Quilting Extraordinaire
This is the rough in for next years vegetable garden. It is 40ft x16ft and fenced all aroud to keep the critters out. Right now I have some hens in there clearing the grass for me. I plan to put everything in boxes that I am going to build in. I hope to fill up a root cellar with my harvest next year. I will also have a large potato garden on the other side of the yard. This winter I will be checking out seed catalogues for heritage seeds that can be kept from one plant after the other year after year. Did yo know most of the seeds we buy are GM and you cannot collect seeds for next year from this years plants? Means if there is ever a seed shortage, or the government does something fishy we won't be able to grow anything unless we have save seed from heritage plants the year before...yup I research wayyyy too much:>) But I want to be prepared for anything!