MUST WATCH: 11 yr old talks about our food system


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
North Arkansas
This young man is incredibly well spoken and lucid for 11 years old. He makes some great points, none of which I disagree with. However, although buying local and organic is ideal, unfortunately it's not practical for a large part of society, at least not yet.

The inner city "food deserts" that the first lady is so fond of speaking about, are a prime example. Grocery stores in those areas have either been burned or robbed out of existence by the very people they served. Now we have entire generations that have grown up in those areas with fast food, and processed foods as their main source of subsistence. The majority would not know how to prepare raw meats and vegetables if their lives depended on it, and someday it may.

This is not a problem for the inner city inly, but for an entire socio-economic class. Until the social parameters change, their food source will not either.