Turkeys 2021


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
Looks like one hens started sitting or I maybe I just caught her laying an egg? I got eggs in two corners of their little laying house.


Started a new turkey thread for 2021.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
Reaction score
You butchered her for laying eggs ?!?!


Sorry, that was my first reaction to your post. I realize that is probably an extra tom.
Nice looking carcass. How big is it?

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Interesting. I usually call a specific "variety" a "breed" Google search turned this up: Breed: "by descent from common ancestors and visibly similar in most characters" Use in sentence: exotic breeds of cats, retrievers and other popular dog breeds.

The poultry hatcheries refer to the various birds available by "breed".

Recent Examples on the Web: Verb: The collar comes in four sizes, from extra-small to large, to fit any dog breed.

And definition of variety:

variety(noun) (biology) a taxonomic category consisting of members of a species that differ from others of the same species in minor but heritable characteristics. "varieties are frequently recognized in botany"

These 2 words led me to the bunny trail of taxonomy. 8 levels: The current taxonomic system now has eight levels in its hierarchy, from lowest to highest, they are: species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, domain.

BTW, I found the cherry seeds you sent to me. I planted half of them outdoors via "winter sowing" method. And, the other half have gone in the freezer for a couple of freeze, thaw cycles before I plant them outside. I intend to pot them up b/c I fear that rodents will dig them. What was the variety of those cherries????




Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 25, 2021
Reaction score
Natrona County, Wyoming
Interesting. I usually call a specific "variety" a "breed" Google search turned this up: Breed: "by descent from common ancestors and visibly similar in most characters" Use in sentence: exotic breeds of cats, retrievers and other popular dog breeds.

The poultry hatcheries refer to the various birds available by "breed".

Recent Examples on the Web: Verb: The collar comes in four sizes, from extra-small to large, to fit any dog breed.

And definition of variety:

variety(noun) (biology) a taxonomic category consisting of members of a species that differ from others of the same species in minor but heritable characteristics. "varieties are frequently recognized in botany"

These 2 words led me to the bunny trail of taxonomy. 8 levels: The current taxonomic system now has eight levels in its hierarchy, from lowest to highest, they are: species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, domain.

BTW, I found the cherry seeds you sent to me. I planted half of them outdoors via "winter sowing" method. And, the other half have gone in the freezer for a couple of freeze, thaw cycles before I plant them outside. I intend to pot them up b/c I fear that rodents will dig them. What was the variety of those cherries????


The term breed is specific to the animal being talked about. None of them have the same definition. Chickens are classified as breeds. Ducks are classified as breeds. Cattle have their own definition of breed as do dogs.

The APA recognizes one breed and the breed is Turkey. They currently recognize 8 varieties of the breed Turkey. Guineas are recognized as the breed Helmeted Guinea Fowl.

Turkeys are rightfully recognized as a single breed except for the Ocellated turkey which is a different species. Turkeys do not have the genetic diversity that chickens have. All domestic turkeys are descended from the same haploid group. All domestic turkeys can interbreed and depending on which turkeys are involved will not producw some hybrid but will instead produce more of the same as one of the parent stock.

A couple of examples are crossing a Sweetgrass tom with a Royal Palm hen. The female offspring will all be pure Sweetgrass turkeys. The male offspring will all be phenotypical Sweetgrass but will be carrying a hidden Narragansett gene. Using a Royal Palm tom over a Sweetgrass hen will produce pure Royal Palm hens and phenotypical Sweetgrass toms carrying a hidden Narragansett gene.

You can find many instances of the misuse of the term breed as it applies to turkeys all over the web. Some hatcheries have it right, some have it wrong and some skip the issue by not using the term breed when it comes to turkeys. Many college sites have it wrong because their sites are designed by students that don't understand everything involved. Some even claim the APA list 8 breeds when it is easy to look it up and see that the APA only lists the breed Turkey and 8 different varieties.

Hope the seeds turn into trees for you.