New here...


Enjoys Recycling
Jan 28, 2014
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I'm new to the site and pretty well the lifestyle of being self sufficient. I'm a married 30 year old mother to soon to be 5 children. We live just outside of city limits and are plotting a move, soon further out away from town. As it sits right now we are completely dependent but are hoping with the move to start many things to make us more self reliant. We've recently purchased a mobile home and are living on family property and this is a big change for us having been long time renters. We've not been able to put in a garden because of that so I am eager for that to be the first thing put into place. Our move is at least 6 months away but being on family property we are able to start the garden. With the gardening will come canning and hopefully reduce the trips to the grocery store :) As you can imagine being a mother to 5, ages 14 months, 5 years, 10 years, 12 years, and the newest edition due March 31 the store is a frequent stop! I also take care of my 14 year old nephew, my mother-in-law lives with us, and father-in-law lives on the property as well and eats with us everyday. Once we move to what will be property we own, we are looking to also raise chickens and goats, we would like to begin the work to live life off the grid, or at least not dependent on the grid. My husband and I are both firm believers in being self sufficient and would like to get to the point where our family is completely capable. He's recently been given a position with a company that will finally allow for us to afford to move in that direction, our biggest hindrance has always been not owning our home and having such tight restrictions on what we've been allowed to do. All that being said I hope my questions and curiosity doesn't come off as being a pester, but more the strong desire to learn a way to be dependent on only my husband and myself. So, thanks in advance! I'm looking forward to learning all you all are willing to share!

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri
Welcome to you both! A great way to learn is to just start at the beginning of an old thread, and read it till your eyeballs fall out. There is so much good information here. Good luck to you in your endeavors.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Whew! When I found this site-through, sister site-I thought I'd hit the mother lode!! And I did just that-went to the back of the threads and read forward. Wow, did I ever learn a lot. Thanks to SS, I now have a grain mill, sealed bags of wheat, quinoa, rice, beans, sugar-just to name a few. I bought a Food Saver and Excalibur dehydrator. I have become much more self sufficient as a result of my studies and posts here. I already grew a garden and I have always froze and canned the extra, but SS put me on a whole 'nother level. We live in town, but it is amazing what I can do with my limited space.

Be sure to check out the other sister sites, and lots of nice people on all the sites. Great fun learning and sharing what we learn. Good luck on your journey and welcome to SS!!!!

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