What hours are you keeping?


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
Reaction score
I am just curious if the rest of you are feeling sleep deprived this time of year too. I'm curious:

1. what time you are typically getting up?
2. what time you are typically going to bed?
3. does that coincide with the sunrise/sunset in your area?
4. how much sleep are you getting?
5. is it enough?
6. are you working outside the homestead?

I work part-time, so on days when I go to work I am getting up at 4:45 and going to bed at 11, which is about 6 hours of sleep. My wake-up time is maybe an hour before official sunrise and my bedtime is probably about an hour after official sunset at this time (close to the solstice). I am the type of person that requires 8 or more hours of sleep a night. When I don't get enough sleep I become accident prone and this can be dangerous in the wrong kind of situation. Typically though it just means I break dishes and stumble around like an idiot. LOL I also get very grumpy without my full allotment of sleep. In the winter I usually make sure I get my 8 hours of sleep, if not more.

Anyone else care to share?


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
My hours are changing for some reason. I've been waking up around 5 every morning, no later than 5:30, a few times its been as early as 4. I've learned to not get back in the nice, soft, comfy bed with DH as I'll be cranky when the alarm does go off. My alarm isn't set to go off until 6:15, when we all typically get up.

It's nice, I get to start the day without the kids & DH running around under foot. Nice quiet cuppa, water the chickens & check the feed, then let them out for the day before going in to make a cuppa for DH and wake the kids. I'm usually snoozing on the couch when DH wakes me to get in bed, around 9:30 or so. Whereas before this circadian rhythm change, it'd be 11 or midnight before I hit the sack.

So, I'm actually getting a little more sleep, and I don't have to take a unisom to get to sleep before 2am. I'm liking that.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
I'm off for the summer so I'm no longer getting up for work. But with the new puppy any chance of sleeping late is gone. This morning I was up at 5:00 to let him so DH could get another half hour of sleep. I tossed and turned for a bit and finally went and dozed on the couch for an hour. Woke up when DH was moving around getting ready for work and went back to bed. Fell deeply asleep until my son wandered in at 8:00. He's pretty independent in the morning these days but we have a small house so I usually hear him once he's up and wake up. I have a bad habit of staying up late reading in the summer. Once the 10:00 news is over I'll read for another hour. So I'm usually getting enough sleep but a different pattern. And it has nothing to do with the sun unless that is what regulates the puppy's waking time.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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I struggle with getting enough quality sleep. The only time I feel rested is when I can keep a schedule of 11:30 pm to 8:30 am - and that doesn't work with animals and kids, but it's what my body likes. :rolleyes:
I have trouble falling asleep AND staying asleep every night and I feel tired all the time.
I thought I'd try getting up really early - around 5:30, but I have slept through it every morning this week. I don't know what to do.

So to answer the questions in order:
1. what time you are typically getting up? 7:30
2. what time you are typically going to bed? 10:00 to 11
3. does that coincide with the sunrise/sunset in your area?nope
4. how much sleep are you getting? it varies
5. is it enough?nope
6. are you working outside the homestead? no

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
1. what time you are typically getting up? 5:30-7:30 usually 5:30

2. what time you are typically going to bed? 11:00 but I am up all night tossing and turning and reading books.

3. does that coincide with the sunrise/sunset in your area? Almost sun seems to rise @ 4:30 and goes down @ about 10:15 or so.

4. how much sleep are you getting? 4 hours I think.

5. is it enough? I've learned to live with it. I'm perky all day now that I just threw in the towel and stopped fighting my insomnia. I got it from my father who never sleeps either. I can read two novels per week this way.

6. are you working outside the homestead? Not at this time. Usually I do, but since we moved here the "homestead" is my full time job. Perhaps next fall I will begin teaching again if there is a calling.

For me, too much sleep makes me groggy. I havn't had a nap in about 20 years, since I was a teenager. (Unless I am very sick that is and that is rare too.)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I am just curious if the rest of you are feeling sleep deprived this time of year too. I'm curious:

1. what time you are typically getting up? about 6 am
2. what time you are typically going to bed?1-2 am
3. does that coincide with the sunrise/sunset in your area?nope
4. how much sleep are you getting? absolutely not enough
5. is it enough?nope
6. are you working outside the homestead?farm is my real business, and have 4 year old daughter and at age 47 am going thru menapause type situaiton

I want more rest time, relax time, fun time, enjoyment time, whatever you call it, I want it...and sleep along with it...HA HA

Alot of nights I work til 10-11 am making soap etc. and have trouble unwinding after...so about 1-2 am is bed usually. Morning comes fast, can't sleep in, eyes open and up I am..LOL

When I camp..after the beach, or biking, or swimming or whatever, I fall asleep about 8-9 pm each night. I love it!!!!


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
Reaction score
big brown horse said:
I can read two novels per week this way.
LOL I guess there is a bright side to just about everything. :D

I only seem to get insomnia when I am under stress and my mind refuses to shut down for the night. I don't work a stressful job, so I don't get much insomnia.

My body naturally gravitates toward sleeping in (right now in my life 8 am seems like the nicest wake-up time) and staying up somewhat late, but not really late. I honestly do not know how some people can get up early every day of the week. It saps my energy so fast (after two days of early rising I am beat).

I think working hard around the homestead lends itself to quality sleep, but it seems some people's physiology doesn't always work that way. (I'm sorry, BBH.) :hugs


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
Reaction score
FarmerChick -- I hate that feeling of mornings coming so fast!!! I'm sorry you regularly experience it. I hope you get a good camping trip in soon!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
DrakeMaiden said:
FarmerChick -- I hate that feeling of mornings coming so fast!!! I'm sorry you regularly experience it. I hope you get a good camping trip in soon!
yea that morning just slaps you in the face....LOL

I am going 7 days to Cape Hatteras on July 20 and I KNOW I WILL be in bed by 9 each night. Plan on running myself ragged with fun and collapsing. GOOD DEAL for me..HA HA HA