hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Maybe you'll get lucky and it's just a blown head gasket. Hope that's the case...

Now you've got me hungry for tacos - dang it!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Lol I love tacos! I think we'd eat it almost every night if we could, lol
The bf declared that since we put out a bale it was pizza night again. :rolleyes: Of course I really didn't have anything prepared, so how could I argue?
I didn't get as much done as I wanted yesterday. I did get the floor wet mopped to get the mud off. I think I'm glad it's hard floor and not carpet, it's a pain to keep clean but much easier in the long run than having dirty carpet all the time.
I got the 3 clean loads of clothes folded and the bed made, plus or away my dishes from the day (sad when that's an accomplishment and not just the norm). The bf got home a little early and cheered me up since i was a bit down. I just feel overwhelmed with everything i should be doing.
We got the bale put out then ate dinner and talked. I ended up going back out to feed the other horses, which didn't take me too long. I want very pleased with that, but whatever.
The bf was kind enough to take the dogs out before we went to bed.
I slept really good and had decent dreams instead of scary. Still strange but at least i didn't wake up in a terror.
The bf was muttering this morning, i don't know why but it woke me up. I'm wondering if the new thermal pants that we just got him didn't fit. He needs to lose some weight, and it bothers him a lot. We've just got to buckle down and eat better. More veggies less carbs better quality food. It's not hard, it's just the dedication to doing it.
I need to get to the grocery store today and prepare a beam and ham dish for the crock pot tomorrow. I also need to bale a loaf of bread plus i REALLY need to finish the banana bread that was supposed to be for Christmas. That really really needs to get done today. Othello needs some work time and i have my animal communication class this afternoon. Too much to do!
(All that doesn't even factor in the Christmas cards that still haven't been sent, the one gift that hasn't been mailed, and the finances that need to be updated in the computer! )


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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I know the buckle down issue...I screw up once and its "well there goes the ay ill start again tomorrow" dang lack of self control around carbs lol.

winter life is just...gah...huh.
glad you didn't have bad dreams last night though!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I'm glad my silly phone makes you laugh!
Got some stuff don't the other day. There is still a crazy long list though.
Today i have to get moving, get my friends horses fed, then get Othello fed and spend a little time working with him before the farrier gets here. I'm plan of attack is to work slowly with him and stuff his face full of carrots the whole time. Maybe that will make him like the farrier if that's the only time he gets treats.
Then I've got to justly of to meet a friend for lunch then we're going to the expo to shop. I work tomorrow and Sunday so no shopping time then.
Alright, finish my tea and then i have to get on the ball!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
The farrier went really well on Friday. I'm so glad that he behaved, AND she was super nice and very very gentle with him. She showed me some things I hadn't thought about or hadn't seen done before, and so that was great. She's coming back in 3 weeks and will work with Othello again, as well as start showing me how to care for Storm myself. I like her technique and think that he'll be much more cooperative if we work with him to help him feel better about it. I also decided after talking with her that I'm going to pull a Lyme tighter on Storm, and got permission to do so for Othello too. They both have the tiny signs that seem to point in that direction. That is hopefully happening tomorrow morning. I didn't even need the carrots for Othello, which was great. He was such a good boy.
Finished with that and headed to have lunch with my friend. It was GREAT to reconnect with her, she had her horse with me last year when we first moved, and I've missed hanging out with her. KE and I finally ended up at Qdoba after the cafe we wanted to go to was packed with a wait for tables. We had a nice long lunch and then headed to the Expo to shop. I picked up more leather seal, and another quick slip halter, plus talked to a gal at one of the tack places about a blanket. She called back to her store to find out if they still had the big one, and told me she'd bring it with her tomorrow. That was a good thing.
Saturday I got up and headed to work at the Expo crazy early. I was VERY glad that my job had been changed from golf cart shuttle driver between the two buildings to just working the door of the quiet second building. Its a boring job, but SO much better than being out in the weather having to drive around, especially with Sunday's pending gross weather. I picked up the blanket from the gal, it is black, and seemed big enough, and then when my shift was over the BF came to pick me up and we headed down to VA for my ex's birthday party. We had a great time, and traded christmas presents since we hadn't seen him and V around Christmas. She LOVED the scarf I made her (which I yet again forgot to take finished photos of). I was thrilled, I'm always nervous when I make something like that because I never know how people will react. They gave me a drop leg holster, which I had been wanting when we do the steel plate shoots. I can't wait to try it out, though who knows how long that will take before I have a time and place I can use it!
