ORChick's Not-a-Journal


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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This morning at the crack of dawn we went to the hospital for DH's second surgery on his fractured ankle. The first one was to put a metal plate and numerous screws in, to hold all the bits together while it healed. Today was to get one of the screws out again - most were permanent, this one was temporary. It all went well, and didn't take too terribly long - though I did make noticeable progress on the sweater I am knitting :lol:. DH was still rather high from the anesthesia, talking a lot, and not making a whole lot of sense. He had been fasting since last night, and on the way home he asked for bacon and eggs, and hashbrowns, and some sauteed mushrooms, and did I still have any of those roasted tomatoes that I had put up last summer? I asked if he really want to put that much food into his stomach while still groggy from the surgery, and doped up on pain killers. He said yes, he was starving! So we got home, and got him settled - and he says that, although he still wants his big breakfast, maybe we could wait a couple of hours? :lol: Maybe just a couple of pieces of toast for the moment? So, it looks like a full English breakfast ... at around 2:00 this afternoon :gig - or maybe instead of dinner.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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:frow Rathbone!

We have had a tabby cat coming by the house every afternoon for the last 4 days. He is very friendly, let me pick him up to check his collar for tags (were none). He appears healthy, and not skinny ... though he did scarf down
the food I gave him this afternoon. The food was a bit of a bribe so that I could put him in a carrier and go off to the vet to have them scan him for a chip (also none :barnie). He was very good in the car, made less of a fuss than any of mine do. None of the immediate neighbours recognize him. We live on a dead end street, which is off another dead end, so either we have a brand new neighbour who lets the cat wander in the afternoon, or we have another dumped cat :duc. He has a collar (and had a flea collar, which I removed; I dislike the idea of cats hanging themselves with unbreakable collars); he is also still intact, and doesn't appear to be very old - not a kitten, but not old. He is in a roomy cat cage in the garage at the moment, and I need to put up a "found" notice on Craig's List, and make up a few paper posters. Our neighbour has a work colleague who lost her cat a couple of months ago, so we may have a home for him to go to. Sadly, 3 is our limit - and we are already 2 above that number :rolleyes:, so he can't stay here.

I think that the kitties have secret marks that they make by the doors of soft touches ... oops, I mean kind people who will feed them :rolleyes: It is quite incredible, the number of abandoned and rescued cats and dogs there are now living just in the 3 houses at the end of our little lane.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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I've had no response to my ads and posters concerning the cat. He is such a cuddlebug; all he wants to do is sit on my lap and purr. I so wish I could keep him, but that just wouldn't work, so I can't allow myself to even think about it. My neighbour's friend, I have discovered, is in need of a barn cat, and not a house cat. I know there are dozens/hundreds of cats out there that would fit that job description to a tee, but I don't think this boy is one of them. So tomorrow I will be taking him to the local shelter. He is eminently adoptable, so I think that this is the best option. He needs a person who will be happy to have him cuddle.

Other traumatic news of the day ... I had my hair cut. From below my waist to shoulder length. It hasn't been shorter than waist length in close to 35 years. Now all I see when I look in the mirror is my mother; she's been hiding in there for quite some time now, and peeking out occasionally ... but now she isn't hiding anymore :th :lol:


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2010
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Mojave Desert
This is the year that I can see my mother in my face also. No hair cut was necessary for me. It is disconcerting. I really am surprised each time at the face that greets me in the mirror. I find myself wondering if my mother and my grandmother before me had this feeling, and did it last their whole lives? Will I grow accustomed to this face ever?
On another note...how do you like the light swinging feeling of your new hair?


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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I'm getting used to it ... slowly. I do certainly feel that I have *lost weight* :lol: Running a brush through, or my fingers ... very strange; it all ends so suddenly, and so soon.
Don't get me wrong - there are certainly worse things in life than looking like my mother. Its just a bit of a shock. DH has noticed the resemblance as well. Still, it is better (I think) than in my younger days when I would pass a mirror or large window, catch an unexpected glimpse of myself, and see ...... my brother! :lol:
I don't have sisters, and 2 of my brothers and I all have the same family look - fair, curly/wavy hair, high cheekbones (the third brother got an entirely different set of genes - he looks like our father, the rest of us take after our mother's side of the family). Now that was a really weird experience, to see my little brother peering out at me from MY face. :/.:D


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2010
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Mojave Desert
Lol. My brother and I have a striking resemblance also. Now that we are old(er) it is easy to tell us apart; he has a big bushy orange beard. ;)
I am not opposed to looking like my mother either but seeing my face age is the strangest thing. I am surprised every single time I see myself In The mirror

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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My DD took a picture of me, and if I hadn't known it was me, I would have sworn it was my sister! But, she doesn't wear flannel shirts. :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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Today DH and I went to a friend's house to learn how to make these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pysanka Not at all SS, but a lot of fun. DH is an artist, so he was particularly interested, but I had a good time too. I learned about these eggs 40 years ago, from a friend of my parents' who lived in Czechoslovakia; she used to send Easter cards with pictures of these beautiful eggs. I never followed up on it, but the process has always been fascinating to me. Today it was raining, and snowing in the hills. It was a good day to be indoors doing something creative.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I like the look of the Pysanka eggs too, some are really intricate and stunning! Sounds like a fun thing to learn! So, where's the pics of yours? ;)