Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Watched the video - like it said, it IS nice to see people doing good (although, the graffiti thought, illegal execution :p ).

I just thought last night that I'd like to find a place to live that only has two seasons - Spring and Fall! :lol: Guess that means great minds think alike, huh?! :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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agreed, if you figure out where it is let me far coastal oregon is as close as ive been able to find but cant afford it LOL!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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And I want just one season-fall! I love the changing leaves, the cooler, crisp days, the smell of smoke in the air...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well today starts my "back on track" regime in terms of diet (and hopefully excersize if i can find some energy today)
logged back into my fitness pal, and started tracking my food...i just need to be dead set honest with myself and to make sure im sticking with this correctly.
i also started back on my ACV routein 1 cup water 1 tbs acv with a splash of local raw honey...i need ot get back into this every morning as i do feel a slight difference when im taking it...
i also want to get back on my green tea routein, i dont get enough good antioxidants and coffee doesnt agree with green tea twice a day is the plan... so i had a cup with breafast this morning and will have another before bed.

supposed to be cooling down again over the next week or so so i can start taking dozer for his morning walks again (its been too hot for me and him) and im keeping my eyes on craigslist for an excersize bike, id get a regular bike but theres nowhere aournd here you can safely ride the main road is way too narrow and while the speed limit is 50mph people come speeding down it at 70+

anywho...nothing much going on otherwise...
turning into a beautiful day so i might get out there and do some picking up of junk arund the yard :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ahh fun times, just spent the last 10 minutes trying to herd the guines out of the back yard through the gate while jasper and dozer worked as a team to herd them into the corner futehst away form where i wanted them...*DOH*

quite enjoyed dinner tonight though..took the quinoa i made yesterday in chickenstock and garlic, mixed in peas corn and carrots, salt pepper and parmesan cheese and pan "fried" (no oil just a pan on med-low to arm it through, added sliced beer brat. yum and because it bulked out with veggies ive got a second serving for tommorrow...

its also given me an additional 145 calories to consume before the end of the evening LOL!


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Time to train those doggies to be on your side and work with you, although I'm sure they were having fun (even at your expense). :lol:

Sounds like a yummy dinner!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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dozer TRIES, he realy does, hell "hold" by standing still and moving left to right to blcok them fro running away when i ask him IF i stay ontop of him, but hes still a puppy, hes not even a year old yet so when they start running and flapping he looses his tiny little mind and the focus goes out the window.
hes the same with the ducks, hell ignore them but the moment thye start flapping and running if im not paying attention hell chase em and try to squish em (no realy he tries to lay on em!)

jasper...well the guineas are bigger than he is lol, and hes never been exposed to anything other than mums chickens, and the chickens wouldnt take it, theyd give him a peck...but the guineas are fun, they run around and make sunny noises and he has a very hard time controling himself. if i tell him to stop he will but the moment i go lax again the excitment kicks back in!

spoiled myself a little this morning...made french toast...
but pinky...your a bariatric patient...
yup and?!

i took 1 slice 100% whole wheet bread, soaked in 1 egg with a splash of milk 2 drops of pure vanilla extract and a pinch of nutmeg (cinnamon doesnt agre with me).

for the "stuffed" part, a little under 1/4 cup part skim ricotta, 1/2 a scoop of vanilla protein powder and 4 chocolate chips chopped up first, mix well...

Cook french toast as usual i use ust enoug butter to coat the pan then get it HOT before the toast goes in...
once cooked cut slice in half spread cheesy mix on once slice, top with the other and a light drizzle of honey to finnish it all off...
worked out at about 250 calories, and sooo yummy...and filling :)

obviously for the normal person leave out the protein power...
but yeah, yum

right now wathcing the syfy treasure island production, after breakfast think im going to go do some tidying up outside while the weather is soooo nice :)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Da-dang - that french toast recipe sounds yumalicious! If I had bread in the house I'd be eating that right now...and again for dinner...and again for breakfast tomorrow. I will be trying that! Thanks for sharing. :drool


