Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
It's cold here today -- woke to 28 degrees! WHAT? This is April for goodness was 78 Monday, 47 yesterday, to warm to mid 40's today. And WIND -- like 30mph all day yesterday.
Thankfully, my plum tree bloomed couple weeks ago, so may still get some fruit if winds didn't destroy those tiny sets.

You can get the 10' in blazer IF you have right rear door. Window that opens out or door that fold down, not out. Then they can go thru to front, with seats down. My truck is a short bed, 4 door cab. I've had to put back window down and load wood this way if I didn't take my trailer. Just watch out for that windshield!!!

Hey, at least you got something planted! I have only just begun seedlings. Still need to move pigs and plow. Every day I am off work, it seems to rain or be so windy I can't function in it. Hope for better but rains every other day sure makes for a mess, doesn't it?

Great deal on neighbor's wood! Wooohooo,,,

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It was down to about 20 yesterday morning. So I have a feeling it did a number on the peaches.

I didn't really have a chance to get on last night. I'm trying to get stuff done, but I just had so much going on both Tuesday and Wednesday. I had a meeting w/my motorcycle group Tuesday night, then yesterday, I had a volunteer meeting in the morning, then the last of the unmounted clinics where I take my lessons.

Yesterday, I didn't get a lot done B4 I left for the farm. I had to leave early so I could feed B4 heading to the meeting. The meeting went much later than I was expecting. From the meeting, I ran some errands. I was going to try and get the 2x4s I needed, but wasn't sure that they'd fit in the Blazer. So instead, I got the 1 2x3 I needed for making the frames for the water bowls. The 2x4s won't fit w/out hitting the windshield. I'm going to call KN and see if she can pick them up for me instead. I know she'll be near Lowes in the not too distant future, and she told me that she can stick 10 footers in her vehicle. My chickens can no longer tip their water bowls!

I also got feed. I don't have to go to TSC for over a week now! I so wish I had my truck. I'd stock up on Stormy's feed and leave it in my back seat. It's what I used to do.

I got another row of peas planted. They're calling for rain today, but not until a bit later. So I plan on going out as soon as it gets light enough and seeing if I can't get the last of the peas in. I'll also bring in more firewood. It's going to be colder this weekend, then it should (hopefully) warm up. I may have to put the blankets back on the horses on Friday. They're calling for a cold rain on Saturday.

Last night, one of the things we did at the clinic was sit in a saddle, and analyze each other's seat. While my seat is better than it used to be, I still need to work on it some. I sit right, but not as badly as I use to. I'll be working on that more this year.

While I'm waiting for it to get light, I think I'm going to do some dishes. I'm way behind on them again.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Girlfriend - you've waited long enough for that truck! Can't you just put it in a shop somewhere and have it repaired? I know it would probably cost more than having an individual do it - but geeze louise! Put it on a credit card if you have to and pay it out. YOU NEED YOUR TRUCK! okay....rant over!

It's really not my business, but you have been so patient!

Good on you for getting more peas in the ground. Can't believe the temps you're dealing with right now..grrrrr!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Believe me, the thought has crossed my mind, but money is very tight right now, so I can't. Plus, if I did it w/out hubby's say so, he'd flip out and I'm just not up to dealing w/him acting like that. It's now been over 6 months. I have started to save for one, but it will take a long time. But once I have the money, I'll buy what I want, and I will NOT allow him to touch it.

Patrice, if my truck was out in the open and easy to get to the back seat, I'd do it. But, w/the way hubby has the truck positioned, it's difficult to get into the back. I have another 20 bales of hay to take out to the farm. Once I get that out, I may be able to buy extra and leave it in the back of the Blazer.

Today the forecast was for rain to develop sometime around noon. I was going to do some dishes this morning, but by the time I got off the computer, it was light enough for me to go outside and work. I was able to get the rest of my peas in as well as bring in some firewood! W/that done, I ate breakfast early and left for the farm. (Note to self-double check the recipe for pancakes B4 adding baking soda! It's very difficult to take it out once you put it in, and makes them taste a bit funny.)

