Are we living our dreams?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Started going wild in my yard at about 5:00PM yesterday and looking out at my accomplishments. Love it. And really perfect timing. The sun has set enough and things are much cooler and mosquitos aren't out yet. Might do it again today.
I was trying to find a clearing in the garden area so I an pass the lawnmower and I think I have the last of the pilings burning, moved some anchors, tires and posts. Also moved one of DH's cattle panels from a fence garden idea he had.
He came over to drop off DD12 yesterday and was complaining about the asparagus bed being forgotten. Whatever. Didn't notice him de-weeding it lately either. Started asking me if I planted cucumbers, and this and that....I told him I haven't planted anything and barely have time to go to the bathroom and I'm trying, now to catch up. He lives in some kind of dream world.
Well, I heard a skill saw....I think, so I guess my guy is at work. Need to get him some concrete and 2X4's.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds like you're really moving along.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
I pulled my weight around this morning a bit. I have a hatch going on with ducklings, but they not all popping out Maybe I did some funny math. I have a dead duckling and one fuzzy little Rouen. Seems like I would be seeing mostly muscovy ducklings, but maybe because I'm treating them as chickens, in a coop, I will have a poor hatch rate.
So I cleaned up a bit, moving more fence posts, planters and this and that and started the big lawnmower, while DS was sleeping. I began to make a nice clearing. He has been trying to get me to use the push mower, but its just too overgrown and too large an area, so I went for it. It did stall out on me, but not before I had reclaimed a good chunk of land. And no bees bothered me.
Thats the problem. Everyone is afraid of dealing with the bees, so they leave that big area for me and then it gets wild. And they seem to think I can't use the big lawnmower because their poppa insisted that I didn't know what I was doing, and I have to sneak on. Well, he acted like he was mad when he had to go out and get a wet lawnmower from the garden, but came in okay and said something about at least I got things started.
So was sweating my buns off while out there, then got rained on while cutting and other chores, then came in and AC froze me to the bones and it took until now to get the chill gone. Imagine me turning the AC off in June, in Louisiana.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hubby turned the heat on the other day! I don't ever recall needing to do that this late in the spring B4.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
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I wish I would have turned on the air last night, the fan didn't seem to help much and I didn't sleep very well.
I need to change the sheets on the spare bed - where the fan is. The elastic for the bottom sheet disintegrated while we lived in Wyoming and the sheet won't stay in place. I had some straps that worked to hold it in place, but I packed them somewhere and can't find them.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Another 300+ spent on 2X4s and concrete today to finish off work that has already begun. Want so bad to call everything quits. It has costed more than I wanted.
Goat is working on weed control, in the hopes she finds the top of my birdbath, before that heavy lawnmower does.
DS just getting up. He came home from his last night shift a few hours ago.
DD8 is something else. I bought fried chicken today. I give her a drumstick and she tries to eat only the skin, then helps herself to another, which I tell her not to touch it until she eats all the meat, so she ate a bit or 2 off the first then when I'm looking at my food, she eats the skin off the 2nd and now she is refusing to eat because,"I don't eat when I'm mad!" She is lucky she came to me in my old age. If God had seen fit to send me this kid when I was in my 20s, it wouldn't have been pretty.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Everyday, I have been trying to get a little more into the garden. Today, I had an evil, wild thought, while I found my 4 tractor tire planters.....maybe I can plant something in there.....which totally goes against my plan to container garden. And its not a good idea anyway. It gets too hot here and those tires will cook whatever I try to plant in them. Too bad they not cooking the weeds that are growing inside them.
Maybe that Protandim I've been taking is doing something to me. IDK.
Well, my guy is coming over with a friend, who will put up my gate and knows something about electricity and such, so we going to beef up security soon.
I wasn't going to, but I think I will buy the 55 feet of fiberglass I need to meet up with the greenhouse material, so we have a wall started for a workshop downstairs. I have been swearing that I will close in before winter, but it will cost me another 400 or more.
The guy I have working for me questioned about a plant that stinks when he cuts it and leaves shaped like a banana. Turns out he was talking about ginger. So I tell him its good for spicing up food and for circulation and very easy to transplant and if his wife wants some, she is welcomed. So he takes it to her.
I was worried about her a few months back and tried to hire this guy, but he never showed up and now he has been coming regular. But the best part is that he is getting ideas and inspiration and taking them home and doing for himself, exactly what he is doing for me.
Well, I wanted him to just take it into the homestretch and use the supplies I had bought, but I have no choice but to buy a few more things, but very soon, its over. I just hope I did them some good and made them a clearing. An old guy who came over here for ducklings, needs help at his house, so I think he has a job afterwards, etc....
Well, Ima do a few flylady things, so I don't wake up to a disaster tomorrow morning, cuz after I get the fiberglass panels, I think I will take a ride to the city to go to Lowes and Home Depot to see if they have any returned windows. They much cheaper if they returns. I feel like I would need about 5 more windows to close in downstairs.