unknown sickness in my goat! Please help

The Ranch Girl

Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2022
Reaction score
My 2 and a half yr old goat who kidded about 7 weeks ago has had a strange illness going on.
It started nine days after she kidded I was noticing she was having trouble walking on her back legs and a day after that couldn't use them at all. The vet suggested it could be milk fever so we gave her ivermectin and a B complex shot and we read she should start acting better after that but nothing improved. After lots of research we came to the conclusion it was probably meaningeal worn aka brain or deer worm so we took some of her feces to the vet to do testing and treated her with safeguard and banamine for five days, the vet told us she had no worms or parasites but the brain worm in not traceable by feces or blood. She was soon able to walk much better and we thought it ok. I know spinal injuries (from the brain worm) take a while to heal but the last couple a days she got worse but still able to stand, everytime the billy annoys her she tries to run and flips over on her back. I also noticed very heavy amounts of dry skin shedding along with scabs all over her body and if you take them off puss and blood comes out, also lots of hair shedding but no bald spots. I'm at a loss for words and I have no clue what this is. She is a very sweet baby and always comes to me for help when the billy gets to her. Please if anyone knows anything about It I would really appreciate the help I really don't want to lose her.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I'm sorry your girl is ill. Let me gently suggest - and I hate to - but you might need another vet. The treatment for milk fever isn't worming meds and B-vitamins. The treatment for milk fever is calcium.

It would be in her best interest to separate her from the buck also. She doesn't need his shenanigans while she's ill.

If she's having skin issues it's possible that she has some staph like infection. I'm no expert on those, but a competent vet should be able to do some investigating and suggest an appropriate antibiotic if indeed that's the case. You might try some medicated shampoo in the interim...maybe something with iodine or betadine.

I hope you can find some help for her. Please keep us informed and maybe we can all learn something.

The Ranch Girl

Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2022
Reaction score
I'm sorry your girl is ill. Let me gently suggest - and I hate to - but you might need another vet. The treatment for milk fever isn't worming meds and B-vitamins. The treatment for milk fever is calcium.

It would be in her best interest to separate her from the buck also. She doesn't need his shenanigans while she's ill.

If she's having skin issues it's possible that she has some staph like infection. I'm no expert on those, but a competent vet should be able to do some investigating and suggest an appropriate antibiotic if indeed that's the case. You might try some medicated shampoo in the interim...maybe something with iodine or betadine.

I hope you can find some help for her. Please keep us informed and maybe we can all learn something.
Oh yes I'm sorry but I forgot we gave her calcium, I was asking my mom all we gave her, I do try to separate her from the buck. thank you so much for the help


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
Any other animals (or people?!) with skin sores? Wondering if it could be orf? If it's affecting her hooves the pain could be causing her lameness. It's viral, highly contagious, zoonotic (people get it too). It usually runs its course in a month, but it can be fatal, especially in kids who stop feeding because of the pain from sores around their mouth.

It takes a couple days to a week to spread to others.
