50 Shocking Questions That You Should Ask To Anyone That Is Not

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Power Conserver
Aug 9, 2012
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Where do you think?
Don't worry you're not necessarily preaching to the choir :)

Some of those questions are quite silly if not biased:

Why is Obama launching an all out attack on the second amendment?

Well gee, there's only been a whole lot of shootings in the media the past few months if you hadn't noticed. This would be the TIME to restrict guns if one wanted to. Frankly, with the previous assault weapons ban, you're forgetting guns have been restricted even more in the past...This applies to a lot of the other rhetorical questions as well.

Why are some states using computers to predict future crimes?

Well gee, maybe they want to stop future crimes.

Honestly, some of these questions are downright ridiculous. I mean, I understand the point of prepping, but if you're gonna use this as your excuse, it's kind of sad.

Why can so few American's describe how money is made in the USA?

This is one of my favorites :) Americans just aren't well educated on this, it's practically entertaining. Now, in all fairness, I took an economics course for a year...

Basically, Money is created using a Monetary Policy by the federal reserve. The reserve buys US securities and pays for them, money effectively flows out. The reserves sells securities and money flows in, money flows inwards. This also effects interest rates...It's a chain of reaction that to some might seem convoluted, as it is Keynesian (No liberaterian would buy it).

This is the simply explanation.

Most Americans seem to think that the Mint literally Prints money and it goes into the economy. Well folks, the mint doesn't do any of that. The mint mostly just replaces bills with newer dollar bills. The actual production of money is the federal reserve.

This goes back to the fact that many Americans think a recession still exists (last time I checked). In reality, it ended in 2009. Now, some might feel as if there is still a recession as they still aren't doing so well, but there has been quite a bit of growth, however slow.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
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Concerning the gun restrictions that are being proposed, why do you think the lame stream media and the reporters who are in attendance at the daily media briefs never come out and really talk about why the majority of citizens of the USA feel the need to own guns and ammo? In my opinion the citizens of the USA feel that we have a rogue government that is totally out of control and power hungry. And now that we have re-elected an evil Marxist administration many citizens feel the need to arm against a government-gone-wild. Forget about hunting and target sports. Forget about the inner city street gangs and the suburban robbers (although these are a major concern, too). It's the lousy Chicago gangsters we have elected to ruin a wonderful nation that we must arm ourselves against. This is exactly why many think that high power firearms and automatic firearms are needed in every household. The National Guard and the Dept. of Homeland Security will be a formidable opponent when the administration forces them to quell the masses. Just last week Crazy Joe Biden's son, the Delaware Attorney General, proposed a bill to replace all local sheriffs with federal officers because there is fear in the Whitehouse that local sheriffs will side with the citizens when the big government makes it's move to "control" the citizens.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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MarylandFutureFarmGuy said:
Why is Obama launching an all out attack on the second amendment?

Well gee, there's only been a whole lot of shootings in the media the past few months if you hadn't noticed. This would be the TIME to restrict guns if one wanted to. Frankly, with the previous assault weapons ban, you're forgetting guns have been restricted even more in the past...This applies to a lot of the other rhetorical questions as well.
The massive gun carnage in Chicago with some of the strictest gun control laws in the country was well underway before the two large tragic events late this year. Not a peep from the anti-gun activists on that ongoing urban war which has claimed hundreds of lives in 2012 alone - from my friends near Detroit, its getting really bad there, too. Let's not get in the "assault weapons" discussion, the Clinton era restrictions were ineffective at accomplishing their goals. The recent NY State bans didn't even exempt law enforcement in their rush to "act". And even anti-gun proponent Diane Feinstein, as well as others, have their own concealed carry permits. Do as I say, not as I do?

MarylandFutureFarmGuy said:
Why are some states using computers to predict future crimes?

Well gee, maybe they want to stop future crimes.
So if the "data" shows that individuals that fit a certain profile <insert your or a loved one's personal demographics> are 25% more likely to commit a specific crime, the government is okay to take pro-active action against that individual, even though no crime has been committed? What happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? Today, law enforcement is prohibited from "racial profiling" and it's non-PC to suggest we group potential terrorists/criminals based on race, religion, or something similar, so why is the prediction analysis ok? The movie Minority Report was supposed to be fiction, not a future documentary.

MarylandFutureFarmGuy said:
This goes back to the fact that many Americans think a recession still exists (last time I checked). In reality, it ended in 2009. Now, some might feel as if there is still a recession as they still aren't doing so well, but there has been quite a bit of growth, however slow.
and yet the number of people NOT in the workforce continues to swell (stopping looking for work, causes the official unemployment rate to DROP). Welfare and federal assistance recipients have increased dramatically in the past 4 years. Hardly an good indicator of a growing economy. The actual rate of growth is sluggish at best. Technically from the economic definition of a recession, it did end in 2009, but the growth rate is still anemic.
Annual National Growth Rates 2008 (-0.4%) 2009 (-3.5%) 2010 (3.0%) 2011 (1.7%) best number for 2012 I could find was ~2.6%. Historical numbers
Historically, from 1947 until 2012, the United States GDP Growth Rate averaged 3.25 Percent reaching an all time high of 17.20 Percent in March of 1950 and a record low of -10.40 Percent in March of 1958. The United States has one of the most diversified and most technologically advanced economies in the world. Finance, insurance, real estate, rental, leasing, health care, social assistance, professional, business and educational services account for more than 40 percent of GDP. Retail and wholesale trade creates another 12 percent of the wealth. The government related services fuel 13 percent of GDP. (Emphasis is mine.)

