100 Things Challenge - Join Me!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
MissJames said:
So, what are going to wear now??????? LOL
When I was looking for ideas, I saw a closet that looked like that and I was thinking, "I could NEVER do that!" :lol: Here's my process in case that it helps you!

Before I started, I decided how I was going to count. Socks, bras, underwear, swimsuits, etc all count as ONE item if they fit into their bin without overflowing. You might find another group of items that you group together.

I decided what I NEED. I need a wardrobe that can take me through summer (90 degrees) through winter (-10 degrees). I need a versatile wardrobe that ranges from cleaning up rabbit poop, to taking on city council!

I sorted my closet out between things I love and things I was not so sure about but not ready to part with.

First I boxed up clothes that are not in my current size. I kept pieces I love (my weight fluctuates a lot) and donated the rest.

Then I reasoned that I was going to rid my closet of "brown" (clothes that dont go with black accessories), so that I only need one set of shoes, belts, and purses.

After that, there were only things that I didn't wear for one reason or another.

After I took out the clothes in different sizes, it was really easy to pare it down!

The bins above are STUFFED - but all count as one item. The bins have:

Bras - 10-ish
Socks - 30+ pairs?! Way too many.
Knee highs/thigh highs, etc
Hunting clothes (doesn't count towards 100 Things)
Work/Painting clothes (doesn't count towards 100 Things)
Swimsuits - 6+ 2-piece suits. I wear halter swimsuit tops at least 50% of the time in summer!
Mementos - a box of cards and sweet things from my fiance and 3 pieces of baby clothes my son wore.

I have to say this was very emotional and soul-searching for me. I'm bipolar and I was holding onto clothes from 3 facets of me - depressed, normal, and hypomanic. So I had the stained HUGE comfy ugly sweatshirt and the big stretchy ugly jeans, right next to normal clothes, right next to black shimmery formals and 4-inch shiny high heels.

For me, I had to let go emotionally of good memories that I now know as a symptom of a disease. I had to fully realize that I can't work a normal job. I had to stop living in the past or in impossible dreams and focus on the "here and now."

I didn't do this all at once. I worked on it everyday for a week. It IS sparse now, but those are the clothes that I ACTUALLY wore. My wardrobe is NOT any more limited than it already was. Now I can face the reality of my closet and my body, and slowly build a functional, flattering wardrobe. I plan to double what I have over the next year.


ETA: typo


Enjoys Recycling
Nov 30, 2008
Reaction score
tortoise said:
MissJames said:
So, what are going to wear now??????? LOL
When I was looking for ideas, I saw a closet that looked like that and I was thinking, "I could NEVER do that!" :lol: Here's my process in case that it helps you!

Before I started, I decided how I was going to count. Socks, bras, underwear, swimsuits, etc all count as ONE item if they fit into their bin without overflowing. You might find another group of items that you group together.

I decided what I NEED. I need a wardrobe that can take me through summer (90 degrees) through winter (-10 degrees). I need a versatile wardrobe that ranges from cleaning up rabbit poop, to taking on city council!

I sorted my closet out between things I love and things I was not so sure about but not ready to part with.

First I boxed up clothes that are not in my current size. I kept pieces I love (my weight fluctuates a lot) and donated the rest.

Then I reasoned that I was going to rid my closet of "brown" (clothes that dont go with black accessories), so that I only need one set of shoes, belts, and purses.

After that, there were only things that I didn't wear for one reason or another.

After I took out the clothes in different sizes, it was really easy to pare it down!

The bins above are STUFFED - but all count as one item. The bins have:

Bras - 10-ish
Socks - 30+ pairs?! Way too many.
Knee highs/thigh highs, etc
Hunting clothes (doesn't count towards 100 Things)
Work/Painting clothes (doesn't count towards 100 Things)
Swimsuits - 6+ 2-piece suits. I wear halter swimsuit tops at least 50% of the time in summer!
Mementos - a box of cards and sweet things from my fiance and 3 pieces of baby clothes my son wore.

I have to say this was very emotional and soul-searching for me. I'm bipolar and I was holding onto clothes from 3 facets of me - depressed, normal, and hypomanic. So I had the stained HUGE comfy ugly sweatshirt and the big stretchy ugly jeans, right next to normal clothes, right next to black shimmery formals and 4-inch shiny high heels.

For me, I had to let go emotionally of good memories that I now know as a symptom of a disease. I had to fully realize that I can't work a normal job. I had to stop living in the past or in impossible dreams and focus on the "here and now."

