Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Power Conserver
Aug 10, 2012
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Glen, Ms
Happy to be Me said:
You are amazing! I am in awe of the way you set your goals and have worked toward them. I have read through your journal (took me a while!) and you are really an inspiration. You should be incredibly proud of yourself. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments!
I haven't made it all the way through the journal yet.. but a big X2!!! You are an inspiration! Congrats!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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*blush* thanks so much, the support ive had thus far is whats made this journey so amazing, and theres still so far to go that things can only get cooler!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 21, 2010
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Thanks for sharing with us. What you have overcome is incredible. I wish you the best and like many others am inspired reading your journal.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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*hugs* thanks again!

todays been pretty productive,
my frined E. offered me her 2 old little coops, she doesnt use or like them had them for a few years and used to use them alot but now finds it hard to keep them clean (top acess) and has large coops for her chickens so she was using them soley for occasional isolation ect...
said if i could get em home i could have them...
well a newer frined from the social group offered to help and tada i now have 2 little 4x4x4 chicken houses :D, yay for awesome!
this is a huge help because i couldnt afford new chicken coops.
he also said we can probably figure out how to get the old flaly down shed down, so i think in winter once the virginia creeper has died back we might try and get that done :D would be aseome if icould get that gone by spring :)

i figure each little coop would be good for 3-4 standard fowl so ive got till spring now to desice what kind of chickens i want.
i love bornw leghorn roos, barred and columbian rocks, salmon favrolles and giant cochins and EE's and and and lol 6 hens would certinaly do me enough eggs and then
some for eating purposes

i alo grabbed the post setter and checked on my frineds house, and i got my house mostly clean (got some dishes left to do and need to mop the kitchen floor)

still need to take puppy pictures as i owe zeus new mommy new pictures lol.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Congrats on scoring the coops! Gotta be careful though - chicken math can get waaaaay out of hand..... geeze, I don't even try to count mine anymore...


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
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Evening Shade, AR
Just playing catch-up and I've got to say that the before and after pix are absolutely amazing, lady!!! :hugs

Glad you got the sewer problem straightened out and Karma is just gonna love that "dynamic duo"! ;)

The Linnies are absolutely precious. Thanks for sharing pix of their progress with us! :hugs

Congrats on being able to get the coops, too! :celebrate I've got productive EE's if you'd be wanting some hatching eggs...hint, hint. ;)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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definatly in need of some good karma on my end and bad on thiers at this point.
this month is TIGHT.
i need to go pick up the shots for the puppies tomorrow, which means im going to have about $10 left in my bank account to last me the rest of the month (all bill money has been taken out) i should have enough gas to get there and back but nothing beyond that.

i did decide today after hacking some brush back as best i could that i CANNOT do this alone, and certinaly not with a little electric weed eater and a pair of bypass pruners lol.
so i dropped an email to a guy who does forrestrly mulching...essentially he specilizes in clearing undergrowth in overgrown brushy areas too dense to be handled any other way...
he brings in a tractor that literally chomps up all the brush and it spits it out as mulch which is then just left behind and will veentually rot down...this is FINE by me...came out we took a wander around the property i showed him part of my litlte destoryed village in the woods and all the privet... and he gave me a general idea of what im looking at.

my property is 4.3 acres. of that my house and the current clearing ist on a little under an acre, leaving me about 3 1/2 acres of stuff. now at the back of the property on the other sie of the run off ditch is mostly open, its tall pine with little to no undergrowth...and it runs all the way along the back property and side property lines so i can take about 1/2 an acre off the total needing to be cleared (mabe a little more im not good with estimates lol.) so it leaves me about 3 acres of privet thorn and JUNK to contend with.

he would come in with his mulcher, chomp up all the privet he can get to (pretty much anywhere as long as his tractor fits) then swith to the bucket and push all the junk into one pile (if possible) theres an "old pond" (i think they dug it to be a pond then realized they couldnt keep water in it for more than about 24 hours, it floods when it rains and then it drains pretty quickly lol) that i think would be a great spot to push as much crap as possible, flaten it out as best as possible and let the leaves and mulch (and mabe a big truck of topsoil) eventually cover it while it solwly rots down... whatever wont fit in the "pond" will then be pushed to the front corner of the property for eventual removal (esentially when i get a truck it would have to be removed truck bed by truck bed)
hell also take his bucket to the old falling down shed and push that into a burn pile away from my oak tree...

for all that he estimates 500-1000 per acre depending on density...the junk overs about 1 acre, so im expecting that section to cost $1000 mabe even a tad more...but then theres other areas where the brush isnt as he says plan for $3000, but he'll probably get it done for closer to $2000...
this is ALOT less than i was expecting, BUT alot more than the $10 i currently have availabel to me lol.

so now the reaserch starts.
i need to look up potentials for grants, i mean im a woman trying to small scale farm and clean up a hazardous rural property on a low fixed income...surely theres got to be something out there for that lol.
and then i need to look into loans and what kind of loan would be best...

the good news is according to this guy and my real estate agent, by cleaning out the brush this will ad at least $10,000 onto the property value with a possibility of up to $20,000 improvment if i do some slective logging on the pines in the back areas to open it up even more and get rid of the trash...
thats A HUGE jump in property value for a $3000 investment.

i mae it very clear i need to secure funding first...and that this is not a project ill be taking on soon, and he said NO problem,drop him a line when im ready as its a proect hed like to be involved with likes my goals and thinsk he could have this property under control pretty quickly.

so yeah...i need to stumble on a few thousand dollars...ontop of all my other monetary needs too lol. fun times, fun times!

otherwise nothign realy going on, got the posts ready to do the orchard fence, will start working on cutting and peicing together the netting in the next few days and then can start wiring it up. cant finish it untill next month as i need 4 gate handles and a couple boxes of line tightners so about $20, but least if i get everything laid out i can complete the project pretty quickly.
did some "brush hogging' of my own at the back section of what will eventually be the that was...interesting...and what prompted the..."i just cant do this on my own" sentiment.

and yeah thats about it...for whatever reaso im tired today, i feel like ive hit a bit of a block wall progres wise and seeing how short money is this month certainly doesnt make me happy...(i had some once yearly things id forgotten to account for need to come out leaving me about $80 less this month than i ususally have, then the added cost of puppy pads and canned food for them my budget kinda got out of hand this month. a little over a week and the pups can go home so im just hoping at that point people will want them, i think peple just dont want to put deposits down...but seriously, GRR. ive had plenty of "if you give one to me for free" bull, but thats not going to happen.

ill get through this just like any other time...just one foot infront of the other.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Wow, Pink. You do have some challenges. But, I've read your entire journal, and I've seen how strong you are. One foot in front of the other.... Hang in there girl!

p.s. I have a feeling when the puppies are ready to go home, a good home will find them.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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oh i hope so lol. i get so attatched to them so easily as it is...and the little tiny hairless male pulls my heart strings like crazy, just keep telling myself, i do NOT need another little boy in the house...(though i would be keeping that one if he was a she lol) but right now the male dog testoerone is enough with dozer and jasper lol, and in reality, dozers the one who NEEDS a playmate as jasper and ruby have eachother and Dozer is Nowhere need trained enough to even consider getting him a buddy so...
im hoping to get him in a training class in october...we'll see...its one of the things the puppy money was supposed to go to.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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One thing that my hubs has said over and over through the years we've been together is that everything always works out right in the end. And it's been true for us, over and over, whenever we've faced big huge seemingly insurmountable things. So please know that I'm constantly praying for all the right things to fall into place for you :hugs