Recent content by kathyschix

  1. kathyschix

    TRAGIC NEWS... We are home

    I am so sorry for your loss. :hugs
  2. kathyschix

    Your web hosting provider?

    I use Site5 for my business site and have been very happy with them. Good luck! Kathy
  3. kathyschix

    BIG frost!

    That is beautiful!
  4. kathyschix

    Came in email, cracked me up...

    :lau Thanks I needed that!
  5. kathyschix

    Cookbook recommendations?

    Hello! One of my favorites for more veggie ideas: Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone We aren't vegetarian but I was like you, looking to eat more vegetables and looking for more ideas as to what to do with them. Good luck! Regards, Kathy
  6. kathyschix


    Our CSA had an open farm day yesterday with lots of extra organic Roma tomatoes for sale cheeeeeap! $15 and 75 lbs of tomatoes later... sauce, pizza sauce and salsa... and I'm still not done yet. :th
  7. kathyschix

    Charity work and volunteering...

    Thanks Free and bbh! :D I love seeing all the different types of things people are doing. Every little bit helps!
  8. kathyschix

    Charity work and volunteering...

    This was my first year working with this group: Flashes of Hope ...and my modest contribution: My FOH blog post It was so HOT the morning we did the sessions. The kids were great! Regards, Kathy
  9. kathyschix

    Cap'n Crunch Cereal

    :th OMG you mentioned my favorite. :drool :drool :drool I can't remember the last time I had it! Step away from the Captain Crunch... :barnie
  10. kathyschix

    How did I waste money today?

    The hens are now laying and we have plenty of eggs for the three of us and my husband came home from the grocery store with yet another carton of eggs. :he :he :he OK, that's probably more of a vent than anything. :bow Regards, Kathy
  11. kathyschix

    A must-see film!

    Just saw it this evening with 15 y.o. DS. Couldn't get DH to come along. Oh well. :rolleyes: Awesome movie! :thumbsup Regards, Kathy
  12. kathyschix

    my $1 fence

    I like the natural look too. It looks great!
  13. kathyschix

    Your homes.

    Great looking place unclejoe! We live in Duncannon. I drove right through Dillsburg today on my way to Hanover to visit my mom. :) Kathy