Okiemommy's Journal **What I realized today about our journey**


Jul 16, 2008
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01. Name? Cetta
02. Gender? Female
03. Disneyworld or Disneyland? Never been to either, but I've heard Disney World is better.
04. What is your favorite color? Blue then silver, then red. Cant pick just one ^_^
05. What is your favorite kind of gum? Extra wintergreen.
06. How much do you weigh? Every couple of weeks :p
07. How tall are you? Short
08. Can you swim? Yes.
09. Do you like to swim? It's alright, Not really as much as I use to.
10. Living arrangement? married
11. What's on your mouse pad? No mouse pad
12. Favorite board game? Trivial Pursuit! Bring it on!!! Then Risk is second.
13. Favorite magazine? I don't really have one
14. Favorite Actor? Don't have a one of those either
15. Favorite Actress? same on this one
16. Do you have an accent? ha ha yeah. Okiespeak with a few other regional nuances mixed in.
17. Favorite smells? Go ahead and make fun, but cow manure. Not straight cow poop, but the smell of the dirt and mud and all of it mixed in. Reminds me of home. I missed it when I lived in Calif, and when I moved back here I teared up the first time I smelled it again...and not cause it was poop! :lol:
18. Least favorite smells? Any other kind of poop.
19. Favorite sound? My kid's voices, and quiet.
20. Do you prefer pools or oceans? Oceans to look at pools to swim in.
21. Do you watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer? Nope never did
22. Pencil or pen? Both have their purposes :D
23. Who's better - boys or girls? Neither one is better than the other.
24. Would you like to own a motorcycle? No. My husband would, I'll be an ornament occasionally.
25. Do you sing in the shower? No
26. Who's the best looking Disney character? The best looking? What a weird question. I'll go with Dopey.
27. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? How much longer are the kids going to stay asleep so I can keep lying here in bed a while longer. <---meee tooooo. ^_^
28. How many rings before you answer the phone? As soon as I can get to it.
29. How do you want to die? Painlessly
30. Have you ever called a 900 number? No.
31. Gold or silver? Silver
32. Would you ever go bungee-jumping? Nope, I'm good. I deplore the feeling of falling.
33. Do you like dressing up? Yep. most of the time it's jeans and a t shirt though.
34. Would you rather be short or tall? I'm good where I am.
35. Do you enjoy reading? Yep. It's hard for me to pay attention sometimes to what I'm reading, so it usually has to be a really well written and intriguing book
36. What book are you reading now? Not reading one right now.
37. Favorite books? Captivating, Wild at Heart, Where the Red Fern grows
38. What was the last movie you saw? You mean in a theater? Don't remember. Watched part of Polar Express tonight on TV.
39. Favorite movies? Too many to list! Elf, A Christmas Story, It's a Wonderful Life, are some of my favorite Christmas movies
40. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? If you count my husband
41. What is your sign? I don't care
42. What are your personality traits? :weee :weee
43. What's your biggest fear? Something happening to me while the kids are young.
44. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery? Yep I don't think there's anything wrong with it. It's for enhancement, not supposed to be for definition of oneself.
45. Future child's name? Don't know yet. Let you know in a couple of months ;)
46. Favorite foods? Chicken fried rice from my favorite Chinese food rest, cheese Enchiladas with Mexican rice, Fettuchinni Alfredo...Home made pot roast.
47. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate, chocolate. But Vanilla ice cream with Hershey's syrup and roasted peanuts. Yummmm
48. Do you like to drive fast? I drive faster than the speed limit. Do I like that I do it? No.
49. Storms - cool or scary? Both, Love em!
50. Do you like to dance? yep!
51. Do you do drugs? No
52. Do you smoke? No
53. What do you think of people who smoke? I don't have a problem with people that smoke.
54. Do you drink? Occasionally
55. Favorite drink? I don't know
56. Do you think men and women could ever be just friends without wanting each other? Some men and some women. Not *all* men towards *all* women nor vice versa. <---I agree
57. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Yep
58. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? Professional artist
59. What's your "type"? My husband
60. Do you bite your nails? No.
61. Any siblings? Yes.
62. What movies have you cried in? A LOT of them, cried at the end of Polar Express tonight
63. Do you believe in God? Yes
64. Did you ever cry over a guy/girl? Yep. I would think that everyone has at least once in their life.
65. Have you ever stolen anything? When I was a little kid and didn't know it was stealing.
66. Do you procrastinate? I'll answer that later... <------ ^)^
67. Do you believe in fate? To a certain extent.
68. Who's your favorite Sesame Street character? Big Bird!!
69. Do you organize your CD's? Organize? What is this word of which you speak?
70. What is your favorite kind of music? I like too many kinds to have a favorite
71. What are your favorite bands/artists? Too many again
72. What was the last CD you got? I have no idea.
73. MTV or VH1? Neither
74. Who do you admire the most? dunno
75. Internet Boyfriends and Girlfriends? Neither
76. Are you single? No.
77. Favorite TV show? At the moment? Don't have one right now
78. Blondes, Brunettes, or Redheads? Doesn't matter
79. Glasses or contacts? Glasses.
80. What color are your eyes? a color on the color spectrum
81. What is your natural hair color? Dark brown
82. But what color is it now? Brown with Blonde Streaks
83. Have you ever been in love? Yes.
84. Any pets? Two cats and a couple of hens are borderline pets
85. Good, decent, or poor grades? Good, sometimes excellent!
86. Is the glass half empty or half full? both :p
87. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Yep
88. What's under your bed? Air
89. What is your favorite number? 8
90. Favorite sport to watch? football

