Moderator Extraordinaire
This coming Friday (September 19) is the start of The Common Ground Fair up in Unity, Maine. It is always the third weekend in September.
This fair is awesome for anyone and everyone into self sufficient living, growing your own, raising your own, woodlot management, bees, chickens, alpacas, mules, you name it, it's up there. DH was going through the schedule tonight circling things we're going to try to catch. Unfortunately some things are at the same time, so I have to choose, it's tough to choose!
At 11 am on Friday there's Raising Guinea Fowl and Lavender Through the Ages. I'm choosing the Lavender, I'd like to raise guinea fowl but that won't be for awhile. I'm a abit of an herbalist, and I got great info on raising lavender last year up there, so that looks really interesting.
At 2 pm there's a seminar on Controlling American Foulbrood in Bees w/o Antibiotics, lead by Ross Conrad, of Natural Beekeeping fame.
At 3 pm There a Chainsaw Safety & Directional Felling seminar Greg wants to check out.
On Saturday Greg has selected something on Monolithic Heated Slab Foundations at 11 am.
At noon there's Herbal Support for Menopause - boy, do I need that one right now!
Then at 3 there's a Homebrewing thing he wants to check out.
Finally at 4 there's Backyard Chicken Basics, I really want to see that.
I am leaving out just so much. How to have a Family Cow, Get Answers to your Organic Vegetable Questions, Growing Plums in Maine, Making Sourdough Bred in a Wood Fired Oven, Eating Local, Dowsing, Sharpening the European Scythe Blade, All About Mules, Goat Milking Demo....ok, I'll stop now, but here's a link to the schedule if you want to see what I mean.
Plus there are great vendors, great livestock to check out, they have a nice poultry show, good food, nice people all around, plus some really nice music, if you're into bluegrass/folk/fiddling, etc.
Any chance anyone here will be up there? It would be neat to meet up! If not, then think about it for next year - it's well worth the trip!
This fair is awesome for anyone and everyone into self sufficient living, growing your own, raising your own, woodlot management, bees, chickens, alpacas, mules, you name it, it's up there. DH was going through the schedule tonight circling things we're going to try to catch. Unfortunately some things are at the same time, so I have to choose, it's tough to choose!
At 11 am on Friday there's Raising Guinea Fowl and Lavender Through the Ages. I'm choosing the Lavender, I'd like to raise guinea fowl but that won't be for awhile. I'm a abit of an herbalist, and I got great info on raising lavender last year up there, so that looks really interesting.
At 2 pm there's a seminar on Controlling American Foulbrood in Bees w/o Antibiotics, lead by Ross Conrad, of Natural Beekeeping fame.
At 3 pm There a Chainsaw Safety & Directional Felling seminar Greg wants to check out.
On Saturday Greg has selected something on Monolithic Heated Slab Foundations at 11 am.
At noon there's Herbal Support for Menopause - boy, do I need that one right now!
Then at 3 there's a Homebrewing thing he wants to check out.
Finally at 4 there's Backyard Chicken Basics, I really want to see that.
I am leaving out just so much. How to have a Family Cow, Get Answers to your Organic Vegetable Questions, Growing Plums in Maine, Making Sourdough Bred in a Wood Fired Oven, Eating Local, Dowsing, Sharpening the European Scythe Blade, All About Mules, Goat Milking Demo....ok, I'll stop now, but here's a link to the schedule if you want to see what I mean.
Plus there are great vendors, great livestock to check out, they have a nice poultry show, good food, nice people all around, plus some really nice music, if you're into bluegrass/folk/fiddling, etc.
Any chance anyone here will be up there? It would be neat to meet up! If not, then think about it for next year - it's well worth the trip!