I normally clean LF's field on Thursday, but wasn't sure that I'd be able to get it done today, so I had started on it yesterday. We got a little bit of light rain while I was working on it, but I got it all done. When I finished, even though it was a bit early, I gave Stormy his lunch. And since it still wasn't raining, I got my chicken waterers clean, moved the last one that needed to be moved and filled them all up. That was stuff I'd planned on doing tomorrow. LF has a deck in front of her hay storage w/some steps up to it. The top step had a board off. The nails were all bent up, and the one had pulled thru. So, I pulled all the nails out, got some screws and screwed it in place, also something I'd planned on doing tomorrow. When Stormy finished eating, I put him back in the field, then walked up to my tack shed to eat lunch. While I was eating, it got real windy, and started to pour! So, I did the smart thing and took a nap.

When I woke up, the rain had stopped. So, I went down, fed Stormy got out hay, took care of the chickens and left. I stopped at the store on the way home for a couple of things I needed, got gas and headed home.

This morning, they had called for showers basically all afternoon. But, the sun was trying to come out. So when I got home, I checked the forecast. They had changed it and it was nice out. So after taking a bit of a break, I went out and worked more in the garden. Other than digging out some violets, some raspberries and some rhubarb, the garden is all prepped-at least my section of it. So, I got it marked out and got up one of the cattle panels I need for my maters. The other one, I'll get up tomorrow morning.

Hubby called while I was working on that, so I went in, got dishes done, made a fire and made dinner. We may get some T storms, so I've gotten my shower and am relaxing for a bit.

In other news, yesterday I noticed that one of my hens at home didn't want to leave the nesting box. This morning, she was still in it and got all puffy and quite upset when I checked for eggs. I didn't want a broody at home. There's no way I can set up for chicks here. But, I put eggs under her and have my calendar marked. I have 3 weeks to get a broody pen set up at the farm. When she hatches out her chicks, I'll take them all out to the farm and switch her out for a different hen. When I was moving them all around, it was dark and she wasn't the one I had wanted, but didn't worry about it. So, I'll bring home that one instead. I hope I don't have trouble getting them all accepted now!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Nice to take a nap!!

Awhh...I'm hoping I have one or two broodies this year, not right now (!!) but, love to watch a hen & biddies. Plus, I have decided that I would raise & butcher roos if that happens. One of my BOs shows a "tendancy" toward broody. Hope she does it.

Garden. Wow, I envy even the amount you have gotten out & FEM is really hitting it, too. I have to move pigs & plow. 30 mph winds again today.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Had a busy morning today. I got the rest of my garden set up! Now I just need warm weather so I can get stuff planted. I also need to weed the path between my garden and hubby's as well as the orchard. I don't know that I'll weed his. I much prefer for him to do it himself.

I am so glad I changed my mind about riding the bike this morning! The wind was nasty out there. So, I took 4 bales of hay w/me. Now I just have 16 bales to take out.

I get to the farm, and notice that the one horse in my old field was on RU's front lawn! Needless to say, I stopped and went after him. He wouldn't let me catch him, and I didn't have time to mess w/him, so I went and got some feed and a lead rope. (He had a halter on) Had no trouble catching him after that. My first thought was that they left a gate opened. Nope, they were all closed. My next thought was that he jumped the fence. Nope. There was one spot where there was a little bit of damage to the fence. But I never worried about it. I don't know if he did it, or one of the others, but they managed to get the fence apart there! (The fence is the no climb fence) Once I had him back in the field, I used the lead rope to tie it together.