k, it's late and I figured that I would start a journal but that's all I got for now :D


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
17. Favorite smells? Go ahead and make fun, but cow manure. Not straight cow poop, but the smell of the dirt and mud and all of it mixed in. Reminds me of home. I missed it when I lived in Calif, and when I moved back here I teared up the first time I smelled it again...and not cause it was poop!
I know what you mean. Some smells are all about the memories they evoke!

Isn't that list a killer?! :D


Jul 16, 2008
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My husband makes fun of me for it. I'm not the only one here that feels the same way though. lol He's not from here so he just doesn't understand! :tongue :lol:

I like a few weird smells, but I think some of the ones I like are because my sense of smell is off! For instance I think that skunks smell like really strong pencil erasers. The smell doesn't bother me for some reason. But I don't have an emotional connection to that one!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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then you would have loved being in the car the other night...skunk stink to the max...drove thru the skunk mist..HA HA...it sure lingered..HA HA

glad you started a journal Okie!

Woodland Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 16, 2008
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Where have you been Okiemommy? :) Haven't seen you for a while.

45. Future child's name. Don't know yet. Let you know in a couple months.

Are you expecting?


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? How much longer are the kids going to stay asleep so I can keep lying here in bed a while longer
Oh my!! This is so me!! And I pray that when I get up to go potty that they do not wake up....because they are in MY bed!:rolleyes:


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
then you would have loved being in the car the other night...skunk stink to the max...drove thru the skunk mist..HA HA...it sure lingered..HA HA

glad you started a journal Okie!
ha ha it sounds even more bizzare when reading about it! :lol:

Thanks! :hugs I wasn't going to, but Dac twisted my arm ;) We're not very self sufficient, but we're willing to learn as much as is practical and to the benefit of our family. I hope I get a canner for Christmas!! :fl :fl

Where have you been Okiemommy? smile Haven't seen you for a while.

45. Future child's name. Don't know yet. Let you know in a couple months.

Are you expecting?
Hi! :D I went to school for the fall semester, and got really bogged down with art projects due for school so I had to take a break from BYC and sufficient self.

Yep we just found out a couple of weeks ago that we are having another baby :D This will make 5 unless we have multiples again.

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? How much longer are the kids going to stay asleep so I can keep lying here in bed a while longer
Oh my!! This is so me!! And I pray that when I get up to go potty that they do not wake up....because they are in MY bed!roll
Me too half the time! I'm thankful that 3 of mine are really heavy sleepers! But that other one ooooh WOW Don't drop a feather! :lol:


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
Congrats on being pg!! I hope you have multiples again!!:D

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