I didn't do this all at once. I worked on it everyday for a week. It IS sparse now, but those are the clothes that I ACTUALLY wore. My wardrobe is NOT any more limited than it already was. Now I can face the reality of my closet and my body, and slowly build a functional, flattering wardrobe. I plan to double what I have over the next year.


ETA: typo
Wow! This should be a sticky post. Full of wisdom we can all put to use. I have all those in my closet and drawers,and more. I tend to dress sloppy, but have a job in DC that I have to dress like a professional a few days a month.. I never feel good enough so I keep buying things that I hope will make me LOOK good enough. I'm heading to my closet now.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I also took a full-length mirror - in "junk" status as it was tossed in the basement - and hung it in the bedroom. I liked how I looked today! I loved waking up, opening the closet and knowing that no matter what I picked, it would look great.

MissJ - at some point while I was in high school I realized that people don't buy "things" they buy dreams! When you see clothes, you imagine confidence. So you buy the confidence (clothes).

Find the confidence inside yourself! Then you can just buy clothing that looks fabulous on you WHEN YOU NEED IT, and you can enjoy wearing what you already have.

You are fabulous - even if you're naked and homeless. Your stuff does NOT make you complete, confident, or whole. It makes life more comfortable.

Lose all the "stuff" and you'll find yourself along the way. :hugs


Enjoys Recycling
Nov 30, 2008
Reaction score
tortoise said:
I also took a full-length mirror - in "junk" status as it was tossed in the basement - and hung it in the bedroom. I liked how I looked today! I loved waking up, opening the closet and knowing that no matter what I picked, it would look great.

MissJ - at some point while I was in high school I realized that people don't buy "things" they buy dreams! When you see clothes, you imagine confidence. So you buy the confidence (clothes).

Find the confidence inside yourself! Then you can just buy clothing that looks fabulous on you WHEN YOU NEED IT, and you can enjoy wearing what you already have.

You are fabulous - even if you're naked and homeless. Your stuff does NOT make you complete, confident, or whole. It makes life more comfortable.

Lose all the "stuff" and you'll find yourself along the way. :hugs
Sometimes I still feel like that teenager who never felt good enough.......I'm a LOT older now and starting to get it.You really started me thinking with your closet makeover. It's a lifestyle change. A thought process about what we are and who we are. This is amazing stuff ! Thank you.


Enjoys Recycling
Sep 4, 2010
Reaction score
That is great advice, buying the confidence instead of the material, many people get the message crossed


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I'm keeping on going. Not really ready to count items yet.

I PURGED my file boxes and am down to one box (from 3). I am starting and electronic purge as well.

I'm selling off my rabbits that are no good for breeding. I haven't been healthy enough lately to deal with them and I want to switch breeds.

I've gathered together everything I've borrowed from friends or family and have them all ready to mail or deliver.

I sorted through photos - got them all in one spot and I'm going to fill ONE photo album. This means I'm going to give up my expensive (and rarely used) scrapbooking habit. I'll keep my stamps because I like to make greeting cards, but the rest is going. One more box gone out from under my bed.

I cleared out my desk. It was STUFFED and COVERED. Down to:
1 pencil, 1 pen, 2 sharpies, 1 eraser, stapler and box of staples, staple remover, stamps, scissors. The file drawer has hanging files with different types of paper, and a greeting card organizer box.

I finished painting the bathroom - a project started 2 MONTHS ago!


To be totally honest, all of this has had a little suicidal bipolar twist, but I'm 100% OK now, and still really proud of myself for doing these things.

I am much more relaxed. I used to feel harassed by stuff. I'd walk by my desk and be reminded of all the things not done and feel guilty for having not done them. Not anymore! I had a HUGE smile on my face when I got dressed this morning. It was so easy! All of my jeans fit and look great, and I grabbed a long-sleeve-T in a color I like. It took 3 seconds to pick out my clothes and was totally stress-free!


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a

Today was the day of counting. I can't think of ANYTHING I might have missed (although I am sure there are a few.) I have 68 personal items.


I will look through the house and check for things I missed. I think I missed a couple of books, but if they are so insignificant that I don't remember them or refer to them, then I'll probably donate them.



Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I've been shopping... I think I'm WAY over 100 things. Oh well. It's just a number.

This challenge changed how I do things. I was approaching it from a simplify-my-life point of view. So I bought doubles of a few things so I'm not constantly running upstairs or downstairs grabbing something and then putting it away, or forgetting it and going back to get it!

I'm working on making my life SIMPLE so that I can work towards the goals that are important to me - like being more SS, being more frugal, and enjoying life more.