They now had a problem. The electric charger was not working. But they also needed to have electric up in order to keep this horse in the field. There was another charger down in my new field. I had taken it down the other day and checked it out. I had originally been going to use it. But, it was huge and I didn't like it. But since it worked, I took it down front. Then, since they didn't have a clue as to how to do anything w/electric fence, I had to reput up the wire that the horses had torn down. That was a mess. I got the charger up, made sure it was working, then started working on the fence. They had it all wrapped in a way that it took me forever. I'd do a section, then check to be sure the fence worked to that point. At one point, I had to go down and get some of my supplies for doing my fence. I told them they have to replace them. It took awhile, but I finally got it done. And, the horse has tested the fence and gotten zapped. So, hopefully this will keep him in.

By the time I got done, it was past time to feed Stormy. So, I went back down in my area, and fed him. They're calling for rain then snow tomorrow! So, I got the blankets back on the horses. When he was done eating, I went up in my shed and spent the rest of the day there.

When I got home, I took a break, then got wood in. This morning, I had had to dig out a rhubarb, but didn't have time to do anything w/it. So, I split that up the best I could. I put 2 sections in the flower garden to fill in that area. The rest I put in pots. If it survives, I'll be taking it to the auction in a couple of weeks. Now I'm relaxing. We're getting take outs. Tomorrow is going to be busy. I'm hoping to get a lot of housework done.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I thought this was April, but apparently I was wrong! We have 3 inches of snow out there!

Since they were calling for rain today, I got outside as soon as I could. I got the smaller of my 2 flower beds all weeded and ready to plant. I also brought in some small, dry stuff for starting a fire. Then I got started on the 2nd flower bed. I got about 1/5 of it done when it started to rain, so I came in and got on the computer a bit. Then I got started on washing the kitchen walls. Hubby was working, so I hoped to get most of them done today. I hadn't gotten much done when he called. He was leaving in about an hour! That blew that plan. I got the one wall washed and even part of the ceiling, then washed the floor. I knew that I wouldn't get anything done once he got home and I was right.

B4 he got home, I looked out the window and noticed that the rain had changed to snow. OK, I knew they were calling for it to change, but they weren't calling for it until later and they were only calling for a coating to an inch, so I wasn't worried about it. By the time I got to the farm, we had 3 inches and the roads were slush covered! And, I may have another broody. I'll know for sure maybe tomorrow.

Once I got home, hubby and I took a walk in the woods. It was pretty out, but at the same time, hubby was drunk. So, I didn't enjoy it much. And he's still drinking, and driving me nuts.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Yikes! Yall got a lot of snow! We got some, but I didn't see it since we were still away. I guess I'm just as glad at this point...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Ugh, snow! "They" keep saying we're getting lots of rain, but haven't seen it yet. Not really complaining, but it would make it easier on me than needing to add watering to my list of chores.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Been busy. We had more rain on Tuesday, so I cleaned my field on Monday. I also got one of my chicken houses clean, and finally got the rest of the mesh I had up! So, I have no more escaping chickens.

I need to get that area finished. I now have 2 broody hens. Plus, KN has decided she's getting rid of her chickens and wanted to know if I wanted any of them. I'm taking 2, a buff orpington and a red sex link. I like the eggs that they lay and want to get the genetics in the flock, so this will be easier than getting eggs from her. So once I have the broody areas set up, I'll be able to get those chickens, and get them into the flocks.

I'm getting more of my house caught up. My living room is clean again and the dishes are almost caught up. I need to get laundry put away, but I'm pretty much on top of that. I got more of the flower garden weeded and also started some seeds today.

Tomorrow I'm going to do something I haven't done in a long time. I'm going to ride Misty! I have some work I want to get done. But, if I can have that all done in the morning, then in the afternoon, I can saddle her up and spend some time working w/her. I'm going to start taking at least an afternoon every week to ride. And come May, even if I don't have my truck, I'm going to start my lessons again. I don't really want to ride her in the riding arena at the farm, but for now, the only other choice I have is to not ride.

I'm getting tired, so I think I'm going to be heading to bed soon.