We ended up missing an exit somewhere on the way home and ended up driving through DC to get home. Since it was later at night on a Saturday it wasn't horrible. The cool thing was that the BF hadn't ever seen the city. He's never been to DC. So I pointed out all the landmarks along the way. They must be working on the Capitol because it is all shrouded in some kind of scaffolding and stuff, which makes it look like a glittering upside down chandelier. It was pretty in its own way even though it didn't look like it should. Then on the way up the road we saw not one but TWO shooting stars! We were very blown away being in the midst of so much city light to be able to see them... very strange, but they were beautiful. So I got to make two wishes on that :)
We got home and I grabbed Storm to try on the blanket since I had to take it back on Sunday if it didn't fit. I made up some warm alfalfa pellets and tossed in a bunch of carrots for him to nibble on while I fussed with the blanket. In typical Storm fashion, it couldn't be any smaller. The belly straps have a small amount of extra room, but the chest is going to be the tight area. It will do for the little amount of time he's actually going to be wearing it.
Sunday morning came way too early, and TM came over to pick me up like usual, and we headed out, but VERY quickly discovered that the roads were COMPLETELY iced. She got to my house safely, and that quickly by the time we headed out it was super slick. We barely managed to turn around and head back down my street, which is a HUGE hill, then going up the other side it is curvy. She dropped the car down in gear, and had her foot all the way on the break and we were still sliding. So we pulled off into a side drive of the first farm, and I texted the BF to let him know we were stuck and to come get us. About that time another car gracefully slid into the side drive next to us. We started talking to her and found that she couldn't drive either. I let her know who we were and that we weren't abandoning the car, and to let the farm owner know. Turns out TM and her knew each other years ago, anyway! About that time the BF arrived, suddenly realizing how bad the ice was when he tried to stop and pick us up and slid about 15 feet up the start of the hill. :rolleyes: I told him if he didn't feel comfortable, to just go home and we'd wait, it wasn't worth that much to risk wrecking, or getting hit by someone else. We tried to take the side street to get to a main road, and that was a bad idea, thankfully he was able to turn around and get out and back on the major road again. We very carefully and very slowly made our way to the fairgrounds. The kind of scary/creepy thing was watching a car in front of us at one point, and seeing the road spray coming up off the tires, and then suddenly realizing the road spray was gone, despite the road not looking any different than just a few feet before.
I felt bad for the BF because it took him over 2 hours to get home (should have barely taken 30...). The beltway was shut down in both directions, and then just about every road north was closed. He ended up at our old farm hanging out for a while before he managed to get home, having to drive much further east before coming back west again. There were 7 and 8 car pile ups on some streets, and tractor trailers sideways on the highway. Very scary!
Again, I was in the building instead of driving the golf cart to my relief! I forgot to bring a more comfortable chair, but oh well. They moved me and the girl I was working with over to a second set of doors because apparently someone snuck in, so our jog got infinitely more boring. She actually kept falling asleep. I pretty much sat on my phone most of the time. I guess its a good way to get paid. The BF arrived in the last hour, and my friend N stopped by and hung out to talk with me, which made the end much better. The BF and I headed out to do a little shopping after my shift was over. There was an hour left before everything closed, so we wandered the bigger building just to see if there was anything else that he might want. I caught up with another friend, and also let the gal at the tack store know that the blanket BARELY fit. She was shocked! I'll have to take a photo of him wearing it when I actually bother to put it on (I hadn't bothered in the weather that morning, he really doesn't need it unless the weather shifts from wet to very cold quickly, and this weather system was a warming system instead).
Monday I managed to pick up another 4 hours helping break down. We helped load fence panels onto a truck, and then helped organize and pack up the office stuff, and load up the trailer. I'll take the extra money! After TM and I finished that, I stopped by my office to print out letters that hadn't gotten printed the week before since the version that we were sent to print was too blurry. I wanted to get it done so they could go out, so TM sat in the car and napped and read while I worked. It took me a little over an hour, which knocks that amount of time off of me being in the office today. I'm happy because I would rather be at home!!
