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  1. O does this set with you?

    "don't tell me and don't believe" doesn't give people the right to flame someone. We can respect people even if we don't like what they say.
  2. O does this set with you?

    Leta- that was very interesting and informative. You are truly the voice of reason. Thanks.
  3. O does this set with you?

    I hate it when I hear human beings referred to as zombies. It is so dehumanizing. I agree with you, Tractor Girl.
  4. O does this set with you?

    I don't think government should put limits on reproduction. However, I think people should think of the effect they are having on the earth when they continue to reproduce beyond just replacing themselves. I am appalled when people seem to want to have as many kids as they can. Don't they care...
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    Ticked off cause.....

    I refuse to turn my heat on until November no matter what. I have socks and sweaters and slippers to get me through the tough spots.
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    Interesting Yahoo Article

    I think the "unhealthy" comment was in response to the fact that the people depicted in the photos were a little too well-fed. And, the title surely was misleading. They did buy groceries, they just didn't buy them at the grocery store. They merely switched from the supermarket to the farmer's...
  7. O soak or not to soak is the question....

    I have done it both ways and haven't noticed any difference, digestionwise. I did not know the science behind it, though. I though soaking them just softened them up to make them easier to cook. Now I will try to remember to soak them.
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    The humanure thread

    Even if that did happen- and I don't believe it ever will- I am in no hurry to start burying my loved ones in the back yard now. If there is no other choice, you do what you must. But when you have options, you are free to use them.
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    The humanure thread

    Why am I getting the impression that people think it is morally wrong NOT to want to compost your own waste? And where I come from, people find excrement disgusting. That is not considered a sign of maladjustment; in fact, it is considered normal to find smelly piles of poop disgusting. It's not...
  10. O

    College...not worth it....?

    Well, that just makes me sad is all. Seems so pointless.
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    College...not worth it....?

    If there were no soldiers, who would fight wars? And I am not interested in arguing about this really, I was just responding to someone who said something to the effect of "what if everyone felt this way?" My thought was that if everyone felt this way, no one would be going off to war...
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    College...not worth it....?

    the point is that if no one was willing to fight there would be no war. I am not blaming the people who do chose to serve, but it is a fact that there is no war without soldiers.
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    College...not worth it....?

    I would rather see my child driving a car to college than marching off to war. I guess I am odd.
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    College...not worth it....?

    That is all well and good but I am not particularly interested in having my child die before me, not even in the interests of getting an education. It's a risk benefit thing in my opinion, and decidedly not worth it. If everyone felt that way, well, I guess the world would just have to stop...
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    College...not worth it....?

    I would not send my child to the military in exchange for an education. A college degree is very valuable, but not worth risking my child's life for. I would rather go into debt.
  16. O

    College...not worth it....?

    I would NEVER discourage a child from going to college. You can't "work your way up" anymore. It's too competitive out there. Most fields require at least a 4 year degree even for entry level. Without a degree he may be doomed to a lifetime of low level jobs. I would not want that for anyone...
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    Small "ethical" companies that are really owned by huge corporations

    The thought of buying my organic food from Cargill makes me queasy. Should I buy my heirloom seeds from Monsanto?
  18. O

    In your opinion.........

    No, I have not found that variey. I agree with the facts of the present; I just question what they may mean for the future. That's all.