Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Sounds like you're chugging along. That is great. Sometimes it's better to just keep on keeping on. Can't wait to see pics of the paint! I gotta remember to save that link too..


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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now I may HAVE to go just to lunch it up with ya Deb.
gonna keep watch on the weather, might just be worth a trip :)

got more wheelings and dealings going on in Bunny Land.
rebred my Tri-Rex doe and my chestnut angora doe that didn't take last time today, will reexpose both tonight.
the meaty mix im hoping to keep, my other rex doe and my older elop girl refused to lift, will try them again tomorrow along with my other adult angora doe (currently with litter)

got my 2 jr elops SOLD pending actually trading 1 for 2 standard satins (either 2 does or a buck and a doe) and have some contact in on another standard satin.
always wanted satins, never been able to find them...
the other elop will be sale and that will pay for the 3rd with enough left over for a bag of feed lol. ( if I can get the one ive got my eyes on) the does im looking at are chin, the unrelated pair woudl eb a chin and blue, the buck I want is a broken id rather have a chin trio...but we'll see...

still looking for more rex does...
still waiting to hear on pickup for one of the meaty mix does
got my young angora doe, another meat mix, and the adult enlgihs lop (if she continues to refuse to breed in the next few days) and my elop rex mix buck up for sale too...
and if I cant get my 3rd mix doe bred this time around ill offer her too...
think after easter I may sell my remainding angora, I realy have to be honest with my self and im just not keeping up on the not spinning and ive not had interest in raw fiber...
if I move thoe 3 out and replace with standard satins ive got another good showale breed with a great meat and pelt for those that don't sell...
once I find replacemnts ill probably ell my small rex doe too and realy focus down on them
and then add some French lop does for my "fun projects" (im now thinking both rex AND satin coated loppys lol.)
time to be ruthless and focus on what could actually REALY support itself.
I might even start showing occasionally too.

not sure what the plan is for today but if it ends up being nothing, this afternoon im getting my chest painted and done. procrastinated too long on that one, and tomorrow gonna clean my room and start clearing off the craft center wall so I can get it prepped.
ive decided I want to do a fun "boarder" on that wall, just not sure what yet, kinda like a backsplash, don't want anything that cant be easily removed so im kinda thinking painted pegboard or maybe a fun wallpaper (mounted on thin ply and framed.
who knows itll be a surprise!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Sounds like you've got a plan for the wabbitts.

Whatever you decide to do in your room I'm sure it'll be awesome and I can't wait for pics!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
me too LOL!

buns are moving smoothly.
available English lop are spoken for, going together
getting 2 satin chinchilla does in partial trade, the 2 does for 1, and cash for the other 2.
part of that cash has paid for an unrelated broken chinchilla Satin buck...the other pays for the rex ive already got a deposit on
ive also got a buyer for my sable point meat mix doe and my sisters tort dutch doe, there going to someone to start a colony for meat for their dogs, so half that fee is sisters, 1/2 mine, pays for a bag feed.
the blue point doe goes home in the morning, that another bag of feed
and ive got the cash from holly and kory in my purse that pays for the last 2 bags of feed I need to cover feb food bill for the buns.
now if I can get my little angora doe, my elop mix buck and possibly my smaller rex buck sold...ill be in real business (hoping those will give me some cash to pickup at least 1 more rex doe and maintain my "breaking even" record for the past year :D)
ive got someone maybe interested in the rex buck, hes someone im trying to get some narraggansette turkey poults off so kinda hoping hell trade bunny for poults....ill then have dad reimburse me the value since he wants turkeys...
and I might have a past buyer interested in the rx/lop mix fingers crossed there.

busy busy...
not sure yet hoe im going to transport of right now I need 4 holes for bunnies coming/going...and ill probably add a few "just in case" carriers lol.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Your knowledge is amazing!
I hope you get everyone sold that needs to go!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
thank you...
one of the helpful parts of ocd I guess lol.

haystack got to her new home safe and sound and they love her so that's awesome!

otherwise a cold and quiet day, got NOTHING done...just in a weird mood day.
and ive got to go out in the cold to go get the leg quarters out of the garage freezer...
ive been feeding kibble for a while due to budget...but I can get leg quarters cheap again and if I realy focus on only selling my best......anywho, ive decided to go back to raw feeding.
I dunn wanna go out here though LOL.
so cold...I haven't even made dinner yet...mum wants chicken and "fries" (oven baked) I personaly want Chinese food LOL!...or better, a super cheesey calzone lol.

