Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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I thought it might be yew, thankfully while this is filling both the back and front flower beds there is none in the pastures or other garden beds... but this one has taken over the bed and is just too formal for my liking and too tall to reain and be allowed to look natural
I know the birds like the berries and its not entirely ugly (though im not a fan of the hey lets make this natural item into an unnatural Rectangular shape thing (im all about English cottage gardens and totally NOT about formal man made looking ones lol)
if I try to keep it im hoping to round it off into more of a dome shape and then let it go a little "shaggy" looking to see if removing the formal "hedge" feeling makes it look like it belongs better...
or mabe I can remove some of the lower and internal branches and make it look more like a cool mini tree, a form on bonsai mabe
I like the first pic in this blog mabe a little less military square on the tops and sides but thinning out to make a cool fetural piece...I figure ive gotta cut anyway so I can get into it to dig out as much of the main trunk/root ball as possible so abe I can try doing some "creative grooming" first and see if I can come up with something a little cooler
I mean how cool is this first one
so im gonna play with it tomorrow and see what happens...mabe something magical will appear...either way the cut branches will all get put on the firepit pile... and if it comes out in full itll get chopped for firewood...seaseond yew is supposed to be excellent for burning for il probably safely hoard the larger pieces for special long night firepits (needs to be aged a good 2 years for larger stuff because its insanely dense) but the small brances and stuff...that's all firepit fodder.

since mums not yet feling "at home" and loved the cottage gardens I created at the ct house, im trying to recreate something equally as welcoming, and carefree and chearfull here for her...make it feel more like home...I just wish people realized how much work goes into creating a garden that looks like you never do anything to it LOL!
getting everything the right combination so grow together good color blocks and nice types and interest year round...and unles your rich and can afford to purchase large specimen plants to fill the beds, they take a while to mature...but itll get there, I try t use a lot of fast growing (even mildly invasive) plants to fill thigns in even quicker....
though I must ay, so fr, local home depot and lowes ive not been all that impressed with their plant selection...gonna se what th larger lowes holds in store on Wednesday...and then will start taking alook at some local nurseries...if not ill be placing an online order...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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a quick update things are a little crazy around these parts!
our 3 little goaties are doing great, little man is 4 weeks old already the girls are closer to 5 weeks, growing like little weeds.
ive got my eyes open for a mini Nubian buckling and mabe another mini Nubian doeling (and then we'll get 3 nigi doelings in the fall ideally) ive got a breeder im talking with right now localy with an F2 doe due. *fingers crossed* she had a doe birth yesterday with a beautiful buckling but hes F5 and shes asking a lot more than ive got in the budget for him...

ive got pilgrim goose eggs in the incubator (im hoping and hoping, the incubator power whent down and they were without power for a little while...I didn't open the inc, but it was cold...hoping it wasn't cold for too long :/

got bunnies in the nest box, my rex girls had a litter of 10 between them, 2 harlies, a black otter and broken black otter and a bunch of castors and broken castors. and this morning my chestnut angora gave me a litter of 7, looks like chestnuts and a single red eyed white.
ive got an enlgish lop due any time who looks like shes ready to POP...another angora due in the next few days and an angora I didn't think had bred was hoarding hay this morning so I put a nest box in just in case (he tried but there was no fall so I assumed unsucessfull and haven't put them back together since I need ot groom them both up...)
im realy hoping she is, that would be great...
id realy like to make enough money out of these springs litters to pay off the money left on the loan I had for clearing the land...then the next few litters can all go into the "feed fund"

been doing a lot of work on flower bed number 1 and its almost finished, need some pavers, and a couple pieces of trellis/lattice to hide and acess the oil tank, still need a few more plants to finnish that section off...
Ive also got to get some pavers for the spot where the old oil tank was that's going to have my ltitle bistor set on...planning on a couple of big patio pots with herbs in to sit in that area (since anything in ground not protected form a fence will get trampled by the dogs)

once those parts are done im going to start working on the big front beds of the house, a bunch of juniper and yew to come out and/or trim up (my yew bonsai came out pretty cute BTW! (pics once its all done)) that bed runs along the entire fromt of the hosue and needs major help but its a big part of the house so dad wants to work on that next. then itll be back to the island beds in the backyard. :)

other jobs on the list include setting up the quail cages, putting one of the ltile cops up there and fencing the rabbitry area off (keeping the dogs out of the rabbit poop lol)
got fruit bushes that need homes too...
busy busy bumble bee!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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You certainly are! Sounds like things are going well and you're keeping crazy busy! Glad to hear the goaties are doing so good.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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and I dunno if it was the change in barometric pressure but thistle the E-lop has given me babies :D
9 kits born, 1 undeveloped/doa, 1 is small and mommas bitten off its ear, possibly just overzealous cleaning but not expecting him to make it given his size and level of wrinkly. the rest are big and round and look quite healthy though :)

so far our baby count is:
Rex 9
angora 7
E-lop 8
total 24 so far :D

dads in a grumpy mood and complaining "what are we going to do with all those rabbits" my response sell them and eat the rest...his response "yeah like you could EVER do that...thatll never happen" *grumbles* ive been doing this for 3 years, yes MOST of my rabbits babies were sold as pets but I HAVE butchered a few in the past few years, along with a number of other types of animals...weve discussed the butchering/processing thing before, he seemed quite comfortable with the idea and seemed to belive its obvious that he doesn't belive ive done half the thigns ive said I have...*shakes head*
just gonna keep myself to myself...hoping to SELL pretty much all these babies (hoping one of the harli rex is a girl so she can stay) so I can pay off a big bill that would free up a little extra cash, but any that don't have homes by 10-12 weeks (butcher size for the rex) WILL go to the freezer...I don't have space to start hoarding...nor do I have the money...
I just hate when he pulls stuff like that, why, even after 3 years of doing THIS...does he now think that I cant...

heres to hoping on the e-lop litter, would be great if I can get her to be a great momma first time!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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hah, mabe I wont let him have any :p

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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That's parents. It does not matter how old you get, or what all you're able to do on your own, you're still their "baby".


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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true lol.

well my angora that I was certain hadn't bred (no fall off, no grunt, kept backing into corners) had 7 babies on the wire...
I put in a nest ox yesterday cause she was stashing hay...but instead of building her nest in the box she built it in the front corner of the cage and it was all spread out not well fluffed and all 7 kits were ice cold and dead.
figured worth a try and the incubator is on right now so put em in...just checked and we do have some movement out of 2 of them...better than nothing, so fingers crossed, they've been in an hour so any that were going to wake up would have by now. going to go put the last 2 in in with momma after breakfast and hope...unny, she only managed to raise 2 last going to breed her once more after this to see if she does better and if not ill sell her to someone looking for a pet/fiber rabbit. this is her second litter for me and both times weve had issues. shame, she makes some beautiful babies...lets hope she gets it right next time.
part of me thinks I should stick the babies in willows nest, she seems to be a good momma, and then immediately rebreed primrose...well see...
rabbits...a lesson in cryogenics, as long as blood isn't pooled in the nail its worth warming em up and giving them a shot.

and I checked on miss thistles litter and little one ear seems to be doing just fine. so is willows.

were going to the outlets today, hoping to get a good price on some boots and some sandles...since im down to a half chewed pair of sneakers and a pair of heals.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Heel, just what you want to wear doing farm chores so you're nice and stylish!