Overpopulation...how does this set with you?


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ontario Canada
Tractor girl said:
Sorry to re-post, but I wanted to add, that I have stopped watching anything of that sort (desensitizing violence), as I feel that it is clear manipulation. I am not sure who is behind it, but I can feel it happening.
Not sure what it is...manipulation, just destructive thoughts being poured out there by the industry because it is what makes the ost money...seems to be what people want to see on theier televisions. I don't know...but I do know that I have stopped watching TV completely in the last five years or so and find that I am ETREMELY sensitive to it now. I can't even be out somewhere and see it on someone elses TV with out getting a very anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach. This stuff is very hurtful to the ones who don't see it everyday...and I can only imagine what it does to young impressive minds. It is a scary thought


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
Toulle said:
I shouldn't post, as I swore off it....
Especially since my views on this always get flamed - with knee jerk emotional stuff rather than logic or common sense
but consider this:

Put a bunch of rabbits in an enclosure, free from foxes with plenty of food for them - what happens?
You all know the answer. They reproduce, fill the pen, eat all the food, and then die off leaving a wasteland that will take years and years to recover

What of those countries in Africa and such with famines running rampant? China, too? Too many people and not enough resources.
Anyone saying this can't happen to us has their heads in the sand.

And don't anyone tell me anything about having oodles of kids out of love or the bible told you to be fruitful and overmultiply - you can love one kid as well as 8 and biblical arguments have been used for some pretty silly stuff and therefore carry no weight with me.
If you must have a pile of kids around to feel loved then go adopt some.

And don't give me that about the rich are using up all the resources, while us po' folks is just suffrin - do the math if you can. Very small group of rich people aren't consuming nearly as much as the revolting masses, and the little knot of people called the upper middle class contribute far more to the greater good than other parts of society - especially the baby making zombies I am thinking of.

What can you do? You can do your part is what you can do. Have one, maybe two, then get fixed. I did.
Our generation is stuck with it, but we can make the world a better place for our great grandkids. Birth control birth control birth control. I cannot stress it enough.
Along with that pass the word. Tell everyone you meet every chance you get - there are too many people for the resources we have.
Be an advocate for smaller families.
Tell your kids.

It's a simple formula. Less people means more resources for them.
As to the retirement thing, about needing to raise the population to support the retirees: let the economic geeks figure that one out. We science and ecology geeks have been stuck having to deal with the problems they create for ages, it's their turn to have to work now.

Lastly - don't believe anything near half what you read on the internet. That article really really stinks of BS.
Anyone with an internet connnection and an agenda can pretty much put anything they want out there. My post is proof of that.
You always get flamed? Maybe because your post is full of don't tell me and don't believe.

Africa. I've been to Ethiopia and Kenya and I did my master's thesis on the Sahel. Famine in Africa (a large place) is complicated but a major contributing factor is distribution of food. Factors in distribution include poor infrastructure and government corruption.


Power Conserver
Apr 30, 2011
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"don't tell me and don't believe" doesn't give people the right to flame someone. We can respect people even if we don't like what they say.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
I have never been a conspiracy theorist, but I am leaning that way now. The reason why is Agenda 21 and chemtrails. Chemtrails I can see in the sky almost every week. I believe the world leaders to be as corrupt as anyone can get. There is too much information to just ignore it. I don't mean to upset anyone or make anyone angry. The OP asked what we think about it and I am giving my answer.

Chemtrails, the delivery method by which the UN plans (and is) to use to reduce population. Google any large city in any state and pictures of chemtrails appear--Houston Texas Chemtrails for example. google any country/chemtrails.




Agenda 21-the wonderful plan the UN and our country's leaders have for us.





These web sites can get a little far out there, but there is no ignoring the basic message. I don't believe everything they are spouting, but I believe our leaders have sold us down the river.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 16, 2008
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BC, Washington border
You guys should have been to the two day seminar on animal health I was at. The stats on zoonotic diseases and the projections are frightening. Along with what the sharp increases in bacterial issues over the past 5 years. The material was fascinated and spine chilling at the same time.

Our science may be good but, we are losing the battle on many fronts with adaption and mutation in large due to our own systems.

Overpopulation and concentration of populations human or animal sets up the ideal grounds for the above.


