Sharing Point


Sustainable Newbie
Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
Greetings to you all,

I had an idea which might be interesting for people loving self-sufficiency.
I don't know if this idea has already been realized.

I call it: Sharing Point

It's about a website where people can put in their location and share their own services and products which they might want to offer with people living nearby. Other people visiting this website can then find and contact them.

Here's a longer explanation:

All people already have some level of self-sufficiency. And can easily acquire more self-sufficiency. For example: They perform several tasks in their house and garden. They can learn how to make a wide variety of products themselves, like wine, beer, bread, cloths and so on. And often, they can even produce it more ethically and/or cheaper.

This seems very promising. But for one person to produce a wide variety of products, takes a lot of time. Because of time issues, most people limit themselves to producing a very limited amount of home made products and limit themselves to do a limited amount of tasks around the house.

But each person has different abilities. Together however, people perform a wide variety of tasks and produce a wide variety of products.

If only people were able to share their own products and services with the products and services from people living nearby, the people, as a group, could attain a higher degree of self-sufficiency.

The ability to share however could easily be attained if there was a website which allowed people to share their abilities with each other. They could register. Put in their location. Put in their services and/or products they want to share with the neighbourhood.

For example, someone who doesnt like to mow the lawn, could look online if there is anyone living nearby who offers this service. So this person can be contacted. Paying the person for the job well done, could be illegal. But perhaps, there is something else they can agree upon. Or not.

Another example: Is to form sharing groups online. Sharing groups, as a group of people, each having their own products to offer, they meet with each other. And they share their products. A variety of home made products for each other. That could be promising. They could pay each other. Or they could collectively agree on a specified budget for the making of their products and just share them with the group.

And people could perhaps, give ratings to each other, as a hopeful mean to create trust in the society and in the people involved.

If such a website would exist and would attain popularity, it could give a boost to a completely different economy. One in which the people are the performers. Not the big companies.


I'm stuck with these questions:

Does it already exist?
Do you think it is a good idea?
And, if so, what would be a promising way for finding people who would want to build such a website?


Good luck to you all,
