Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
And it so much colder than normal. I want spring.

Had a really good day today. The sun was out, so even though it was cold out, it didn't feel as bad. Plus, we were actually able to have Bible study! As of right now, they're calling for daytime temps to be above freezing for the rest of the week. I hope so. Saturday, they're calling for a low of 8. I'm hoping that's the last of the really cold weather.

I've been working on cleaning my basement and am slowly making progress. I'm hoping I'll have enough of it cleaned by the end of the week to start my plants down there. If not this week, then next. I also got my kitchen cleaned-including the fridge and finally got caught up on the dishes!

Most of the wood that hubby bought was a bit too fat for our stove. Plus, since it's not really seasoned enough, it doesn't catch fire that well. So today, I got all of it split up. Tomorrow I'll be working on cutting the rest of what I dragged home last week. And as I get it cut, I'll be mixing it w/the green stuff and the damp stuff and stacking it in the woodshed. If I don't have enough dry, seasoned wood to have it mixed the way I want, I'll be heading back into the woods on either Thursday or Friday and cutting more.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Hope you don't have to go back and get more!
I don't know what happened to average temps but they seem to be gone!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm going to have to go get more. I've cut most of what I had, and mixing it w/the rest will only fill the wood holder 1 more time or so.

Something is wrong w/this picture. I'm down in the basement on my computer waiting for hubby to go to sleep. I've had no dinner, but have been eating nuts. Here's the story.

For the past several months, I've felt like I have a lump in my throat and feel sick to my stomach. I figured it was allergies and would clear up. Well, it hasn't, so when I was at the allergist's last week, I mentioned it to him. He wants me to try a couple of things for a couple of weeks and see if they make a difference. If not, then he thinks I should go to an ENT and get scoped. Apparently, I accidentally left the paper there and they mailed it to me. I didn't really need it cuz I knew what he wrote on it.

It came today and hubby opened it. He's on this all natural kick, doesn't want me to take any meds, not eat any sugar, not eat any flour, etc. And he flipped out. He's insisting that the doctor is killing me. He's yelling and screaming at me telling me that the doctor has just given me cancer and that I won't be able to stop the meds in 2 weeks. Incidentally, when he started yelling at me, I was on the phone w/RU. She was horrified. I don't think she's ever realize how bad he really gets. She told me if I needed to, I could go over there.

He finally stopped, so I took my laptop and went in the basement. Then, he started up again. I've told him that he's going to drive me away. He's telling me that he loves me, and he doesn't want me to die. I don't recall now all of what he said, but he was talking divorce, and telling me that I can't have any money, yadda, yadda, yadda. And he was just down again rehashing it all.

He just spent I don't know how much time on the phone talking to people about this. I am about done. He had NO RIGHT to open my mail. And he has no right to discuss this w/any one else w/out my permission.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
This is why HIPPA laws exist. I'm so sorry that he is being difficult. I hope that it settles down soon.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I've come to a conclusion. Today when he gets home from work, I'm telling him I'm done. That is, I'm telling him if he comes home w/out going out drinking first. I'm going to tell him that as soon as I can, I'll be looking for a job. And, once I'm able to support myself and the horses, unless he changes, I'm leaving. I refuse to live like this any longer.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
lots of love and support. I'm not that far away, holler if you need anything.
I hope everything is ok since you haven't posted since Friday.