Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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for some reason, and I'm glad, my milk hasn't been bad to separate. i let it thaw in the fridge, put it in a glass jar and shake it up. i prefer fresh milk to but would drink the frozen than store bought milk.:sick i have made soft cheese out of the frozen milk and it turned out ok but have never used the canned milk for anything but sauces, gravy, and potatoes. i am not crazy about it but again is better than the store bought kind.
this year i am planning to freshen and let the kids nurse and milk as i need the milk. i am trying to cut down on the amount of work since it is just me now and i don't plan on raising a calf or pigs this year. that way i can concentrate on the other things i need to do around here.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Glad DH is healing, bummer on the finger! I hope he's back to normal soon! Isn't comfrey supposed to help heal bones? Maybe a comfrey compress would help move things along faster.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I wish I had some comfrey. I found a place to order some organically grown plants so I'll be putting in an order tomorrow. It may not help him this time, and hopefully I'll never need it again - but I'm going to order some anyway. Ya never know... And, I saw on one website that it can be good for chickens and goats - that they love it, it's good for them, and it's high in protein. Sounds like I need to have some of this miracle stuff, lol.

Pure mayhem out in the goat pasture. Every stinkin' doe on the place is in heat....and every stinkin' buck on the place is going bum-freakin nuts! I'm sooo tired of hearing all the whining and crying going on out there. So glad I have good neighbors!

Put Lil' Bit's daughter, Splash, on the milk-stand tonight. She kept wondering why the other girls got to come in the special room, jump up on a 'throne' and eat without any competition - so I showed her how to be treated like a queen, lol. Looking forward to getting her bred soon. I'm going to breed her to my pygmy, Short Stuff. He put the nicest udder on one of the Kinder gals, and I hope he'll do the same for Splash's kids... especially if they're does, lol.

The yogurt I made the other day turned into breakfast for me today. Yummy! I drizzled a little honey over it and scarfed it right up. It was so good that I came home and made another batch. Skimmed the milk before I used it this time and made up another half-cup or so of white butter. I just love that stuff.

Roofer came by this morning and gave us his estimate. OMG.... that's all I've gotta say.... just OMG. Actually, his estimate was pretty close to what I expected - but we decided to go ahead and have the house painted at the same time. My house is a decent sized frame house. When I bought the place it was wood famed. About a dozen years ago I had all the wood pulled off and re-sided it with hardy-plank. The hardy board holds paint real well - so I'm hoping this doesn't have to be repeated for decades and decades. (wishful thinking, huh?) I'm really tired of spending money. Just wanna go be monk-like and a recluse for awhile.

I'm tired...seems like I'm always tired these days so I'm headed to the bed. G'nite ya'll.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hope you got a good night's sleep.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Never enough sleep, lol. But, it's getting better. DH'S is still camping out in the recliner every night but I guess I'm getting used to sleeping alone...but I don't have to like it!

I'm going to try to learn a new skill this weekend. Hopefully it will be as simple as the directions say it is. I have a hole in a tractor tire soooo I'm gonna try to plug it. I dunno if it's even recommended to plug a tractor tire but I guess I'll give 'er a try. What's the worst that can happen??? Maybe the plug blows out when I try to put air in the tire? Guess I'll stand back whe I try to fill 'er up.

I have another chore to do too that Im not too happy about. Since we're having the house painted soon I'm going to have to trim my hedges back---WAY back so the guys can paint behind them. They're Burford Hollies and they are foundation plantings so they are right up next to the house. We had to do it once before and they not only survived, but they came back with a vengeance. But, oh my, what a PIA this is gonna be.

And, if I have a chance I desperately need to find a way to work in some house cleaning. My floors have not seen a broom, mop or vacuum since DH's accident. I can't put it off any more! Thankfully I've kept up with the kitchen pretty well....can't stand a dirty kitchen. Oh, need to do some laundry, change the linens on my bed, dust, make more cheese, more yogurt ( really loving the yogurt!) and a multitude of other mundane chores. And maybe get some gardening done, worm a few goats, trim some feet, unload the 600 lbs of feed in the back of my truck. And I need to stop And pick up some prescriptions on the way home, figure out something to eat for this evening and the rest of the weekend, get things mowed before it rains some more, set some quail eggs in the incubator, fill the chicken feeder and ....

Dang- I think I'll just start a fire in the chiminea, pour a glass of wine (whine) and feel sorry for myself instead, lol!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
A nice, relaxing fire sounds good to me. Move over. I have some sparkling cider I can drink.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I think my neighbor's must have a fire going. I was just outside, and smelled a fire. And w/the forecast, I doubt they're outside. I enjoy a nice fire w/good friends.