hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Whew I can breathe a little This morning for the first time in 2 weeks. Today is the first morning I haven't had to get up and be somewhere right away. It feels good! Now if I can just be motivated to get some things done in the house instead! Saturday did not go as planned. We pulled the hay feeder out of the pasture and got it washed and loaded onto the trailer, then put the bfs motorcycle on the trailer. The plan was to do the but off to be inspected and then pick it up again in our way back from doing the hay feeder off. We are an hr later than we wanted to be getting loaded up to Keane and I go to get into the truck and look back at the trailer, thank God I did, because the tire was flat. Bf looks at it to find a big chunk missing out of the side wall. We drive it down to the shop and the bf pulls the tire off and we call around to find a place with another tire. His brother decides to ride up on his bike so they can ride together to get them inspected since his brother needs his done too.
Tire goes into the back of the truck and I follow them to the bike shop them we all ride to the tire shop and drop that off. We are starting because by more is after 1, so we grab food then get the tire and reverse the whole process. We finally get in the road with the hay feeder at 3, and it's an hr drive.
We get there and get it delivered pretty easily. Interesting small property locked in between a bunch of houses which is good for a riding program. The owners house is huge! And gorgeous. He covets his equipment and won't reach the rising instructor/barn manager to drive the tractor which is probably a good thing because he can't drive it worth a darn. The bf was cringing the whole time and biting his tongue. We got it off the trailer and set up for them and then got back on the road. The only positive for things not going as planned is that we would have forgotten the net for the feeder If we had left when we tried to the first time. Glad that didn't happen!
Sunday I helped S clear out a storage unit that has some of his daughters stuff in it and then he gave me some furniture. He has enough extra furniture to set up a while nother house! I brought home a bigger microwave, a little night stand chest of drawers and a chair. I told the bf about a few other things and he wants those too so we'll probably take care of that this weekend.
I rearranged and bright stuff in the house and then my friend T came over to look at the leftover fence boards we had so she might be able to construct a round pen for her farm out of them. We happened to look at a pile of junk that was dumped near the burn pile and discovered a bunch of doors and wood. It looked like one of the landlords commercial properties was cleared out. I showed the bf as soon as he got home and we were able to salvage a bunch of stuff to upgrade what is in the house.
This weekend's haul includes:
$4.00 6' bookcase from a road side sale on Fri afternoon
Wing back chair
Night stand
3 doors to replace the cost closet and 2 bedroom doors upstairs
4 sets of bifold doors to replace the doors on the 2 closets upstairs
1 long countertop that can be made into a work bench
1 old wooden box that just looks cool

That's a serious haul! I can't wait to get everything reorganized and straight again

Yesterday's meeting went well with the extension office lady. We walked the pasture and get first comment was wow you have a lot of cover! She's going to work up the nutrient management plan for me and help me figure out what we need to do and the most economical way to do it without chemicals. The only other thing we need to Do before she van finalize the plan is get the manure spreader running so that she can calibrate it for us so we can spread our compared manure. I have to do some more research on how to properly compost manure so that it is completely broken down send will help the soil and not harm it. Hopefully we can get that done soon so I can start using the manure.
If I'm going to get anything done this morning before I have to feed to the farm is better get to it!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds like a good haul.

If your friend really wants to do a RP on the cheap, and doesn't need solid sides, she could always sink 4x4s in the ground, drill holes in them, then run rope thru for sides. That's how I'll be building one when I finally get my own place.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Since she has boarders, Deb, I think she wants something more solid. I suspect I'd it were just her she probably would go with something lighter.
Yesterday was csa prep day, so I was in the market all day which was good to be out of the sun but not good for the high humidity. It was really sticky! We got everything done though, it seemed to take longer but I don't really think it did.
I actually got home after the bf and we headed out the door to go grocery shopping and grab a bite to eat, before shopping of course!
We wrote the list and organized things on the fly, but for it done. I need to do some better reorganizing and staple shopping soon but at least we should be ok for the rest of the week.
We managed to dodge the crazy hard rain storm while we were grocery shopping so that was nice! It trained all around us all day, and didn't rain at home when we were shopping either, but overnight we had a pretty nice rain. I'll take overnight nice rains instead of crazy down pours and lots of wind with threat of tornados.
Another load of clothes in the laundry. I need to get some things done before I head out for the day again. I guess I'd better future it What to cook for dinner too!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
We probably got the same storms you did. Or if not them, some that were related! It poured like crazy yesterday late afternoon.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Since yesterday was my office day, barely at all! Lol
It was drizzling when I came in and then again when I left. Of course I had to so on the way home, the only day I've run errands in weeks and its raining lol
There is a 70 prevent chance again today so we'll see what happens.
The office was good yesterday. I managed to work with the developer of our office management system and purged about 30,000 names out of our system that went needed. It should make things run faster. The old owners couldn't bear the thought of deleting anything even at the expense of working efficiency. It was bogging everything down, so hopefully this will help. It won't fix the issue of our server not having enough memory but hopefully it will help the program not think so hard.
Back at the farm today. I'm half way going that it rains this afternoon and I can come home early and get some stuff done here. That would be really nice!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I had hoped to get stuff done, but hubby decided to leave work early, so I'm not getting anything done. Think I'll go take a nap.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Naps are good!
I did go to the farm yesterday and got a few things done, but shortly after lunch the rain started and it poured! We managed to get some things harvested for the market right before the rain so we spotted and bagged stuff up while it rained. I finally left about 2:30, and dropped off a kid that was helping and got home as the rain was slowing down. I was really glad to have the afternoon to myself and hoped to get lots of stuff done.
I soaked in the tub and saved and then showered off since I felt too gross to work in the house and handle clean clothes and things. Then I cleaned up the kitchen and reloaded the dish washer and made a snack for myself. I started to work on getting the financial stuff organized and was going to follow that up with finally getting my summer clothes out of the trunks and putting the winter clothes away. I ended up working on the bills the whole time. They still aren't done:barnie:barnie
D finally made it to the farm and so we were able to catch up and talk about a couple of things, namely the fact that AS asked me if she could bring another horse in. I'm still not really sure I want to allow her to do that, but it is tempting with the fact that it would be another boarding fee to collect. More money is always a good thing. I guess I'll talk to AJ a little more this week and see what she says. I'm not sure if they are serious about getting another horse or if it was more of a whim since someone told them about some horses that might be up for grabs for free.
The bf is at work this morning much to my and his frustration. We have an entire weekend of plans without him having to work so now it has to be shoved into even less time. This weekend we need to:
Clean up the manure spreader and make sure it is running
Get the pole beans strung up
Go pick up more rain barrels so we can set up over flow barrels for each gutter
Finish the broadcast sprayer and hopefully "calibrate" it somehow
Stop at kohls and the Sprint store for me
I also need to prune my tomatoes and check the basil for fungus. I hope the basil doesn't have to come out.
There's a little more laundry that needs doing in there somewhere.
I guess I'd bet get moving!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
At least we didn't get the rain until later in the day yesterday. Hope you get everything done.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
Try sprinkling your basil with ground cinnamon for fungus... it really works. Of course, you'll have to re-apply every time it rains which might not be especially useful