Lovin' The Homestead
May 19, 2011
Reaction score
Oh, yes. Disease is and will continue to fight science back. But the overpopulation problem won't last forever, or even very long when you look at the Earth's lifespan.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
MorelCabin said:
Tractor girl said:
Sorry to re-post, but I wanted to add, that I have stopped watching anything of that sort (desensitizing violence), as I feel that it is clear manipulation. I am not sure who is behind it, but I can feel it happening.
Not sure what it is...manipulation, just destructive thoughts being poured out there by the industry because it is what makes the ost money...seems to be what people want to see on theier televisions. I don't know...but I do know that I have stopped watching TV completely in the last five years or so and find that I am ETREMELY sensitive to it now. I can't even be out somewhere and see it on someone elses TV with out getting a very anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach. This stuff is very hurtful to the ones who don't see it everyday...and I can only imagine what it does to young impressive minds. It is a scary thought
Same for me. I don't get to view TV very often but when I do, I find that most of the programming is violent in word and deed. Most of the series are crime shows or reality shows about cursing, out of control women getting married. Who in the world watches this junk??? My IQ and my sensitivity chip dips with only the time it takes to scan the content of the channel and surf on.

It makes me nervous and anxious also and I feel just terrible to even have watched the little that I saw...almost felt contributory.

Personally, my belief system prevents me from worrying about overpopulation....we believe the Earth will be lightened of it's load soon and even cleansed further after that. Everyone should pretty much get their wishes about decreasing the population then but I doubt it will bring much relief. :rolleyes:


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
Beekissed said:
MorelCabin said:
Tractor girl said:
Sorry to re-post, but I wanted to add, that I have stopped watching anything of that sort (desensitizing violence), as I feel that it is clear manipulation. I am not sure who is behind it, but I can feel it happening.
Not sure what it is...manipulation, just destructive thoughts being poured out there by the industry because it is what makes the ost money...seems to be what people want to see on theier televisions. I don't know...but I do know that I have stopped watching TV completely in the last five years or so and find that I am ETREMELY sensitive to it now. I can't even be out somewhere and see it on someone elses TV with out getting a very anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach. This stuff is very hurtful to the ones who don't see it everyday...and I can only imagine what it does to young impressive minds. It is a scary thought
Same for me. I don't get to view TV very often but when I do, I find that most of the programming is violent in word and deed. Most of the series are crime shows or reality shows about cursing, out of control women getting married. Who in the world watches this junk??? My IQ and my sensitivity chip dips with only the time it takes to scan the content of the channel and surf on.

It makes me nervous and anxious also and I feel just terrible to even have watched the little that I saw...almost felt contributory.

Personally, my belief system prevents me from worrying about overpopulation....we believe the Earth will be lightened of it's load soon and even cleansed further after that. Everyone should pretty much get their wishes about decreasing the population then but I doubt it will bring much relief. :rolleyes:
More like ummmm grief.......


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Northern Ontario Canada
Anyone ever try searching for the TRUTH lately? About any topic??? Pick a topic and try and find the real truth...science seems to bias all it's studies in whichever direction will bring in more funding, law is not justice anymore, the medical system, now manipulated by big pharma, is not so interested in the individual patient anymore, and doesn't seem to be able to cure much unless you need stitches or a bandaid...and the government...well, we won't even go there...Everything on earth seems to be all smoke and mirrors, with no real answers anywhere. Is the ice really melting on the arctic? are the polar bears really going extinct? chemtrails? global warming? you can find the answers you want to hear on any topic...but where is the truth?


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
MorelCabin said:
Anyone ever try searching for the TRUTH lately? About any topic??? Pick a topic and try and find the real truth...science seems to bias all it's studies in whichever direction will bring in more funding, law is not justice anymore, the medical system, now manipulated by big pharma, is not so interested in the individual patient anymore, and doesn't seem to be able to cure much unless you need stitches or a bandaid...and the government...well, we won't even go there...Everything on earth seems to be all smoke and mirrors, with no real answers anywhere. Is the ice really melting on the arctic? are the polar bears really going extinct? chemtrails? global warming? you can find the answers you want to hear on any topic...but where is the truth?