Acre of Blessings
Lovin' The Homestead
To put it all in a nut-shell.......................
It's not Global Warming it's God's Warning.
It's not Global Warming it's God's Warning.
Sure there is. Several of my coffee drinking friends drink coffee from Hawaii. They really enjoy it.yotetrapper said:....American coffee? Is there such a thing?
Amen, sister!me&thegals said:To all of the above--no offense taken, hopefully none given.
I get frustrated with all the conflicting "scientific" reports supporting and refuting global climate change. I'm going with my gut on this one. Again, it's way too hard for me to believe that intensive pollution and use of resources won't hurt the earth.
Darn, sure wish I could change the world! But, since I can't change ALL of it I'll continue working on my tiny portion of itYep--I pick up other people's trash, too, cursing the slobs under my breath
Mostly, though, I try to teach my kids about the amazing beauty of Mother Earth and all she can give us when we treat her with respect.
<making a note to share this with the BYC staff>patandchickens said:you can learn more about hornets when you *havent* just kicked the nest
No disrespect intended, but you've touched on what my problem is with 'global warming'.me&thegals said:To all of the above--no offense taken, hopefully none given.
I get frustrated with all the conflicting "scientific" reports supporting and refuting global climate change. I'm going with my gut on this one. Again, it's way too hard for me to believe that intensive pollution and use of resources won't hurt the earth.