New Member, New Homesteader

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Welcome from VA....sounds like you have some background in gardens & other "stuff", based on parents contributions! They want to "keep it going".

Keep the garden reasonably close to the house, if you can. I find the further away, the less attention & production it gets. You may want to consider "raising" the garden with the amendments of mulch/soil/compost. The chickens will sure support your efforts -- EXCEPT during new plantings!! Killer!

Most everyone here is dealing with financial limits....many of us are retired and have those limits. So you will find all kinds of frugal living hints here. Personally I find goat milk, chickens & a garden could probably support me food wise -- so long as the goats & chickens don't get into the garden!! :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 20, 2017
Reaction score
zone 5a
Yes, I'm glad my parents were avid gardeners though we lived in the burbs. After I moved away to university they bought a large property and really upped their game lol. Now they're planning on moving down our way since my siblings are close to here as well (my one sister is living with us for awhile, while she works at a nearby farm).

I've also worked on a small mixed farm for a few months, as well as volunteered for a tiny csa for a summer.

I do want to put my chickens to work, but I'm not set up for it this year. The SO wants goats, and I'm not opposed, but we're not ready and I want to put at least a year or two under our belts at this place before we venture into any large animals.

There was a small raised garden close to the house when we moved in, so we've "expanded" it - will be buying a truck load of soil to dump on top so I can actually use it.

I want to be eating from the garden so badly! And given the appetite of my 2yr old son, I can't imagine what it's going to be like when he's a teenager! :gig

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