Wild Hare
In a long-term SHTF situation (I don't believe it will happen but it's an interesting thought problem), I suspect beauty and health will be strongly valued. Our culture has lost a lot of beauty knowledge. So I'm looking a the products I buy and how to completely DIY/SS them.
It looks like I could replace my 2% salicylic acid product - which is propylene glycol carrier and 2% salicylic acid - with willow water. My neighbor cut down his willow tree and wild rabbits ate my willow shrub to death. I'm adding a willow tree to my to-do list.
It looks like I could replace my 2% salicylic acid product - which is propylene glycol carrier and 2% salicylic acid - with willow water. My neighbor cut down his willow tree and wild rabbits ate my willow shrub to death. I'm adding a willow tree to my to-do list.

How to Make Willow Water - Powerful, Natural DIY Rooting Hormone
Find out how to make willow water - it's EASY! Make some of this homemade rooting compound to help your cuttings stay free of disease and quickly grow strong roots! #willowwater #rootingcompound