Needing advice on what to do for money.

TX Honky

Power Conserver
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
I am a stay at home mom/homemaker. I do not have to work inorder for our bills and needs to be met. My dh has a nice job but he does work overtime to make his paycheck stretch a bit more. Anyway I feel that I want to make my own money, I started working when I was 16 and Im the kind of person that if I want something I work for it and buy it. Well now if there is something that I want, I cant do that, I have to wait for dh's opinion and sometimes it's "well lets wait til next paycheck" and so by that time I've talked myself out of wanting it so bad. I would like to do something that I can take my 14 mo old dd with me. I've thought about babysitting here at home but we live to far away from town no one would want to drive out here. There is an ad in the paper for home-caregivers but it only pays 6.50 an hour, I couldnt take baby with me and I drive a big truck and 6.50 an hour for working a couple of hours wouldnt pay for fule. I know that I am lucky to be able to stay home, see my son off to school and welcome him home again and stay with my dd here at home but if I could just find something to do that could make money. Any advice out there?


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
What about selling used clothes on ebay? Or selling handmade items on etsy?


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2008
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Do you have any hobbies or skills you can turn into a job, like sewing? I knew someone who worked from home with two small boys doing event planning. I really don't know what it was, but it was mainly handled by phone and computer.


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
What about cleaning houses? If cleaning is your kind of thing. I know several SAHM who make pretty good money at that. You can set your own hours, maybe 3-4 houses a week and take your daughter with you.

TX Honky

Power Conserver
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
I take our used clothes and kid toys to a consignment store here. But I then have to turn around and buy bigger clothes at the same store. They keep a small %, but so does ebay if your item sells. The only hobby I have right now are my chickens which I sell the eggs but I only have 12 hens, I've got more chicks coming in Dec. and i put the egg money in kiddos piggy banks. I also do canning and make bread but dh said he couldnt sell them at his job. I wouldnt mind cleaning homes but I would have to take dd with me. My only work experience is waiting tables and prison guard and welders helper. However I have a degree in medical office but I cant do medical trasnscription or billing here at home because of my dd demanding mommy time. Im full of excuses, honestly I want to do something now and make money now, I dont mind the work, but dh says it wouldnt pay for me to work with fule and childcare. Im tired of being broke. Im a woman and I have needs and wants just like anyone. no Im not asking for diamons and new cars, just to be able to pay the grociery bill myself so that dh could take the money for food and put it towards paying the truck off or something.

TX Honky

Power Conserver
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
do you think i could actually get people to pay to have thier house cleaned? I mean with the way everyone seems to have less money these days? I wouldnt pay for someone to clean my house even if I could. I would love to be able to work my own sched. I have to drive into town 2x a day to take ds to bus and pick him up, so i would already be in town, the only thing is getting people to hire me, I mean.. me with my baby verses the the hispanic lady whos been cleaning houses forever. and thats not a racial remark! but seriously our town is chuck full of hispanic ladies who clean houses. One of my lady friends from PTA whos is hispanic only cleaned one house. But she went there like 3x a week. Rich people.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
I don't know what your DH's schedule is like, but if you could get a couple of offices to clean after hours, you could leave your dd at home with hubby... even go after she has gone to sleep, or maybe on the weekends.


enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Really Northern California
I have a friend who researches data off the internet for a company in her home. She gets paid peice work (per item entered,) but she can do it anytime during the week as long as it's transmitted by a certain day.
It did have a glitch earlier this year when the business owner decided to outsource to China or someplace but their English was so bad, they make huge mistakes and he brought the business back here.
If you know someone who is a free-lance computer programmer or analyst or systems designer or even web page designer, they might be able to give you a liead to someone who hires for this type of work, But I would be very careful because I can see some one running a "you-can-make-a-million-at-home" scam. My friend never had to give any money to get hired.


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
TX Honky said:
do you think i could actually get people to pay to have thier house cleaned? I mean with the way everyone seems to have less money these days? I wouldnt pay for someone to clean my house even if I could. I would love to be able to work my own sched. I have to drive into town 2x a day to take ds to bus and pick him up, so i would already be in town, the only thing is getting people to hire me, I mean.. me with my baby verses the the hispanic lady whos been cleaning houses forever. and thats not a racial remark! but seriously our town is chuck full of hispanic ladies who clean houses. One of my lady friends from PTA whos is hispanic only cleaned one house. But she went there like 3x a week. Rich people.
I think you could, even in this economy. There are alot of working moms (outside the home) who would be willing to pay. May not be alot of money, but could be a nice little supplement. When I worked outside the home, I paid my neice to clean my house. One of my friends had 3 houses each week. Took about 6 hours to clean all and took home about $100. Start asking around, get friends to vouch for you.

I also know of people who "pet set". When someone is on vacation or whatever, someone will come in a couple of times a day to check on their animals (meds, food, exercise). That could still be convenient for you as you come & go to take/pick up your son. Lots of travellers over the upcoming holidays.

Maybe even work in a day care center where you could take your DD for free, if you could work in your DS's schedule.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score

you have a farm right? and horses-----how about boarding a few horses for people. stuff you do already and could make money feeding and caring for 2-3 extra would be easy. something you do anyway right?

(I am pretty sure it is you with hope so giving this advice!)

There is another source. board some dogs. Yup, if you are "way out" then the barking that might happen would be minimal. Very simple to set up a fast kennel and people love their pets and need places to keep them. Offer a pick up and delivery service....crate the dog in the back of the truck. Be sure to charge by the mile plus fuel money.

Does any of this sound feasible?????