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Franklin's Contributions to the Conference on February 17 (III) Fri, Feb 17, 1775


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Wish they had a like button! I'd have given ya a thumbs up on that post Jamie ;)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Same here. This is the closest we have. :bow


Power Conserver
Aug 9, 2012
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Where do you think?
Please, the police already profile. A couple nights ago I was literally stopped by a cop because he claimed he "smelled dope" as I was walking out of my own property to take a walk. Quite unnecessarily aggressive, even searching my backyard a bit, all based off of the fact that I was "in the bushes," (I don't even have bushes, I was just leaving my yard...). Granted, I was going to file a complaint, but considering he didn't take any information or anything and did (grudgingly) back off, I think it would just lead to more trouble. This likely occurred purely due to the fact that I am a teenage adolescent. If I had been an old man, do you think the same thing would have happened? If I had been black, don't you think I probably would have been arrested?

Now, I don't understand how the system works exactly, but from what I hear, it predicts likely places of crime somehow. I don't exactly see how that is directly related to demographics.

Now, about the whole economy thing, you said it yourself: It is growing slugglishly. Last time I checked, any growth is good growth. Economies aren't always great. Sometimes they are rather bad. But the point is, they fluctuate. Our economy is growing rather slowly. That doesn't mean it always will. That also doesn't mean it will reach 10 percent. but the long term trend is up, and that's how it has been going. You make it sound as if the fact that people aren't looking for work is an indication that unemployment isn't counted correctly. Well the fact of the matter is, if you're not looking for work, then evidently you don't want it, as You're Not even looking for it! Unemployment is counted like that for a reason. If you're a discouraged , you're not part of that rate because you're not even trying. And this isn't something new. There are discouraged workers in both past and future recessions.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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MarylandFutureFarmGuy said:
Please, the police already profile. A couple nights ago I was literally stopped by a cop because he claimed he "smelled dope" as I was walking out of my own property to take a walk. Quite unnecessarily aggressive, even searching my backyard a bit, all based off of the fact that I was "in the bushes," (I don't even have bushes, I was just leaving my yard...). Granted, I was going to file a complaint, but considering he didn't take any information or anything and did (grudgingly) back off, I think it would just lead to more trouble. This likely occurred purely due to the fact that I am a teenage adolescent. If I had been an old man, do you think the same thing would have happened? If I had been black, don't you think I probably would have been arrested?
Legally, "smelling dope" is probable cause. Pulling a car over simply because the occupants' race don't match the racial profile of the neighborhood isn't probably cause, by today's legal standards. I have no ideal of the specifics of your neighborhood, like what goes on there and I didn't witness your interaction with law enforcement, so I can't comment on your experience.

MarylandFutureFarmGuy said:
Now, I don't understand how the system works exactly, but from what I hear, it predicts likely places of crime somehow. I don't exactly see how that is directly related to demographics.
Tracking likely places of crime would indicate a geographical location, plenty of census data around that location, and voila! profiling. Do you have any links or references to this program?
Every major city has places "its not recommended" to travel in if you are not from the area. The demographics of any given area is pretty easy to figure out and the two can be tied together already.

MarylandFutureFarmGuy said:
Now, about the whole economy thing, you said it yourself: It is growing slugglishly. Last time I checked, any growth is good growth. Economies aren't always great. Sometimes they are rather bad. But the point is, they fluctuate. Our economy is growing rather slowly. That doesn't mean it always will. That also doesn't mean it will reach 10 percent. but the long term trend is up, and that's how it has been going. You make it sound as if the fact that people aren't looking for work is an indication that unemployment isn't counted correctly. Well the fact of the matter is, if you're not looking for work, then evidently you don't want it, as You're Not even looking for it! Unemployment is counted like that for a reason. If you're a discouraged , you're not part of that rate because you're not even trying. And this isn't something new. There are discouraged workers in both past and future recessions.
I never said the economy doesn't go in cycles. (I do have some economics training in my background, btw...;)) The economy is growing too slowly, below the average for the last 60 years, despite almost one trillion dollars of borrowed tax money being pumped into the economy. Retail and wholesale trade volume is eclipsed by government related services? Something about that just doesn't feel right - most of the job gains were in the public sector, but that growth is slowing as public entities are tightening their belts.

You make it sound as if the fact that people aren't looking for work is an indication that unemployment isn't counted correctly. I'm saying EXACTLY that. Discouraged workers were dropped from the unemployment number in 1995 under Clinton. AND the "discouraged" number is done through sampling, so it is open to manipulation. That number used to add 2-4% to the overall rate, if I remember correctly. That number is over double that now. This statistical manipulations is how you can have unemployment falling to 8% while 20 million are added to the government support rolls over the same time period.
Look at the chart, the "true" unemployed rate is over 15%. In some segments of the population, that number is over 20%.
U6 number over the past 12 years


Power Conserver
Aug 9, 2012
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Where do you think?
Very well. You have your opinion and I have mine, and something tells me that's not going to change :)

But I think something most of us can agree upon is the world keeps getting better and better, but people seem to think it's getting worse and worse.
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