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    Sharpening the chainsaw

    It is not a glamorous thing, but it needs doing, and when it is done, the wood cuts sooo much better. Faster cutting, uses a LOT less fuel. Cuts are straighter too, and that makes the cut go faster too. Time for time, what saves more time? Not sharpening the saw often like every half hour, or...
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    Bone Meal getting harder to find?

    Anybody else noticing how hard it is to find Bone Meal? Maybe there was a run on it in town, but I couldn't find any anywhere!
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    Top Secret Garden plot

    How many folks grow some plants and don't tell anyone? I just read about a person not telling anyone about their Asparagus plot! I understand the thinking. "Mine minemine all MINE" I've never done it, but I sure wish I could have a top secret raspberry thicket somewhere. While everyone else...
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    New to this forum today!

    :frow Hi everybody, I'm new here. Came over here from The Easy Gardener. Love that forum a lot! I live off the grids. Small generator, 1,500 watt inverter, need a bigger one soon, 4 double depth 6 volt batteries wired to 12 volt, Propane water heater, stove, oven, refrigerator. Smallish...