Recent content by love blrw

  1. L

    IRON Money!

    A lot of older farms never brought their garbage or their old machinery or old fencing to dumps, etc. They just piled it into the woods or in a spot on the property. It rusts away with time. but we were able to pull out old chicken metal roofs, old trucks, old car pieces, fencing, posts. gates...
  2. L


    I use the dried spinach all winter long in any casserole, pasta dish or soup I am making. No one knows the difference, but I assume that the nutrition of the dish improves. Think about everything you put basil in, for some dishes use it like a spice, for other dishes use it as a main...
  3. L

    Wow, make sure you read the inserts that come in with your credit acco

    I hope that everyone that gets one of those letters calls up their credit card holder and cancels the account. I hope that so many many people do it that they have to start worrying about how they figure out good credit vs. bad credit. Credit scores should not have anything to do with how much...
  4. L

    Taking a canning class!!

    I water bath, I don't have a pressure canner. I only do high acid foods, pickles and jams and jelly and preserves.
  5. L

    What is going on in Europe?

    Banking Deregualtion began in the 1980's with the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 (Carter) and the Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 (Reagan). These Acts were supposed to help the recession but many new taxes were placed to help the US...
  6. L

    What is going on in Europe?

    I think that we have let corporations and banks get too big and spread too worldwide. I don't believe that it is our government is as corrupt as the large corporations. The comparison of greed and overspending in Washington is nothing compared to what corporations are sucking from us. The people...
  7. L

    Taking a canning class!!

    You can read up on Ball's website under Preserver Club for ideas. If it is a good teacher you will be able to hear her/him explain similar things you have read on the Ball forum. Wear older clothes and shoes and have fun!
  8. L

    What Happens If Your Stash Freezes?

    The metal cans can explode or the seals broken when exposed to excessive cold. It happened to me. A case of canned beans lost their liquid when they freezed, sealed broke and liquid leaked out. With the dry foods, you have to be careful that no condensation occurred, if it did then they can get...
  9. L

    Signs of spring in your area?

    Planted some lettuce seeds under a cold frame and they are spouting!! Yeah!
  10. L

    What is going on in Europe?

    It is just corporate greed, the bigwigs have taken their corporation's money and hidden it in Swiss bank accounts or other foreign investments. Maybe they are afraid that, with the end of oil, there will be too much upheaval and they are too chicken to help pull the country through the change...
  11. L

    10% less, what would you cut first?

    My DH has been in and out of work for two years now. A few things we did cut cable to something called "antennae service" $10 a month here, and we won't loose service when the change comes shop only sales and buy only staples make cheap meals no drinks cut all magazines and newspapers out...
  12. L

    need help with my grocery budget...

    A few ideas, buy your dog food at a feed store like Tractor supply in bulk (or walmart if you are not opposed to the store) and store in a garbage can, no treats they are not good for the dogs anyway, I mix in some table scraps I can my own tomato sauce and when I run out I buy canned sauce Use...
  13. L


    Some mason jars and old canning jars are worth a lot of money. Especially if they are blue glass. So I wouldn't sell any without knowing what they are worth. I kept mine and use for dried spinach and herbs, etc, only have to wait a month or so to pick spinach here. Lin
  14. L

    Outside cat is NO LONGER pregnant

    We took a cat that was in a horse barn about to deliver and put her in my daughter's room with water, food, and a litter box and she stayed under the bed to deliver her kittens. She let us all near her, no problems there. She would just put them further under the bed when we brought them out. I...
  15. L

    The Self-Sufficient Skills thread (new name, old thread!)

    I am teaching myself how to convert barrels into rain barrels. Slowly but surely wishing to be self sufficient.