Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
shopping done, fence purchased lunch nommed and now time to go get the fence done...

got some fun news today..
I want to get a trike one day...the motor powered kind...but didn't think I could get my license, I cant dirve a 2 wheels vehicle due to balance issues....and trikes are technically motorcycles...
anywho, got word form NJ motorcycle education...they offer a trike course, pass the course and get a specialized licesne that allows for trike use :D
so I think im going to work towards that, next open course isn't until august and then October so no real rush lol.
then itll be a long time before I can afford my bike...but still....YAY!

anywho. time to go get changed and get some work done.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Yep, if it has a motor on it in Jersey, and you're going to be riding it on the road, you have to have a license, and registration and insurance. I know some states you can ride a small scooter w/out all that, but you even need a license for a moped.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
When I was riding my moped while attending college, I didn't need a special license; my car license was good enough.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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anything under 50cc's is road legal but doesn't require a lisence or registration...
anything over 50ccs (scooter, moped, trike, bike, car, go-cart, atv ect) all have to br registered and you have to have a valid drivers licence...anything under 4 wheels (unless it has a full cover top and seatbelts) is considered a motorcycle.
in SOME states you can get a specialized trike only license its a motorcycle license with a W instead of an M, it restricts you to 3 wheeled motor powered bikes over 50cc but you cannot ride a standard 2 wheeled motorcycle with it take the course and test on the trike...
in some states however they don't offer the trike only course, in order to ride a trike you have to have a standard motorcycle licence which means taking the test on a 2 wheeled bike (something I cant do with my balance issues) so while in tn I was planning on taking the trike course...but the closest was in Knoxville 6 hrs away...
when I got to NJ I asked around but everyone said no trike licensing that you needed a motorcycle license, so I kinda stopped thinking about it until at the motorcycle shop the other day dad mentioned the trike issue I figured the best people to ask would be the people who run the motorcycle education courses...and surprise, NJ DOES offer the trike course with trike limit lisence, but its only available through the state motorcycle education courses because the DMVs arnt equipt to test course a trike due to the different type of movment

I have a little 50cc scooter, love riding her, but I cant use her in any kind of slow moving traffic and sharp corners give me serious its 3 wheels for me unless im riding on the back :)

another warm humid day it seems, got a drs apt this morning for my deppo shot, then going with my sister to her appointment, will probably pick up mulch today too (on sale at lowes) and I want to get the rabbitry fence finished and try and get the coop moved so I can move the banties out of the barn.
and mabe ill dip my feet in the pool lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well, the fence around the rabbitry area is up.
need to move the banty coop up the hill, get it situated and bedded down and then can move the banties in...
gonna try and get that done before the evening, figure if I can lock the banties in the little coop on the overnight tonight, by morning they'll have some idea what their new house is lol. the coop itself wil go outside the fence and a hole cut in the fence where the door is, the door is a drop down/ramp so as long as it can be opend/closed I figure thatll be the easiest way to do it so that we can still get in to clean out the coop and collect eggs form outside the fence without disturbing them or risking their escapage into the main garden where they would likely become shepherd puppy food lol.

oh got another litter of bunnies in the next box, 5 harlis and a tri-color...which means either blackberry or strawberry carries the ej gene as theres 2 harlie babies in that box too (im pretty sure they are strawberries...)
realy hoping the tri-baby is a girl, but even if a boy may end up staying as I realy want to work on the tri-color lines. if its a girl I may end up also keeping the nicer of the 2 harli boys from strawberries litter...
im still debating o wether or not I want to continue with the angoras or if I want to focus on the rex...itll realy depend on how willows litter sells. if it sells quickly ill keep going, mabe just cut back to a trio, if not ill sell all of them and use the cage space for expanding the rex/velveteens...

otherwise not much going on, scratched up fairly good on the wire...ned to move that coop and mabe even get the blueberries planted (im planting the blueberry bushes along the rabbitry fence as a screen...)
stil need to finalize a spot for the raspberries too and get them planted.
sooo cant wait for the pool to be warm enough to swim in lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Are you going to get all the rain on Friday that's supposed to hit here?


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Ours is supposed to start tonight and into tomorrow. We'll see... I could use a break from rushing around the farm!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
By noon it's supposed to get bad here.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
we had torrential downpours here, lost 2 rex and and my little one eard English lop kit as a thanks to it :/ my own fault realy, obviously my tarp cover sysem just isn't cutting it in keeping everything dry. the 5 little rex were all chilled probably form a wet momma, warmed all 5 thorugh but 2 didn't come round...hoping the other 3 do better now there warm in a dry nest again....
little 1-eared e-lop looks like he got dragged out, wet and cold...I tried warming him through but he didn't come back :/ my sister will be so upset, she got rather attatched to the little guy :(
so now ive got to figure out a new roofing system for the cages, im thinking the corrugated roofing would likely be the best bet then get some clear plastic or something to make rain sheets for the fronts and backs.
gonna cost a small fortune but least they'll all be dry.Other option would be wood and shingles but that's more weight, more work ect...least the corrugated stuff is light enough that I can attatch it easily to the existing system.

out of my 4 good goose eggs only 1 hatched so now im trying to get some goslings ordered so little jemima isn't alone.
cant find pilgrims anywhere right now so im looking to get a couple pairs of embdens and my khaki campbel ducks, just waiting on a confo for a question I sent to e-fowl.
did manage to get mr baggins (little mlae goat) friendly with the 2 girls, they are in the stall together today, assuming all goes well ill start leaving him loose on the overnights..until we get his buddy home that is at which time the boys will go in together.

having a hard "mood" time right now, im over due for my deppo by a few days (apt is Friday after a whole lot of ridiculous hullaballoo...was supposed to go to PP on Friday for it...was told it was sliding fee UP TO $75 for the visit and UP TO $200 for the shot itself, but the scales based on income and starts "MUCH LOWER" get there to be told just to se the nurse was $75 they couldn't give me my shot without a full exam (starts at $150) and a pregnancy test $25 and the deppo would be another $150..WTF?!
becaue they "dot get any state funding" (this was assuming me having 0 income...)
I called them out on bull****...the generic deppo shot at Walmart pharmacy with NO insurance is $75, im not due for an exam, I can get a pregnancy test at the local rite aid for less than what they want...Seriously...WOW.

so I called my gap coverage (between coverages right now due to the move new one doesn't kick in till next month) and rechecked everything, they let me kow I qualified for a special gap coverage so I can go get it at an actual gynecologist for a $25 copay and $5 for the shot. big difference!
and they wonder why all these women on welfare/between jobs have 6 kids in tow...birthcontrol is too expensive without health coverage (and most don't have the will power to be celebate) cant agree with the reasoning behind not using protection but seriously female BC is NOT acessable to people with low income in this state!
im on it for Endo/PCOS...I haven't been "active" in about 5 years...but still...
so yeah of course theres been pain and my mods been haywire already, and ontop of that im just having a funky week...*GAH!*
still feeling misplaced...and I asked if we could go to ikea this weekend and got the brushoff...soyeah...once my cars reg'd ill be able to just get up and go, but still...

no real plans for the weekend, dad wants to do stuff around the that's about it.