weaner pigs, anyone feed them not using bagged pelleted feed?


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
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Eastern Kansas
me&thegals said:
jellybeanme said:
We got some outdated whole hog legs from somewhere once. They went absolutely crazy for them!
Did I read this right? Pigs eating pigs? IDK, but this sounds a little questionable to me...
While this is ok in moderation, you don't necessarily want to do it too often. Feeding them meat with everything else, sure. Feeding them pig meat, not so much so often. The problem is that pigs react to eating pig much the way humans react to eating human if prolonged. They develop health problems in a major way. The only reason why pigs, chickens and turkey's can get away with this is because, like humans, they are omnivourus(sp) meaning they eat both meat and vegetables (to use a rather broad and vague description). However, part of the problem the agribusiness industry is facing right now is they have been feeding cow bits to chickens, and cow bits to cows, and feeding chicken bits and chicken feces to cows and cows are not meant to eat any of this. Cows are herbivorious(sp) and are not meant to be eating meat period.

So, I suppose long explanation short:
Pigs eating pigs ok in small quantitys, on spaced out occasions. Cows eating meat not ok, ever. Humans eating cows pigs sheep chickens and plants, ok always :)

Sorry, hope that helped a bit!


Sustainable Newbie
Aug 3, 2010
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That makes sense. It wasn't a regular occurance, it was just that we ened up with them once, and wondered if they'd eat it. I also wonder if feeding pigs an excessive diet of pork would make them cannibalistic? One of my great great great uncles a LONG time ago had part of a leg taken by a huge boar. Like the ones that get several hundred pounds and get very aggressive. This was way back in the day. Not my type of backyard animal!

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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Around here wild boars abound and are considered a pest species. There are people who trap them and sell them live for meat. I got a good-sized pig (would you still call it a sow?) for a few dollars.

They ARE mean mean mean!!! Anything older than a baby piglet will try to kill you once it's penned. My great grandparents used to "own" a bunch of pigs they let run wild living WAY out in the country. It was a majorly dangerous job to "harvest" them. Come to think of it, I'm not sure why they brought them in alive rather than just shooting them like game. Woulda been safer? I wonder if anyone in my family who is still alive knows ...

I want to raise a couple of feeder pigs but I don't have the fences for it. Maybe in a year or two. I never knew anyone to feed them bagged food at all back in the day. Love the ideas and info here. :)


Enjoys Recycling
Sep 23, 2010
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:) I raised pigs for years . At two litters a year their is no faster money !! BUT , They are also the most work !!! Alfalfa pasture is the best , If you don't have pasture give them good baled Hay as a filler . Corn , Cracked or soaked , otherwise it is wasted and go's right thru them . small pigs require rolled grain , any kind . Broken bags of Dog food are great if available and they go wild over surplus sqaush or melon of any kind . Sour milk , Butter-milk , any kind of milk is great for less than Weiner pigs Note you cannot overfeed a Pig , but they also require worming (in their feed) ............ , ALANB. E-mail Me .


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
central wa
I'am with ALANB,

we too raised pigs about 10 yrs back and it can be fast cash, and they will eat about anything. Dairy is good for feed,we would make a slop in the winter out of dairy, chopped hay and grains, sometimes we even got bread from the day old bakery and added it, and any veggies/ fruit we could get cheap or grow.

Always soak your grains!!!