Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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@goatgurl - then I'm sure you know that nurses make the worst patients, lol! He's horrible. But - if/when it becomes HIS idea to see a chiropractor I'm sure it will be the best idea ever! :lol:

We saw another doc yesterday and he was concerned that the OTHER doc never did a follow up x-ray. He is concerned about the popping rib, but also said that it will take more time. He has prescribed a rib belt at this point. They don't recommend them with freshly broken ribs because they want you to breathe deeply - and the rib belt might impede that. I really hope that helps him. It's disconcerting for me when I hear it pop so I know it must be a 100% more disconcerting for him.

@hqueen - I am really glad I was here to catch the fire too. My earliest childhood memory is when my parents house burned... When I was married to my first husband our dryer caught fire and we got home just in time to put it out. A couple summers ago a magnifying glass sitting close to a window in the garage caught some peat pots on fire. Only thing that stopped that from spreading is that the pots were sitting on some cement board....thank goodness! And now this.... I'm beginning to think that there's a conspiracy going on here!

Came home yesterday to find that one of the young bucks was out...and following his sister around very closely. I know she was in heat a couple days ago....hope she was OVER IT yesterday! I've got some lutalyse on hand so I'll probably go ahead give her a dose in a couple weeks. Geeze... always something.

I'm not wanting to breed a whole bunch of goats for spring. I have such a hard time selling them, and I just don't need a lot more. Not that they won't sell - because they's me...I am a goataholic... I always want to see what they will become and what they will produce and... Where's a 12-step program when you need it???

It's absolutely bee-you-teeee-ful today. Woke up to temps in the low 50's and a clear sky. Gonna try to enjoy it this weekend cuz it's supposed to start raining next week...ugh.

Part of today's plan is to get some more 'stuff' in the garden. I plan on putting out some more carrots/greens/lettuce/cabbages.

Also want to copper bolus some of the does and rig up a gravity fed loose mineral feeder in the barn. Usually I just toss some out in their feed pans several times a week. I prefer to have it out free choice because I see 'em licking on the horse's mineral block all the time.

I need to gather up a bunch of empty feed sacks that are building up in the feed room. I swear - I can't keep up with 'em. We use 'em for trash bags, but we don't generate a whole lot of trash with just the two of us...and we recycle everything we can. I tried using them as a weed barrier in the garden, but in just a few months they've gotten brittle and started breaking up into tiny little pieces that I'm going to have to pick up. I was hoping they'd work well as a weed blocker - but NOT! Maybe I can start dropping them on the neighbor's doorstep and running - kinda like all that extra zucchini in the summer time.

Need another cup of coffee and then back at it.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I hope the rib belt gives him some relief.
Lol we do the same thing with all these wood pellet bags from the pellet stove. The silly thing is that we haven't even used up all of the ones from last year and now we're starting over again! Lol


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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It's been a good day. I spent some time in the garden. Got a lot more cleaned up (the bucks pen is next to the garden so the enjoyed the goodies tossed over the fence) and managed to get a few more things planted. I'm still putting in plantings of lettuces. Tomorrow I'm going to plant some sugar snaps. That will be a first for me to try in the fall. I had tried to start some more broccoli seeds in peat pots, but so far they are a no-show. The Chinese cabbages that I started the same day are up and looking good. Don't know why the broccoli is being so dad-gum stubborn..ugh.

Red's membranes were looking pretty pale when I checked her a week ago. Soooo, she got a dose of Valbazen last weekend and today she got to eat a copper bolus. Hoping that will get her back on the right track. She looks good though - no outward signs that anything bad is going on with her. I'm going to hold off on breeding her and Cocoa until as late as I can. I'm trying to spread out the few breedings that I'm doing.

My dear, sweet, wonderful son came and replaced the electrical stuff for the hot tub today. He's soooo good! And just to honor his electrical prowess I'm going to pour a glass of wine and go sink into that warm haven on the back porch! Later!


