Super Self-Sufficient
I hate the list. It's so overwhelming and I forget everything I've read about someone new!
oh, my, there's very little chance i have of remembering all of that even for my own self! to me, it's a way to start a conversation about a lot of different topics. pick and choose what you'd like to reply to and don't take it too seriously in the memory category. at least that is what i do for things like this.
for me a friend is someone i remember things about. the wider world, nope, i might remember odd bits, but often i'll struggle enough just with remembering a name and a face together. i can know that if i see someone if i've met them before, but probably will not remember their name until i know them and have met them several times.
one of the fun things about the small-time-librarian job was that it did help me get more "face-time" exposure to a lot of different sorts of people.