ThisOldCabin's journal...Planted trees,Got floor boards grooved...Pics


Enjoys Recycling
Feb 23, 2011
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It is a challenge sometimes,going from one place to the other and keeping up with it all.We live at one and are moving to the other.I haven't been in a hurry to move but it seems lately I can't wait.
Today has been one of those "I ready to move now" days.We do have power at the new place but it doesn't go to the house yet.No lines out there and it costs alot.We have a couple good springs but no tanks or pumps.It would be buckets and firewood and oil lamps.Plus a chamberpot and whatever else goes with that.LOL.
Really,life is such a bummer sometime.We have all this going on and wouldn't you know it,just like that the septic tank lid just falls in the tank.Not the whole thing just the middle piece.It has a 3 piece top.My youngest says,"who do you call for that?"Don't know.Just another DIY project.Husband calls the company we got it from and they said,oh well tops just deteorate(sp)other words...fall in.Set of 3 new ones $150.We dig it up and set them ourselves.So, lets get digging.LOL Took about 2 hours to un cover the whole thing,tomorow we get the tops and a neighbor is coming with his tractor to set them.Oh,well just more training for the young'uns.I told them I do have chamber pots if they don't want to help.They want to help.:D

Savingdogs,you're right on about the venison.We love it and since we've been eating it for years we know how we like it.I know everyone says it has alot to do with how you process the meat and it does.We know what part to make steaks and what to grind.We don't mix fat with our grind because we don't like the taste and its just adding something we didn't want to begin with.If I'm not mistaken you have elk where you live.We only have white-tail deer.It takes 6-8 deer a year for us where 1 or 2 elk would give us extra.If you can you really should try either one.Its lean and clean.Free-range and not farmed.I don't really have recipes but I know how to cook each part and can give tips if you need them.:)

We bought corn.Ouch!Because the wild hogs cut into our yield we had to.$13.95 a hunderd pounds.We opted for the ton and got it for 12.95 a hunderd.I think at least we have enough to last until this years comes in.And I hope I have some fresh pork to boot.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Sounds like you have alot going on there. Yup, I would definately get me a few of those hogs...altho the boars would be gamey I think. We dont "hunt" our meats...hubby has no interest. So, we raise ours. Either works..fresh clean meat.
I wish I had half the property you have there....and to be able to grow all that corn for the critters! Nice! I just bought cracked corn, and it was 5.95 for a 50 pound bag. Not too bad, but I would love to be able to grow it....even some of it! I can't waite to read more of your life, it sounds very interesting, and self suffecient! ;)


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I have a friend who lived for several years in a cabin without running water and without electricity. The river was nearby and they hauled water to wash. She said it was a "very hard life." However she said it made her kids more resilient.


Enjoys Recycling
Feb 23, 2011
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We've been so busy.Nice weather has its disadvantages.Yard work galore plus work in the greenhouse and just regalur-go-to- work work.I have squash,peppers,carrots and lettuce coming up.(not counting flowers)I planted a few potatoes and a small spot of sweet corn.I'm gonna have the first mess of sweet corn or else.LOL.I try every year but somebody always beats me.I planted seeds for 3 types of tomatoes.

No hogs to be found around our newly built trap.Although the coons,squirrels and turkeys are loving the extra free meals.Turkey season opens in 6 days but I won't be able to hunt them around the hog trap.Its considered baiting here.I can hunt them here at this place and we have lots.Dads been seeing 9 gobblers together at his place.He's already been calling wanting hubby to come show him how to hunt turkeys.Thats so cool 'cause he helped hubby learn how to hunt deer back when we first met.

I placed a ad for a pair of my turkeys for $60.I've got a few calls but no takers yet.I have one lady that wants just a hen.I really didn't want to sell just a hen but I priced her one at $35 and she wants it.I wanted to sell a pair or two and buy some other kind of turkey,I'd like to find some type that has some white coloring.Oh and I saw some silkie chickens.Wow,they are too cute.I've gotta get a plan going where I can get a pair or 3.I have laying chickens and they make eggs so they have a place here.I want silkies for pets.But I'll have to get rid of something to make room for them.Maybe if I could hatch and sell some chicks they could pay for theirselves.I'll have to check into that.

Finally got to the thrift store today.Haven't been in over 4 months.I went in search of a bread machine and came home with 5 new books.I found one that is for cooking/storing fish.I didn't know you could do so many things with fish.Fry,broil,bake,grill plus soups and you can can,dry,pickle and smoke it.Another I found is called,"The People's Home Library..vol 3.Livestock.Published in 1910.It is one of the oldest books I have and has to be one of the coolest.The pictures it has are priceless.I do wonder about some of the remedies it has for critters but it is basic for sure.
I did go by and buy a few flowers,too.It's just so plain out here we really needed to pretty it up.I will have lots in a few months but I wanted flowers now.LOL

I almost forgot,we're going to try and get buy without regular powerlines running to our new cabin.It's so pricey and they want to cut so many trees it just isn't worth it.Still working on the details but I'll try and keep you all posted on how that goes.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I love thrift stores! We check them for old books as well.

I wish you good luck in your garden, I got quite a bit planted in the last couple days as well. When you finally get a little sunshine, it is like you have more work than any other day! I finally had to stop yesterday because my back was killing me.

I'd be intimidated to go without regular power. What is your plan for hot running water? I think I could do without a lot of things, but not that!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Hello....checking in late, just wanted to say hi! My husband and I both hunt and we haven't bought beef in years cause I finally broke down and bought our own grinder to process our deer meat. We keep a few roasts and the tenderloins and then grind the rest...we don't add anything to ours too.

I'm looking forward to reading more about your farm...welcome to the journals! :frow


Enjoys Recycling
Feb 23, 2011
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Thanks any and all that have been keeping up with this.It is alot of fun but work to boot.LOL
We got around 1200 foot of red oak and ash tongue and grooved.It is beautiful.I can't wait to get it put down.I didn't know the ash was so hard and its clear,too.
We had planted 2 peach trees and 2 apple trees over the past 3 years.We lost an apple this winter and so we planted 2 more to replace it.
No luck with the hog trap.We set smaller live traps around it and have caught lots of coons.No piggies yet.They are there they just haven't got in the trap yet.
I'm gonna try to add some pictures.




I'm having to wait for seeds to come up.I'm watching the grass grow.It was warm a

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