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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no problem, i try to balance thecarbs "eat right" ect...
but as horrible asthis sounds i cant STAND whole wheat bread...but i need the fiber...
so i figured mabe if i disuguise it as somehting else...and i realy dolike french toast...i figured theres realy not muhc "bad" about french toast as log as your not giving yourself more than 2 lsices and your not filling it with sugar and syrup and such...
an before surgery i LOVED the ihop stuffed french i played with that..the "Stuffing" adds to the calories and fat obviously but it also ups the protein and its all GOOD fat...
I belive Ihops stuffing is mostly sweet cream poswdered sugar and a little cream cheese...making it NOT healthy (and somewhere aroudn 700 calories just for the toast, its almost 1000cals for the meal (eggs, bacon and potatoes) so this certinaly isnt as "sweet" as the ihop filling but the texture and flavor is VERY close and you could definatly add honey sugar or splenda if you wanted to add some sweetness to the ricotta.

obviously its not a breakfast id have every day, but its certinaly not unhealthy, 1 slice is under 300 calories (thats with the honey too) and it realy is "decadant" so much so that you realy dont know its not "bad" for you lol.
even if you add your own fruit compote on top youd still be nowhere neer ihops calories...

got some stuff done today, picked up an entire bag full of trash out of the backyard...still some more "pick up" to do but ost of that is now tidy up rather than basic trash.

need to get some L brackets so i can move and rebuild the 2 veggie beds ive dismanetled and move those dirt piles to the area that will be the new veggie garden
the woods old and rotting so the screws directly into each end just arnt holding them together...once that dirt is moved thatll re-open up the back yard.

think im also going to try and pick up the stuff i need to do the duck fencing and get those out into the back field try to cut back on poultry feed that way also means ive got to make a little gate so the ogs wont be able to get into the back field. so looks like those will be this weeks jobs.
also should have 5 bales of hay comming in this week, got agreat deal on it (5 bales for the same price i usually pay for 2) so ive got to make space under the carport for that as thats where it will have to live untill i get some kind of shed built for hay and feed storage. and i think if ive got any spare cash at the end of the month and if the guys still got hay left at that price ill probably pick up another 5-10 bales...and same again in october if i can get rather have MORE than i need to see me through the winter than be scrambling.Ive still got so much brush that im not too worried but still, gotta get it while the getting is good.

so thats pretty much whats going on this week, going to be tidying, some outside type work and getting sorted/cleaned up outside.

got plenty of gourds to work on and some wooden birdhouses too, hoping to have some done so i can start doing a few weeksned at the flea market in october (make some winter cash) though i do need to buy a mellon baller and some basic scraping tools to finnish cleaning them out so the gourds are ready to paint...

linnies feathers are starting to come in...the biggest one is definatly yellow (lutino) the second biggest who is "dark" and i wasnt sure...looks like a cobalt though could be slate, and the littlest one is still "white" im kinda hoping shes a creamino, though shell more likley be a lutino

the puppies are also doing great, messy messy (its getting to that point when as much as i adore them im ready to start prepping them to say good bye lol, they are ready to start heading to their new homes in about 2 weeks...time has flown with them.
one is definatly oing home, right now slated for the 24th, just need to get the other 3 into homes and ill be all set there...that moneys already pretyt much spoken for...same with the linnies, once they sell, that money is all claimed too.

it comes goes out.

My biggest focus right now is 1: getting the goats a new house, 2: gettingsoem fruit trees in, 3: paying back mum and dad for the septic, 4: tires for my car and 5: paying off my credit card. (in no particular order)
once the credit card is paid off ill be looking to part exchange my car for a small truck so i dont want 2 lines of credit going...the credit card will remain open obviously and ill put $5-$10 a month on it to keep it revolving for my credit score, but i cant be paying off a creidt card AND paying off a vehicle at the same time so...
thats the plan.

its all laid out in my head...
kinda LOL!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well, today i am 2 years out from surgery...
i whent into this journey at 354.5lbs...
today i am 196lbs lighter and almost 1 year into a whol new life that would never have been possible 2 years ago.
i have a little ways to go wiehgt wise, a long way to go life wise, but heck...what a journey so far!


i also realized i shoulnt watch DIY network...yard crashers gives me so many ideas lol