I think tomorrows plan involves a trip into town (or that might be Friday, mums got a drs apt one of those days)
need a Walmart run.
I also need to clean, and patch the wall...gotta do it...gotta!
no more excuses.

got some realy pretty fabric to make the curtain for under the desk so I just need to get that wall painted so I can get my desk UP and start getting that figured.

but yeah...I should go make dinner.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Lol, you sound exactly like me! If only talking through the to do list got it done...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well todays messy, after the ice, then yesterdays freezing rain, rain, freezing rain combination, everything is frozen fairly solid at this point LOL!
got all the does in the barn that needed breeding bred...
so hopefully mid feb we should have 2 rex litters, 2 angora litters and a rex/meat litter.
Ive got my young angora doe supposed to be going home tomorrow, as is my other meaty mix doe. (na dmy sisters dutch doe)
and both my lop/rex mis and peanut the young rex buck (who ive bred to a bunch fo does first) should be going home in the next few weks.
peanut is being trade for Naragansete turkey poults (ill have dad give me the cash equivalent as hes the one that wants the turkeys) so just waiting on that hatch neer the end of the month) and buckwheat is going to someone who bought 2 does off up in the summer, who are breeding meaty lops, so he should be going home around mid feb (they just have to get everything ready)
my 2 remainding rex kits are now eyes open and bopping around the cage this morning, the 2 remaining angora kits are just starting to open their eyes too.
iv decided once this next round is done im putting my angora buck and my English angora doe up for sale (or in the freezer) the doe Is not very friendly, good mother though, and the buck just wasn't showing breeding interst, theres not as much angora interst around her, it tends to be touch and go...
I may replace them with a new pair of pure French angora, frenchies are bigger and culls are much beter suited for the freezer for that reason...I need to realy think about that stuff...if I cant sell em for what I need, I gotta be able to at minimum feed em to the dogs.

got some buns lined up for picup at the upcoming show so hoping these changes will pay off in the long run.
will be compeltly rebuilding the rabbitry hopefully starting next week.
going to use the carport frame and make it a little more solid. itll go where the greenhouse was going to go (greenhouse will find a new spot) and where my buns were before.
im thinking lattice walls with drop down tarp sides, in the winter I can put sheet foam unsulation on the outside against the lattice then pull the tarps down over the top nice and tight, itll probably end up staying warmer than the barn...especially if I also add insulative sheets to the roof. in the summer the unsulation on the aceassable sides would come off tarps get rolled up (used for rain protection as needed) and plenty of airflow while maintining shade. since that area is going to be the veggie patch I could also add a grow bed along the front walls and plant climbers up the walls of the structure.
of coure itll need to be MUCH better secured this time around.
with that structure and the layout I have in my head id have enough room to expand by about 8 cages and realy get this party started, I want to start showing and hopefully boost my rep with some harder to ind but good quality buns that will actually make some profit rather than just break us even while still putting some meat in the freezer.

otherwise not much happening....still haven't made progress in my room and now have he early warnings of either the flu or a nasty cold. FUN stuff. not gonna let it stop me though, got stuff needs done tomorrow but weds the main wall is getting stripped patched and painted. by weekend I want my desk up and some stuff moved so I can go get my new closet.

fun stuff.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Take care of yourself. Don't try to do too much if you're not feeling well. That can just make you sicker.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Second what Deb said... take care of you, because if you don't you'll only be down for the count longer.
Sounds like good progress with the rabbits. Glad things are coming together.
Can't wait to see pics of the room!