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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i hope the rib belt helps DH with his pain and yes i hate to admit it but nurses are awful patients. so envious of the wine and hot tub combo. enjoy!


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 13, 2014
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Such a good son!!! And handy too if he could do that!! :D. Electrical panels scare me. I don't like electrocution ;_;
I hope the rib belt helps too, if not I hope he does go to a chiro -nod-


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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That boy is an electrical genius...(should call him a man at 35, huh?). He's been doing electrical work since he was in grade school - NOT with my permission of course. His dad taught him a lot but a lot of it he just 'knew'. Weird! :hu He's the same way with computers AND he has a budding side business of refurbishing antique radios...the kind with tubes! It's almost as if it was just born in him...

Another productive day today. The best kind, where you don't work yourself to exhaustion, but you still get a lot done. I did some more gardening, hung a mineral feeder in the big barn, re-arranged a small shelter where some of the bucks are housed and hung a new hay rack and feeder in there. Maybe it's because it's not 100 degrees out there anymore - makes it soooo much nicer to be outside.

Had a terrible quail hatch. Only hatched 10 out of 30 eggs. I really shouldn't be surprised though because the eggs were kind of old, they'd been washed, and I was kinda rough on 'em. I couldn't find the racks for the incubator so every time they got turned they rolled and some of 'em banged into the incubator walls. I'm actually kinda surprised that any of 'em hatched. I'm going to start a new hatch tomorrow WITH the racks in and with fresh eggs.

Hope I can still get things done after work - it'll be darn near dark when I get home... ugh. But on the bright side, only a few weeks until Thanksgiving break and then a few weeks after that it'll be Christmas break and I get 3 weeks off! I loooove Christmas break and I always try to get a lot done - hope the weather is cooperative.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 13, 2014
Reaction score
Some people are born to do certain things! Everyone's got that one thing they just seem to know how to do :)
Yeah! Coolish weather rocks! Especially in helping get stuff done!

Aww baby quails look so cute!!! Make sure you post some pics!!!!
Ooh! So lucky you get 3 weeks off!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Yep, everyone has that one thing that they're born to do. You can normally tell what it is because, while they may go to school to "learn" it, they don't really need to study at it. They retain the knowledge easily.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Yay for the hot tub! My bf is really good at fixing things and I love it! I'm so grateful that he is. It males my life so much easier!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Agree - always nice when you don't have to pay for every repair that is needed!

I've been trying to get everything set up so DH can take care of things while I'm gone for a few days. I'll be leaving tomorrow morning to babysit my grandbabies for the weekend. I have to go up Thursday because DD is leaving before the crack of dawn Friday morning to go to Phoenix. I'll be tasked with getting the kiddos to school Friday morning, picked up that afternoon, and to a soccer game on Saturday. Woo hoo! Lots of opportunities to make some memories! And, I guess I'll get a crash course in the geography of the city she's in. I've been there several times, but mostly stayed at the house. But no fear, I'll figure it out. That's what navigation in the truck is for, lol!

Poor DH though....he's going to have to milk while I'm gone. I've got a little handheld vacuum pump that he can use - but it's awkward and with his broken hand he's gonna have to work at it. But, it's easier than trying to hand milk for someone who (1) doesn't know how and (2) has a hand injury. Chanel' isn't crazy about it, but she tolerates it enough for him to relieve her. I don't even care if he doesn't get her stripped out - as long as he gets something from her so she'll keep producing. I can work on getting her production back up when I get back. In just 4 milkings she shouldn't drop that much. (I only milk once a day.)

We were supposed to get some really rough rain today. In fact, it was supposed to start around midnight last night, but so far-so good. Nothing yet. Can't say I'm unhappy about it either. We could use a nice shower - but no deluges please! However, just checked the radar and it looks like we're gonna get it soon enough...ugh.

Got some sad news yesterday. The guy who replaced my roof and painted the house lost his son in a car accident Monday. They are just the nicest family and I feel so sad for them. If you have some spare prayers and/or positive thoughts I'm sure they would be appreciated.

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