Recent content by Shella

  1. S

    Are we close to SHTF scenario?

    the goverment are going to have to do something with this debt soon or its going to be a big problem.
  2. S

    so...meat chickens

    This fencin' sounds like somethin for me to setu for our animals, when we get the herds
  3. S

    Medicinal herb container garden

    This is a project I want to start some day. . . . .
  4. S

    Are we close to SHTF scenario?

    i sure believe we are on path for it. i just hope i get my rear in gear before it is to late.
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    Survival Homesteading

    Itd be great to find a mini milker but i doubt i could find one or a good one at that for reasonable price. Oh well goats will due for now. I been thinkin on it and here is my time line by Dec 2012 established a small garden begin work on an orchard have plans on a barn for my animals by May...
  6. S

    Are we close to SHTF scenario?

    Maybe I am paranoid. But idk because i just feel a shtf/teotwaki scenario is nearing? How yall feel about it?
  7. S

    Survival Homesteading

    We d love a milk cow, but space don't permit right now. We eat a lot of peaches, apples, and if we had cherries we'd eat more of them. A few pears, and plums. Then blackberries, strawberries, and blueberries. thanks for help
  8. S

    Survival Homesteading

    Hey all. I aint been here for a while, sorry been busy. We havent been doing ss much lately. We need to expand our land to the back to have room for hard core homesteading. I aint to sure how big our property is now. My questions are for a family of five 1 How many dual purpose chickens...
  9. S

    canning a variety

    since i was last on here. i have been thinking lots on planning my homestead. i understand that to eat primarily from my animals and garden, i will need to put up lots of food. im gonna grow a bigger garden and drag my old canning jars. ive been tryin to find some at yard sales and such too...
  10. S

    the self reliant homestead: chicken questions

    wow, thanks for all the great info and welcomes. ive really been thinking about this in the past days. ive had time to research and ive come up with some goals here to do by the end of next year. 1. get my garden in full swing with stuff we will eat and lots to can and preserve 2. get a chicken...
  11. S

    the self reliant homestead: chicken questions

    thanx for the warm welcome. that helps a lot, ive had my eye on the buff orps, they seem really nice. for my garden id like to intercrop some, so i save space.
  12. S

    the self reliant homestead: chicken questions

    hey. im a newbie to this self sufficiency stuff and i stumbled on this forum and i wanted some avice on how to perfect a self sufficient homestead. i know that economy is bad so i have a few questions. . . . for a family of five how many laying hens would we need? we eat eggs pretty...