and the BF got started on the stuff upstairs again after he cleaned up from breakfast.
I came home, and got started on the office again, and managed to get pretty much everything organized and straightened out. The BF wrapped up his boxes in the guest room so we traded places. I managed to take 4 boxes plus 2 bins, consolidate it all into the 2 bins. I was pretty proud of myself for how much I cleaned out! We cleaned out 2 bags of trash, have 1 large box for goodwill, and another pile of stuff for the consignment shop, plus a stack of stuff to go to freecycle. There is still a LOT that needs to be done, but we made a LOT of progress. I did notice that there is another box that I need to sort out and put some things away, but that shouldn't be too difficult. Then I can take that box and put all the camping stuff into it since its a bit larger than the one I have and there is stuff just suck on the shelf which means it falls off frequently. We are going to make a goal to work on trying to get a little something done every evening since we have just 2 weeks left before my riding instructor returns again and we'll need the guest bedroom again. This is just the cleanup/out process, I haven't even gotten to the vacuuming or cleaning the windows or dusting shelves yet! But I guess this is what happens when you don't touch things after you move in and its been over 2 1/2 years...
We still had enough time yesterday evening to relax and make dinner and I took a soak in the bath. It was a nice evening, but the morning still came WAY too early thanks to the stupid daylight savings time. Its cloudy and gray on TOP of the time change still and I am not doing well this morning. I picked the black tea to bring with me to the office so that hopefully the little bit of caffeine will perk me up some. And of course... rain until Wednesday...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
We have the gray as well, and I'm no feeling well either. :hugs


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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We had enough gray last week when we got nearly 4 inches of rain. GRRRRRRR! But, it's been sunshine for the last couple days and the "lake" in the pasture is drying up fairly quickly. I would say "yay" but we've got more rain in the forecast for later this week. Me and the grandkids are going to try to get gardening done on the good days.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Sounds pretty much like our weather. I was delighted that the sun actually came out yesterday afternoon, and we were actually able to get some work done outside. We got all the tubs cleaned that my friend had given us before she moved. I also managed to get another box sorted with the camping gear and put away again, which made the closet shelf much neater. I moved a few other things around to consolidate and organize, which was a good thing.
The BF had a dental appointment yesterday for more fillings, and did really well. I was impressed that he helped me so much during the afternoon. He's dealing better and better with the dentist, I'm sure I'll probably always have to go with him, but he's doing so much better. And he's at a point where he wants it fixed, too, so that's a good thing.
I've got more to do right now than I have time, and its over whelming me, but I guess its a good thing. This often happens in spring when things get cranking. I'm not motivated before the weather breaks, and so then it finally clears and I end up going crazy. I've got to get the upstairs at least back to functioning again by next Friday before my riding instructor comes.
The upstairs office is almost closed. I'm settled into my tiny shared office downstairs now. I finally swapped some things around today and felt much better about the layout. I just have no space to do anything. I need to really work on getting things wrapped up with the space up there before time runs out at the end of the month.
So much to do, so little time!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
What kind of forecast do you have for this weekend?


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Well, there were rumors of 6", but it didn't turn out to be that much at all. It was only about an inch and it disappeared before you noticed it was hardly there. Glad it wasn't anything worse, and I really didn't think it would be that bad.
Had a busy weekend, but on Sunday we managed to get the upstairs COMPLETELY clean. I am SOOOO happy with how it looks. Another bag of trash out, and then this week I dropped the big box of stuff at goodwill, and have to stop by the consignment shop this afternoon and that will be everything out. The BF still has some of his stuff to deal with, hopefully he'll take care of that sooner rather than later. I was even able to dust everything up there in both rooms and the loft.
Then I managed to get the windows cleaned up there, woooo I got some hi-def glass!! Who knew that if you clean the windows and the prisms that you get better rainbows!?
Yesterday I got myself organized for the stuff I plan to make at my next oils workshop. Found a recipe for glass cleaner that WORKS! I was thrilled, so I cleaned the rest of the windows that the animals have access to in the house. I feel better about cleaning them if I know that the ingredients aren't going to hurt them. The cats were very interested in the cleaners, especially when I made the one for dusting wood furniture. So glad to have that.
Yesterday the dentist came for Storm and another horse. I wanted to work Storm before he got there, but it was too windy and I decided not to. I guess if I can't get some work time in tomorrow we'll be winging it for our lesson on Saturday. That's about my norm...
I have quite a few things to clean up tomorrow before I'll be satisfied with having guests in the house... I need to get the bathroom SCRUBBED down good (including the ceiling... its got mold on it, EW!), and get the house vacuumed and straightened up. I need to clean the chinchilla cage and give her some play time. I need to reorganize the stuff that is in the kitchen to see if I can find places to put a few more things so that stuff isn't sitting out all over the counter.
I dehydrated potatoes the other day, we did them shredded, and now I have to figure out what to do with them.
So many things to do and just not enough time!!!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Sounds like you got a LOT done! It does feel good to get the house 'company' clean doesn't it? Unfortunately, at my house it doesn't stay that way...