Are we living our dreams?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
It was a false alarm. Don't know what her problem was, but she refused to leave the barn today. The weather was a bit questionable and with her activity, the previous day, I let her have her way. Safer in the barn, if something happens. Her teats are pretty full though. She looks almost like I could milk her.
Well, girls all gone for weekend with DH, who seems very stressed out. Multi-functional party at his home next weekend.....I will have to take Saturday off.
I only lost one chick with my hatch, which I assume is over. DD 26 in charge of my chores this weekend, due to me and DS being both gone. Fully aware that I might have a late chick or duckling pop out.
I have a returning customer, who is a new facebook friend who is all excited about some of my animals that I want to part with, so hoping to rid myself of a gander, a peking duck and hopefully my Rouen project. She also asked about if I had any chicks....heck I have more eggs in the incubator. If she wants these, I'll sell them all. More in 3 weeks anyway.
So we have had a series of unusual events the past 2 or 3 days. Godchild is all stressed cuz the owner of the dance studio is ripping her off severely....hardly paying her anything and basically makng a fortune off of her, so she wants her own place. So she is telling me about how much it will cost for contractors to build her a metal building on site on property owned by my sister.....well the numbers are enough that I was afraid she couldn't get a loan. So I call the lady that sold DH and I the house last Feb and tell her the problem and I tell her what amount she has to compete with and that we need a very large single room, so we looking at a repo'd warehouse or something like that, in our town or the surrounding towns, so she finds a quanset hut, on property in town, on other side of bayou, for 32,500 ready for I guess that means permits in place, I leave a message for my godchild and she listens and tells my sis, who pulls out a calculator, but I tell DS about it and that reignites a passion he has for gunsmithing, so we begin talking about that and I tell him to get certified, if its something that is bothering him and we will work on getting him established home-based and when he knows he has the clientel, he can decide if he needs a place. So I call the school, I got my basic herbology certificate with and he gets a discount due to me referring him, and I am questioning about different other programs and I finally found one that is interesting.....small business management. I figure, I have inherited a citrus grove, which is full of fruit every year that I can't market, because I don't know where to start, so maybe that can give me some pointers, plus if I sell herbs, my son sells firearms and my godchild teaches dancing, maybe I can help out. Sooooo......thats a series of unusual events, which one lead to another, to another, until we all have our hands in something new.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
I love a few jobs, but the one that makes all my money, right now, has been destroyed by somthing called Obamacare.
Well, my godchild just left, after showing me her ultrasound pics. I have just requested to be shown the prospective studio, in the morning. I have already told my godchild we need to get rid of that garage door and replace it with French doors and get 2 chandeliers.
Apparently DH has already talked to her and offered to be her gardener. She told me that cuz I told her we need lattice and climbing roses.
My little farm did pretty good today and promises to do well in the very near future. I sold 3 dozen eggs to a new customer,then did my chores. Found a dead hen, that I assume had a freak accident. She was smashed under my corn bin. I haven't told DD, who was in charge of my stuff this weekend. Then I sold 15 mutt chicks for $30 to a young woman who is very no non-sense about her farming. She wants my remaining 10 chicks, which would be awesome because it will make room for the next hatch. She also has a single goose, with no gander, so she will buy one of mine. Also spoke of buying my entire Rouen project.
Well, might as well, keep my incubator working. If I can sell a few rounds of chicks.....awesome. And when the sales stop, I have birds to raise for meat, eggs and possible started pullet sales.
BTW.....I went to work Saturday and learned that 5 of my weekday, coworkers have either resigned or outright quit. I haven't yet, but don't know how long I can hang in there.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Wow - sounds like it was a great farm day! I feel for you in your regular job. Health care is in such a conundrum these days... Hang in there!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Well, I have lots of eggs coming from the coop and if I put some eggs to incubate now, I will have a hatch going on, just a few days before Easter and seeings as I can make 10 X's the money with a dozen eggs, if it spends 21 days in the bator, than in the fridge, I'm going for it. Whatever eggs I get today, are going in.
