Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Well, today my husband is being a prick. I am over it and pissed off and we are supposed to go on a "date" tonight but he is doing everything he can to get out of it. I was in tears last night, I'm on my period, I can't leave the house cause I have contractors here all dang day and they keep tripping the breaker to the outside recepticle and have an extension cord going into my house.

I don't have anything for anyone for mother's day, I have 2 extra children coming to my house for my babysitter to watch and I have to get something for them all to eat, I have another contractor to pay today, hubby keeps hanging up on me (which PISSES me off) when I am in midsentence.

I am frustrated, fighting with Tyler over the school situation, getting no support from anyone, and then I get bitched at when I have an attitude or get frustrated cause apparantly I am supposed to be June f-ing Cleaver all the dang time.

I told my husband last night that I feel like I am a complete and utter failure every day of my life and have always felt like that. Yesterday I get two phone calls to watch other people's children, one set I had to get off the bus yesterday and feed dinner to and the other set I had to get on the bus this morning and they were here at 6:30 this morning.

I had a bee meeting last night and since the kids were here he missed his softball game so I could go to the meeting on time. Woo hoo....now I get to feel guilty about that too.

I am so tired. I just want to so sit on a beach somewhere BY MYSELF for a week. He gives me an attitude cause I'm not affectionate with him but I tried to kiss him all day yesterday and the day before and he turns away from me. WTF???

Anyway, I'm gonna get dressed and go get dinner for tonight. Thanks for listening to me ramble. :hide


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Isle of Wight, VA
Shesh, you're having a time! Sorry. :hugs I am glad to know that someone else gets to feeling like that too. I don't feel so alone now. I have days where I feel so down and worthless. Just remember it's temporary.....take a zanax cocktail and relax! :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
Spotsylvania, Virginia
Lori, the only thing I can do is ...:hugs and be :somad with you. That hanging up stuff don't fly with me either.

I told DH ONCE. If you ever are so disrespectful as to hang up on me again, I can change the locks.

Nikki don't play that way.

Natalie's Nesters

Power Conserver
Feb 14, 2011
Reaction score
maybe you should go out to dinner by yourself! Hanging up on you...does he plan on waking up in the morning? Hope your day gets better!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Are these kids dropping in daycare kids? Cuz if you ain't gettin' paid for them droppin in, I'd be dropping my kids off at their house for a turn.

Sorry, I've not read your whole journal to already know the situation.

Hubby and I have a similar relationship sometimes. We do hang up on one another, not nice I know but we are both hot tempered. I can't really use the phone anymore, so that problem is solved now.

Sounds like you are both under a strain and it would be good to get away on a DATE without children.....and mother's day is coming and they are bound to be NICE to you over the weekend, so at least it should get better, right? :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
personally since hubby is being a jerk and trying to get out of the date id say FINE...leave him with the kids and take yourself on a date...do something good for YOU, noone else...focus on you for a change. spoil yourself even if its just a movie and a carton of icecream afterwards.


my ex used to do stuff like that...hed complain that we never snuggled...
but the only time he wanted to snuggle was when he was playing his vidoe games and i was subjected to an elbow to the face or a jerked knee ect...yup sounds fun huh!? then if id try to be affectionate or snuggle any other time hed turn away, push me away or make snide comments to make me feel yicky...

silly things like he wanted his guy time but if i wanted ME time oh no, that was a problem because we didnt spend enough time together...

while we were together though i put up with it...because i loved him
it wasnt untill he became the ex that i realized sometimes i DO need to do do things JUST for me and theres nothing wrong with that...
he wants to be a jerk...leave him the kids for the night and go spoil yourself.
hes the one that doesnt want to go...and you deserve it!

*big Hugs...*


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Take a deep breath. Clear some of the crap off your plate.

Tell the darn contractor to figure out why he keeps popping the breaker. Stick a pig tail out there so he can just re set the switch.

If your not getting paid for all the child care make a nice excuse and don't take on any more for a couple weeks.

If you don't go out on a date tonight it's not going to be the end of the world. But I would definitely use the time for yourself. No laundry, no kids, no catching up on the house. Either leave or do something just for you.

Don't worry about the Mother's Day gifts. Have the kids make some cards tomorrow, or tonight with their dad.

This too shall pass. :hugs



Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Well....we went out on our date....and almost got arrested trying to break up two guys on the street. A friends mom kept trying to get in between the two guys wrestling each other (one sober trying to keep the drunk one from getting arrested) and we were not in the best neighborhood so we pulled her away and the guys jumped in to help keep the drunk guy from falling in the street. The po po showed up anyway and we got out of there quick...it was really late when we got home.

Yesterday we were at FIL's house all day cutting trees and clearing brush and last night i collapsed. We came home and got all the corn, watermelons, and pumpkins planted too. I collapsed after a shower.

Today I slept in late...I watered everybody last night so all hubby had to do was feed everyone and let them out. I got out of bed finally at 11 and started cleaning the house and then got everything set up in the barn for the girls....feeders hung up and straw down...water bowls set up...and chad is getting ready to weed eat the edge of the pasture fence now.

The roof is halfway on the garage. It should be done tomorrow and he is getting the shingles and siding and supplies delivered tomorrow. It is going up quick!

Today I am going to just take it easy for the rest of the day...my baby comes home tomorrow....


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
My daughter showed up last night at 11pm. :th

I left my phone on the counter while we visited a friend down the street for mother's day and granny called and said that Maddie was crying and Papa was bringing her home. He had to leave at like 5 this morning to get back home to take granny for her MRI on her shoulder.

Then this morning my builder shows up at 6:45 and proceeds to walk in my back door (hubby left it unlocked when he left) and plug in his compressor. We all got woke up this morning to the sound of a nail gun and both dogs barking their heads off. I am gonna be so glad when this is done. Maddie crawled in my bed at 6:45 and said "Mr. J is here" I guess she saw him when he came in the back door. Kinda scary. I don't know whether to be madder at hubby for leaving the back door open or J for just walking on in. The good news is that the garage is under roof and we are waiting for Lowes to deliver all the roofing material. We also have to get the framing inspection done today.

I'm boiling a dozen eggs for breakfast and then I am off to get some stuff for the goats. I need to pick up a flat backed bucket for water in the pasture and track down some goat feed. I also need to go get some more baking soda and vinegar and iodine for teat dip.

I'm so tired. We have the garage door people coming at 8:30 tomorrow morning and then we will leave to go get a friends small horse trailer and go get the girls.

Gonna be a long week. :p