Stolen Cards


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 26, 2009
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Jawja, y'all
gettinaclue said:
Yeah, that should be common knowledge.

I was just talking to a lady a little while ago about her stolen card. She said she went to get change at the car wash and didn't lock her car. When she got back to the car, everything was fine and hadn't been touched so she washed her car and went home.

She said she got a phone call from a lady at Sears and she wanted to know if she had her Discover card. She said she did. The lady asked her to go check. She checked and everything was in her wallet the way it was except for her Discover card. Apparently while she was getting change, the guy went through her wallet, got only this card and went directly to Sears. Apparently they have some bonus program or something there with the discover card.

She said the last thing she heard on the phone was the lady screaming "CATCH HIM!!! HE'S RUNNING OUT OF THE STORE!!! CLICK"

Yeah, the lady at the counter knew the man's name wasn't NANCY and he shouldn't have been using the card, so she looked her up in the phone book and called her.

This guy also called this lady the next day and told her he would return the card to her if she paid him a reward.

The GALL!!!
She should have said "yeah, come on over", then called the police to visit with her as well. It sounds like the crook was stupid enough to fall for it...:/


Swiss Army Wife
Jun 4, 2010
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DH and I have debit cards, no credit cards. We use our card a LOT and have only had 1 instance of a fraudulent charge. I check our account online very frequently and noticed a charge of a dollar and some change from Payless, and I knew we hadn't been to a Payless. I called and had the card cancelled and got another one. I'm still going to use my card though, I feel like it's safer than using cash. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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aggieterpkatie said:
DH and I have debit cards, no credit cards. We use our card a LOT and have only had 1 instance of a fraudulent charge. I check our account online very frequently and noticed a charge of a dollar and some change from Payless, and I knew we hadn't been to a Payless. I called and had the card cancelled and got another one. I'm still going to use my card though, I feel like it's safer than using cash. :)
I refused to get the debit card at first. I had had one previously, in the mid 80's when they first came out, and that was a nightmare with a married cpl/joint account. I didn't get a new one till 2003, after the bank explained to me their newer uses etc. I only use the debit card, never have cash on hand. I prefer to run mine as "credit" though...not entering my PIN number anywhere but the bank ATM. I refuse to get any cash from out of network banks etc.....not worth the extra charges. I get free checking, because I switched to online banking exclusively. No going inside the bank anymore for teller use.
I also monitor my accounts online..weekly..and keep an OCD eye on my bank activities. I had all the alerts in use when I was moving, so I would be notified of any suspicious activity.
Right now, I am un-employed, with no income. I am not receiving any unemployment monies, and fiance and I are just living on his one income. Coming under the SS forum, I have no debts, no outstanding loans, no auto loans, no credit cards. The only actual bills I have now are auto insurance, aflac, and 1 medical bill from when I had real health insurance. It is down to 450.00 now I believe.
I have also watched carefully any oline transactions I do. I only use pay-pal..and do not save debit card info online.

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