Raining right now, so just inside chores and school going on right now. Youngest won't do a blessed thing, unless I'm on her.
I should be collecting some rain water, to help me make lye. Guess I will put that together soon. I do have some lard now. Really brainstorming about ways to leave my job. I've even called a local 'college' about their massage therapy course. Hoping I can test out of some of the required courses, like anatomy. Just a thought.
DS just told me that his supervisor had 'the talk' with him and his crew. They were warned that things are slowing down and to look very busy and he would try to keep his entire crew, if it at least looked like they were doing necessary work. So I also had a talk with him, as to what to do if worst happens. So glad he resisted the temptation to buy a new truck. Do feel so sorry for his co-workers that have to pay child support, rent, truck notes....maybe house notes. A miracle would be nice, cuz I sure can't help that multitude.
Today, feels like a do nothing, but drink coffee kind of day, but I will get a few lessons done with youngest.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Thanks. FEM....I was talking to one of my patients about your situation. Apparently he has a son that just went thru a bi-pass surgery in Florida, so he has been telling me about that for a few weeks now and I indicated that I sometimes hear about a lady with some of my interests who is there and has a husband that just had bi=pass, etc....
Its really wild the way some of our lives mimic each other's. For example Bee and I have tons in common....both nurses, both have large families and the farming....well, there too.
DS will be fine, as far as surviving goes.....he is my boy, afterall. He doesn't owe anyone or anything, money. Thats awesome, when you realize he is 25 years old. When my grandfather's car came up for sale for $1,000, we each pitched in $500 and I already had the Surburban which is 19 years old and still working fine. When something is acting funny, we see about it, instead of replace it. I'm lucky with that one. Everytime he was looking at trucks, he'd look at the prices and we'd talk about him getting one and we'd be like,"Well, thats about the best price you will get and the bigger the down payment, the less the note and the better the chance of getting financing, but what about the oilfield situation? It is good to be able to have this in mind, that you want one, but the good thing is that you want it, but you aren't forced to get when the car and Surburban breaks, then you need one..." and that kind of thing, so he is going to be fine. I have lots for him to keep busy with, until he finds something and then he has his former job that wants him on his off days, which if everyday is an off day, then I guess he will be next in line for a full-time, if things pick up for them. Actually everything slows down, when the oilfield suffers. But we spoke of him using unemployment as an excuse to take the gunsmithing course and the boy did fix my dryer a few days ago....and works for a store that sells them. What is stopping him from taking a course in that? Education is everything. But I have home improvements, gardens, barns, yard work, an orchard, many things he can help me with. The worse is that I, alone, will have to support the house, but if he helps me, I won't complain.
Well, I recalled the college about the massage therapy course and someone is supposed to call me when they get out of a siminar, which I would have thought would have occurred by now. Was thinking if there is any studying, I could do at home, I can get started on it, so that the only thing I'd need to do is clinicals. I had looked at the requirements for testing in this state and some of the requirements, as far as clinicals go, are only 50 hours doing this, that or whatever, under the supervision of a qualified therapist. I mean, nurses do know the body and they are taught basic massage techniques, so I think I can figure a way to test out of a few requirements and get into the nitty gritty. Really think that would go hand in glove with my prospective herbal business too. And I have more than enough backs waiting to be practiced on....Lol. Family members volunteering on that one.
School sucks today. We were on a roll, but having trouble telling the little one about the Being verbs. She isn't getting it. So no short cuts around Being. Have to teach it from start to finish :(
Trying to make both girls test out of either their grade or a unit. Love it when we can get on a roll like that.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
It really is amazing how some of our lives parallel each other's lives.

It's really good that you've taught your son the difference between what he wants and what he needs. That is one of the most important life-lessons. My own children (even though they are both out of the house) need to be reminded of that from time to time!

I hope/think the massage therapy might be just the thing you're looking for. you are already in a "caring" profession - so it won't be a huge change.

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