Recent content by wYs Ranch

  1. W

    My dog needs a job?

    Have you considered Herding Search and Rescue Sport obedience Agility Rally ball carting, sledding, pulling(have hips checked first) tracking & scent work
  2. W

    For Those Unprepared, Will It Be Like This..??

    It was a nightmare playing the matching game with people when I worked at lowes. The contractor would go back n forth between the stores to get the price down 20- 30 % more. HD has an asteric next to their prices on quotes that are marked down, lowes doesn't, so we always knew when they were...
  3. W


    my job requires me to have one, 24/7.... I'm allowed to use for personal use, so thats a perk I guess. I don't like to talk on the phone, but at least anyone who needs to reach me, can.
  4. W


    I'm working on my 31st year hunting... going out this weekend!
  5. W


    probably~ Do some research on it though, this is an ornery hedge with thorns and could be a real pain in the tookas!
  6. W


    Thanks! The corsos are not huge dogs, just very athletic. My females are around 90 lbs. My male, below, was 110#. I mostly do drawings, but I went to college for metalsmithing. But that gets expensive!!/pages/W-S-Hutchison-Studios/358153815399
  7. W

    Ummm, Road Kill

    We'll eat RC, as long as we hit it, the person in front of us hit it. I won't eat say a rabbit in the spring, but I would if I hit one in fall (parasites?) We've taken many a deer home.
  8. W


    Hi, What state are you in? OO's grows well in michigan! For the venison, We only put a dash of salt in the burger and leave it plain so we can put what we want in it. The cubed venison usually gets montrial steak seasoning. Will probably do some with onions in this years venison. We...
  9. W


    My screen name is Sillychicken at BYC, but I'm using my farm name here and on BYH. It means "Watch Your Step Ranch"! Mostly stems from having pooh around, but it can be taken other ways too. ;) MY DH and I have been slowly trying to remove ourselves from relying on stores for our food...
  10. W


    Hi... right behind Boyd in the trouble making dept! I'm between Jackson and Ann Arbor. My screen name is Sillychicken at BYC, but I'm using my farm name here and on BYH. It means "Watch Your Step Ranch"! Mostly stems from having pooh around, but it can be taken other ways too. ;) MY...