I'm going to swing by Michael's on the way home and get some frames for a few photos that I printed out of the BF and I on a couple trips we've been on. I want to try to start collecting them and creating real memories. Having pictures in phones is nice, but its not like having pictures sitting on shelves or framed on the wall. So this is his valentine's present. I'm really excited about it!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Successful Michael's trip - I got 4 frames, 2 were buy 1 get 1 free (the most expensive ones, thankfully!) and the other two were cheap, PLUS I had 20% off the entire purchase. Also found some cute "chalkboard" mason jar lids, so you can write on the lid what's in the jar. I use small jars for dry beans and stuff, so I thought these might be nice. Now I have to find something that won't wipe off as easily as chalk. Don't they make chalk board pens or something now??
Wednesday was a good day all in all. I was able to be out there for the vet, and got blood drawn on Storm and Othello, so that is taken care of. I should have the results of the Lyme test by Monday or Tuesday. Faster than I expected.
I headed in the house with just enough time to get to my phone call with the gal that I'm doing some spiritual work with. We started with some numerology stuff, which was pretty powerful. I was able to do quite a bit of releasing, which helped, and find a little bit more stability within my own spiritual skills. I was tired when we finished, but really wanted to do more. I'll just have to be patient, since I don't have the funds to do too much at once! I probably shouldn't do too much at once anyway, I don't think my mind and body and emotions can handle it.
I ate lunch and then decided to lay down for a little while before my animal communication class. That went ok, though I still didn't get as much information as I'd have liked out of the connection. Time and patience I guess.
I took care of a little laundry and then the BF got home. We put out a bale of hay for the hungry horses, and then at dinner. The mexican chicken that I put together in the crock pot was pretty good. I think we'll try a different salsa next time. It sure was easy, which was so helpful!
I cleaned up the kitchen while the BF organized some in the office upstairs. I went and hung out with him while he finished that stuff. I half napped on the massage table as he putzed around.
We got ready for bed, and had a bit of a spat over taking the trash out. I had just put a bunch of scraps and chicken that had gone bad into it, and he didn't want to take it out. I didn't want it sitting in the house, and so it needed to go into the dumpster to avoid having the cats tear into it sitting outside either. I sort of lost it over the fact that neither one of us have been all that good about being proactive and taking care of things then and there, which is why the house is a wreck and why I could only find 5 of the 8 tea spoons that we have earlier in the day (turns out the other 3 were scattered around the house in glasses that the BF had made tea in and then left where ever he was). I want to start taking out the trash daily because the dog has been getting into it, so we might as well be proactive and get it done every day. We have a dumpster for crying out loud, so its not like its going to sit somewhere close to the house or something. We also reuse the pellet bags from the pellet stove, so we're certainly not going to run out of those any time soon, either, and they are always lying around (yet another thing that gets dropped instead of being put away when the pellets are dumped into the stove). So we'll see if the two of us can manage to get a handle on things and take care of stuff a little better. I was planning on having a friend over this afternoon through Saturday morning to help me get the christmas stuff down, but I decided to cancel. I'm just not feeling like having company right now. I'm a little embarrassed to say that, but I just want a little alone time and some time with the BF. He's going to be working on his jeep most of the weekend, so I'll have time to myself, which is a relief.
I have to swing by this evening and pick up a bike someone was giving away on Freecycle. I hope that it will work out for the BF and I to use. It will be kind of fun to learn to ride. I only barely learned to ride when I was a kid, and I'd like to do more, I just don't really know how. It would be nice to be able to ride up and down to the shop instead of walking all the way. Its a 10 speed, so this will be interesting... LOL
Tomorrow I have a lesson with my friend in the morning, then I'm doing a yoga class for the first time in the evening. I'm really looking forward to it. I really hope that it works out and supports me in the way that I am looking for, because I can really use it!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Since you ride horseback, you shouldn't have much trouble riding a bike. After all, you already have good balance, and that's what you need.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
True, although the attempts to ride the bfs motorcycle with him weren't exactly productive. Lol
its a very old bike. I don't know if we'll keep it or get rid of it. I guess we'll see when the bf looks at it really good.
My schedule today got thrown in the air. I've got to drive to pa to pick up some parts so the bf can work on his jeep this weekend. It's going to be about a 3 hr round trip not including any stops. I'm giving a lesson to my friend this morning and then she's going to ride up with me. I think there is a tack shop or two in the area so we'll have a little fun with it. I was hoping to go to BJ's today to pick up a couple things, including a yoga mat, then go to yoga, but I'm not sure I'll have time to make that stop since it is in the other direction. I wish I didn't have to make this trip but he needs these parts, so I go.